Chapter 2

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Mk pov

*beep beep*
I growled at the sound of my alarm clock and slammed it to turn it of. Then I suddenly sprang up and looked at the time 8:25. "Oh shit, why again" I said and quickly changed clothes and ran downstairs to pigsy's noodle shop. Pigsy was in the kitchen making some noddles and tang sits there as always eating noddles. "Pigsy I'm so sorry for being late again, I swear I had an alarm on but I somehow lost track of time and again I'm so sorry please don't fire me" I said quickly and begging him not to fire me. "DAMN IT KID, ITS THE THIRD TIME THIS WEEK. YOU REALLY GOTTA STOP GETTING DISTRACTED" pigsy yelled at me. I mean he isn't wrong I do get distracted a lot I just notice it when it's to late. "I swear I won't get distracted anymore or at least try not to, just give me another chance" I begged him cuz getting fired by pigsy is the last thing I want. "Alright kid but this is your last chance if you mess this up I will get a replacement for you, got it" he said. "Yes, 100% got it" and just like that I stormed out of the front door and ready to drive a new delivery. "Kid you forgot something" pigsy said, I looked back and noticed that I forgot the delivery. "He he ups" I said nervously, quickly took the delivery and drove to the destonation where it should be delivered. I drove through the streets and did my best to not get distracted but it's harder then it looks like. As I hold on at a traffic light I saw the Arcade and thought about it, maybe a quick look won't hurt. So I quickly went inside but noticed shortly after my mistake. "No, mk you gotta deliver those noodles" I said to myself and ran back to my delivery car. I drove past the traffic light and apologiesed to the people behind me. I drove pasted a lot of other things and somehow managed to not get distracted but of cours I had to stop for a bubble tea break.

In the end I managed to deliver the delivery in time and went back to pigsy's noddle shop. I walked into the shop and saw pigsy and tang argu again about tang not paying the noddles. I just told pigsy that I've done all the deliverys and that I'm off to monkey king. He just said nothing, assuming that he heard me I just went off with my staff on the way to flower fruit montain. I arrived at my destination and put my staff away. I walked through the waterfall and tried to find monkey king. When I found him, he was on his cloud with little monkeys eating peach chips. "Hey monkey king I'm here for the training" I said as he noticed me he jumped of his cloud and walked up to me. "Alright kid then let's start" he said and jumped back leaving some space between us "I'll give you the first move". I ran up to him trying to hit him with my staff, he just dodged it by jumping up and landing on the staff. I pushed him off the staff, while him being in the air I tried my shot again but he just continued on dodging. "You gotta try harder bud" he said with a smirk on his face. "Well if you wouldn't move every time I try to hit you, it would've been easier" I countered "Nah, that's the training kid. Your enemy is also not gonna wait for you to hit them" he said while he stood still at the edg of a cliff. I took this opportunity and sprinted at him and attacked but he just did a step to the side. So I was about to fall of the cliff, thankfully monkey king grabed me by my jacket and put me down in front of him. "Alright good idea but didn't thought trough, try again" I nodded and we tried again. We fought again to the point where I tried to hit him again and he kicked it out of the way, the staff flew out of my hands and landed somewhere in the forest. "Ups sorry bud" monkey king said with a chuckle "It's fine I'll go get it" and so I went thru the bushes and into the forest. "Don't hurt yourself on the way kid" I heard monkey kid say from afar.

I walked thru the forest and tried to find the staff. I saw some monkeys on the way and just smiled at the look of them. I searched thru some bushes "Cmon staff where are you". I went even deeper into the forest since I couldn't finde my staff somewhere near moneky kings cave. I saw some berries on a bush I picked them and ate them, then I remembered I had to find my staff. It became darker as I tried to despertly find my staff. Then I suddenly stubled over something and noticed its my staff. "Yes finally my staff" I said happily. I grabed my staff and only then noticed that I don't know where I am. " Wow just great Mk. Alright let's try to find the way back" and so I walked around and suddenly found a cave I don't recognis. I don't remember seeing that cave on the way here, maybe there is something inside that could help me and with that I went inside.

Wukong pov

The kid has been gone for an awful long time now I thought as I became worried. Some little monkeys came to me, they looked really worried. "What happened?" I asked them, they screamed something and I immediently understood. I called my cloud and flew above the forest "Buddha damit kid why you gotta get lost" I had a bad feeling I don't know what it is but it's definetly bad. As I was above the forest I suddenly smelled something sweet. I flew down to inspect what it was, there was a cave I comepletly forgot about. I walked in and saw the kid inside holding his staff in his hands and some steps away from something...or someone. I can't really see what it was, it was curled up into a ball against the end of the cave in the dark and the cave was filled with the sweet scent but I tried to shake it off. "Hey kid what are you doing here?" I asked, he looked at me, it seems like he just noticed me "Oh well I tried to find my staff but got lost on the way and when I wanted to find my way back I found this cave. I wanted to see what's inside and found him laying here, I can't really recognis him but he looks kinda familia." the kid explained. Suddenly the ball moved so we could see who it was. It was macaque, I ran in front of the kid to protect him but macaque didn't do anything. That made me curious and walked a bit closer, Mk stayed back with his staff still in his hands for back up. When I got close enough, I noticed that the sweet scent I smelled earlier became stronger the closer I got to him. He also didn't look well he was covered in bruises and cuts, looks like he was in a fight not so long ago. "Omg it's macaque" said mk suddenly behind me, "He looks bad , what do you think could've happen to him" he said in a worried voice "I don't know kid but we should go" "What we can't leave him here like that" "Yes we can" "No" he stepped in front of me, stopping me from leaveing "Macaque needs our help now. I know he did some horroble things but he still needs our help" that made me stop and look back at the now gasping black monkey. I sighed in defeat "alright kid you win but if he acts suspicious in any way he's out" Mk jumped in excitment and relief. I walked back to the gasping black monkey and picked him up in bride style. He suddenly nuzzled into me I was shocked and tried my best to ignore the sweet scent that's coming from him but it became harder every second. I walked back to the kid and called my cloud to be faster in my cave. After we flew out of the cave and into the air I noticed that a lot of other demons were on the way to the cave we just were. That's weird, why would so many demons go to one place?

When we arrived at my cave Mk followed me into my house and I put macaque down on the couch. I noticed that he was sweating and told Mk to bring me a wet towle. He grabed a towle and ran outside, might have not been such a good idea since he got lost seconds ago but I'll just find him a second time then. Thankfully he didn't got lost and ran seconds later inside with a wet towle. I grabed the towle and put it on macaque's forhead, he calmed down a bit but didn't look any better. "Do you think he'll get better" Mk asked worried "Yeah he should I mean he has me as his doctor" I said proud. Mk gave me a relieved smile "alright then I leave it to you monkey king. I gotta go back home, see you tomorrow" "yeah bye kid see you tomorrow" I said waving godbye to him and he left with the staff. I looked back at macaque and thought about what could've happen but the scent became so unbearable sweet that I had to leave the room for some fresh air.

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