Chapter 24

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Mk pov
Everything is going down, macaque got kinapped and monkey king is worried sick. We just finished our last adventure and only had like a week break and now macaque got kinapped by the major. We have to bring macaque back before anything happens to him. Who knows what the major did to him while we just sit here and try to track him down. I started to get more worried about macaque but I had to stay calm, monkey king is already to worried about him. "Tang do you have any idea how to find macaque" monkey king asked for the hundred time now. "How many times do I have to say it, I'm working on it" tang said looking thru a book. "Well cant you work a bit quicker, who knows what the major did to macaque already" he said worried. "Monkey king" I said softly putting my hand on his shoulder "we'll find him as quickly as we can" I said with a smile. He  sigh "sorry bud, its just..I'm really worried" he said looking at the ground. "Yeah I know but we'll do our best to find him as quckly as we can before the major can do anything" I said trying to be confident. He gave a small smile "thanks bud, now" he said and stood up putting his hands on his hips. "Tang did you found anything so far?" He asked "I'm trying its really hard to try and find out something in books when you don't even know what you're dealing with, okay" he said frustrated. "Hey tang calm down take a breath" pigsy said trying to calm him down. Tang took a deep breath and calmed down a little. "Hey mk I know someone that can help us" mei said to me. "Really tell me right now" I said curious who she might mean. "You know our red boy-" she said with a wide smile on her face. "Do you seriously want to bring him into this again" I said a bit caught off guard but what else was I expecting. "So are you gonna text him or should I" she said excited. I sighed "I'll do it" I said and pulled out my phone to text redson.

Redson pov
I was working on a new maschine when my phone suddenly buzzed. I sighed annoyed I swear if its again the dragon horse girl I will block her. I walked up to grab my phone annoyed and was surprised that it wasn't mei but rather mk. I got a little nervous and started to read his messages. I was shocked at what I read and quickly left my engineer room to go to pigsys noodles and help as good as I can. I bursted thru the door "I came as fast as I could after I got your messages noodle boy" I said quickly. "Redson great that you came, do you have any idea how to find macaque again?" mk asked eagerly I thought for a moment when suddenly an idea came up my mind. "Do we still have that compass that we used to find the wizard?" I asked "uh yeah I have it somewhere in my pocket" wukong said and pulled out the compass out of his pocket. "Uh why do you have that?" mk asked and wukong gave a nervous chuckle "yeah monkey man why do you have the compass from macaque, is there something you want to tell us?" mei asked with a wide smile. I cleared my throat "the compass" I said impatient and held out my hand for him to hand me the compass. "Yeah right here" wukong said and handed me the compass. "Soo what are you gonna do with it" mk asked looking over my shoulder. "We would be able to find liu'er with the compass" I said. "Wait really how" Mei asked also looking over my shoulder. I scoffed "you idiots do I have to explain everything to you" I said angrily. "Cmon red just explain it, it ain't that bad" mk said leaning on my shoulder. I sighed "alright then, we can find liu'er with the compass just like he did, finding the wizard the only difference is that we need a small piece that belongs to him like a bit of his clothes or his fur" I explained."Of course why didn't I thought about it sooner this is like the most logical idea" tang said disappointed at himself. "Of course you peasants wouldn't come up with this idea" I said. "Can't you shut up or at least continue your explanation" pigsy said angrily comforting tang. "How dare you, you peasant" I said angrily at him my hair turning into flames. "Alright lets calm down everyone" mk quickly said and patted my shoulder to calm me down. I took a deep breath and calmed down from his touch, my flames going down. "Alright now that everyone has calmed down can you explain again what we have to do with this compass to find macaque" mk said and gave an awkward chuckle. "Are you-" I said a bit angrily and sighed "we need something that belongs to liu'er and combine it with the compass so we can find him with it" I explained again. "So does anyone has something that belongs to macaque?" I asked "it can be anything" "I bet monkey man has something" mei said with a checky smile nudging against his shoulder. "Alright fine I have something" wukong gave in "but I need to get back to flower fruit mountain to grab it" "thats fine we'll wait" mk said. Wukong nodded and summoned his cloud flying quickly to flower fruit mountain. After a short while he came back with an amour belt back in his hand. "Whats that?" Mk asked curious looking at the belt. "Its something he used to wear when we were younger, I kept it in reminder of him" he said with a sad smile. "Oh I'm sorry monkey king I didn't know" mk said noticing his sadness. "Its fine bud, its all in the past and we're good again" he said with a happy smile and ruffled his hair. I cleared my throat "sorry to interrupt this emotional bonding but we wanted to find liu'er right so why don't you give me that belt so that we can combine it with the compass" I said holding out my hand. "Right we gotta find him as quick as possible" he said determent and handed me the belt. I drew a symbol and the floor placing the compass and the armour belt in it and sighed "Wukong I sadly also need your powers since you used them already once with the compass" I said a bit annoyed at the idea. He nodded and used his powers to combine the armour belt with the compass. The belt dissapeared and a small dot was shown on the compass. "Yes we got him" he said excited "now lets go rescue macaque and I'll kill that major if I find out that he has hurt him in anyway"

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