Chapter 4

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Mk pov

As I left the room I felt like there was something macaque wouldn't tell us. Ik that I sometimes can't focus on something but when macque told his story I was really focused. I saw monkey king from afar with fruits in his arms. I ran up to him and stopped him from going any further. "Hey monkey king have you also notice that macaque is hiding something from us?" "Wow kid you really got it. I thought I would need to tell you" he said with a laugh. "Monkey king I'm not that dumb and unfocused" I said swinging my arms around the air. "Heh yeah kid ik. Now tell me what did you notice" I'm surprised how quick he can turn serious but came back to reality. "Well he just said that he went to an old temple and fought some old guards but we saw how he was in that cave. He can't just get a fever or whatever that was from just fighting some guards." "Yeah true. After we left the cave I also saw some demons being on the way to that cave." "So there is something he didn't tell us. We have to confront him" "yeah dw kid I got it, oh and good job you thought well along" he said and patted my head. He was about to go inside but I stopped him and got a noodle bag out of my pocket. I just got one for maybe some food break. He took the bag gladly and went inside. I took my staff and left flower fruit mountain I just gotta leave everything to monkey king now. He said he got it undecontrol so it gotta be true.

Macaque pov

I started to fall asleep again when wukong came thru the door with fruits and a bag of noodles in his hands. I sat up and he just put the food on the small table infront of me. "Here your food" he said and I took the noodles and ate them. Wukong still standed infront of me and I started to get annoyed. "What." "How long do you wanna hide the whole truth?" I was shocked by that question I thought I hid everything so well but it might be a trick so just play dumb. "What do you mean?" "DONT YOU PLAY DUMB WITH ME NOW MACAQUE. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN WITH THAT DUMB SPELL" I held my ears shut, I didn't heard anyone yell in a long time especialy yell right infront of me. "BUDDHA DAMN IT WUKONG WOULD YOU JUST STOP YELLING! I'LL TELL YOU IF YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP" he looked shocked at my out rage but quickly calmed down again. "Couldn't you do it before I had to yell" he questioned "yeah yeah just shut up so I can tell you everything" I said annoyed. He shut up and was waiting for me to talk. I started telling him everything about the wizard and the spell. "So yeah that's all that happend and as far as I know the spell only makes me feel really hot." "Was that really all you can remember?" he asked. Wukong was sitting next to me on the couch since I really had a lot to talk about and he didn't really want the summery. "Yup that's all" Wukong looks like he's thinking of something. I just hope it's nothing dumb and stood up from the couch. "Well if you excuse me now, I have to go . You got all the information you needed which means I can go now" I stood up and was ready to go. Wukong suddenly stood infront of me and stopped me from going anywhere. "Well you still can't really leave since we still don't know anything about the curse" he just said. "Are you serious- Oh yeah right what else did I expect from you"I said annoyed. If I could just use my shadows to leave I would've done it already but since my magic is still drained from the fight and the curse. I can't really do anything about it. I just gotta suck it up then. I sighed in defeat "fine let me at least go to the bathroom so I can refresh myself" "I'll go with you" I was shocked he sounded so serious. I could feel my face heating up "Eww what kind of pervert are you" "wha- pervert? No I didn't mean-" I rushed into the bathroom and locked the door before I could hear anything else from him.

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