Chapter 17 (smut)

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For all the readers that wanted some more smut, enjoy~

Wukong pov
We were still kissing when my dick suddenly poke masques leg. "Looks like someone's happy" he said teasing "well how can someone not be happy by seeing a face like yours" I said with a small blush. I could see him blush by that answer and sat on my lab. "Well what should we do about that problem then~" he said continuing to tease me. "You could start using that ass of yours and ride it" I said. He was a bit shocked by that answer and started blushing but quickly clamed down and smirked. "Well if that's the case then lets see how long you can hold it" he said with a smirk and started teasingly rubbing against my dick. I groaned at the touch, this is torture I can't wait that long and started to reach out but he held my hands back "now hold on you don't do anything now" he said "I'll do all the work" and continued rubbing against my dick. "Well~" I said under my breath "could you then at least...not torture me like that~" he smirked. I can tell that he enjoys my suffering and begging. "Alright I won't" he said and started lining up to his entrance but I didn't put it in and just teased me with that. "You're so cruel" I said "nah I just really enjoy your suffering" he said. He continued teasing me for a while longer until I couldn't take it anymore and pushed him completely down onto my dick. He yelled as that sudden movement and pushed his head back. He gasped for air and said "I told don't have to do...anything" "I got impatient here~" I said with a smirk. Oh how I love seeing that face. "Now you can take the lead again~" I said and let go of him. He started moving slowly, still adjusting himself. He moaned quietly at the feeling of my dick moving against his walls. I moan at the small movement, trying my best to hold back. "Looks like you're enjoying this~" he said with a smirk. "Well~" I moaned "continue this and I'll lose my mind~" he blushed at that but just continued teasing me. Moving slowly up and down enjoying the small moans I give from myself. I can't take this teasing anymore so I held his hip and rammed him down at a fast speed. He hit his head back at that sudden movement and fullness. "W-wukong I said...I'll take the lead~" he said under his moans. " took a bit to long~" I said and continued pushing him all the way down, feeling my dick hitting the back of his walls. He held onto my shoulders, trying his best to hold the balance. Tears starting to form in his eyes "I won't do it again~" he moaned out and I let go of him. "Then go on and show me~" I said with a smirk. He catched his breath and started moving again. First slowly but then speeded up until he moved at a quick speed. "You're doing quit well~" I said under my moans "let me~ nh~ help you a bit~" and reached out my hand but before I could do anything he smacked the hand a way. "I said...I'll take the lead~" he said under his moans and continued moving. Never thought he would take it that serious. He slammed himself down hitting the back of his stomach. His walls cleanching against my dick. I moaned and gasp for air at that quick and unexpected move. I could see him smirked at the sound of mine and continued slamming into himself. I can tell he enjoys the control he has right now although I can't slamm into him, I can still have fun in another way. So I leaned closer to him and started kissing and bitting his neck. He stared moaning even loader at the sudden bites. "Ahh~ w-wukong~" he moaned "what can't handle a some neck bites~" I said teasing and continued biting until I hit a certain spot at made him gasp. Now that's the perfect spot and continued nibbling until there was nothing left. He gasped and moaned at every bite I did. He started slowing down a bit going, numb at his movements that's when I took my chance and slammed into him. He gasped at that sudden movement "I s-said...I'll lead~" he moaned under his breath. "You nh~ took to long~" I said and continued slamming into him at a fast speed. He threw his head back, tears starting to fall down his face. How I love it when he's just a pure slut for my dick, going all numb and crazy for it.  I pulled on his hair and said "you're a real slut for this dick aren't you~" he gasped at the grab of the hair. "Y-es~...I'm your slut~" he moaned "that's right" I said. "G-gonna come~" he said under his moans and came after that just in seconds in the water. His sensitive insides were clenching onto me and I could feel I was getting close. I slammed into him and increased my speed little by little until I fully came inside him. He moaned loudly by being filled up until he colapsed on my chest. "Hey monkey king whats with all the noises comming from you guys" I heard mk from afar. "Uhh it's nothing bud just...had a litle to much fun" I said quickly. "Alright we'll go back to the ship now don't take to long" he said "we won't bud" I said and I heard him leave. I felt someone hitting my chest and when I looked down I saw it was macaque. "Aww are you upset" I said teasing him "you know you could've just maybe not come inside me so that I won't be so loud" he said. I grabbed his face "we both know that you love it being filled up by me" I said with a smirk. He blushed "that is true" I heard him say quietly. I chuckled "cmon we can't let the others wait to long for us" and cleaned him up in the hot spring pool. After that I picked him up and was making out way to the ship.

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