Chapter 29

483 21 17

Pov macaque
Ever since I woke up wukongs has been all clingy and protective around me, making sure that I don't overdo myself and telling me that I have to take it slow. "Mango I got you some peaches" wukong said excited as he brought me a peach to the bed and sat down next to me with his own peach. I grabbed the preach from him and took a bite as wukong leaned against me staying close as he ate his own peach. "How are you feeling" he said worried and wrapped his tail around mine. "I'm fine" I said biting down on my peach. I could see his glare of suspicion in the corner of my eye. I sigh "stop being so suspicious you can literally see that I'm fine" he huffed and pushed his cheeks. "Just cuz you look fine doesn't mean you are I'm worrying here and you do this" he said and huffed "unbelievable so ungrateful having the great sage worried and not even appreciating that" he said acting all offended. I sighed rolling my eyes "you're such a drama queen" he let out a dramatic gasp. "Me drama queen oh well sorry you theatre kid that I at least worry for someone" he said offended and I chuckled. "Oh cmon now stop being dramatic I'm not dead" I said as he just huffed and wrapped his arms around me pulling me backward into the bed and I chuckled surprised.

Even after I healed up completely he didn't stop on worrying for me. It was cute at the start but sometimes it can be a bit annoying. I can't even walk around the house without him clinging or watching me. This day is no different than the rest, I was just in the kitchen making some coffee for myself as wukong came over and wrapped his arms around my waist clinging on me from behind. "Geez peaches you seriously can't leave me alone can you" I sighed. "How can I not I finally have you all back to myself" he said and nuzzled into my neck taking in my scent. "You seriously became more clingy than you used to" I sighed as I looked back at him. "At least I care don't complain here" he huffed and gripped tighter onto me as I felt his tail wrapping around my leg. I sighed at the lack of privacy and just poured my coffee in the mug taking a sip. I could see wukong scrunch his nose at the smell of coffee and I chuckled amused at the sight. "Still not liking coffee I see" "why would you like that when there are a lot of better drinks than coffee like peach juice" he complained but still didn't let go of me. "Cuz coffee is good and it tastes amazing" I said proudly as I kept drinking from my mug. He grumbled "geez you're such a baby peaches" I chuckled amused. "I'm not stop saying that mango" he grumbled as his tail flicked. "Yeah sure alright let go of me now I gotta move around" I said putting my mug down and trying to get him off me. He grumbled and kept clinging on me until he got off the floor and clung on me like he was a backpack. "You're not getting rid of me that easily" he said amused proud of his achievement. I sighed too tired to deal with this and just grabbed my mug and walked towards the living room sitting down in the couch. He swiftly moved aside as I sat down clinging onto my side. "Geez peaches you're getting out of hand not even letting me for for a second" I sighed as I sipped on my coffee.  "Stop complaining already you grumpy" he grumbled and kept clinging onto me slowly sliding up on my lap. I blushed surprised and smirked holding his hip "whatcha doing there" I teased amused at the position. He grabbed my mug and put it down on the table. "Hey I wanted to drink that" I protested before he kissed me. My eyes widen surprised and my tail puffed before relaxing and kissing him back pulling him closer on my lap. He slowly pulled away "you got coffee breath" he complained and I chuckled at the comment. "You wanna kiss me or complain" I said amused and he grumbled before kissing me again. I hummed softly into the kiss as my tail intertwined with his. I held his hips pulling him closer as I felt him deepening the kiss even more and buried his hands in the back of my head. He leaned closer pressing me further into the couch before slipping and pinning me down on the couch. I panted softly seeing his amused smirk "you think we can hook up now" "oh shut up now and kiss me you stupid king" I said and pulled him down kissing him. He chuckled before kissing me back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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