Chapter 27

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Sorry I've been gone longer then usual kinda forgot about this and didnt had the motivation for long but now I'm good
I really am evil leaving you guys with such a big cliffhanger also possible gore warning 🤭

Pov macaque
I woke up after a long while laying on the ground when I sat up and rubbed my head in pain. Soon I looked down at my hand and saw almost fully dried blood on it. Then I slowly started to remembered what happened. "I will kill that mayor for using me like that and even laughing at me" I grumbled before I slowly tried to get up being a bit wobbely and dizzy on the legs as I walked towards the door. I tried opening the door but it wouldn't move, I got a bit annoyed and tried to jerk the door open but it still wouldn't budge. "That fucking mayor locked me in here" I mumbled annoyed. I kept trying, even starting to kick the door but even that won't work. I sighed and sat back down against the wall exhausted, just then the door opened and the mayor walked in. "Ah looks like you're awake again" the mayor said with a sinister smile. "Yeah I am awake and I'm ready to kick your ass" I said furious as I got back on my feet. "Oh please what can you do to me you can't even stand on your own legs" the mayor mocked me. "I'll kick your ass" I said annoyed frowning walking up to him ready to hit him. I swung out but he just dodged and sweeped me legs off the ground causing me to fell over and hit the ground. "Oh looks like the great six eared macaque isnt at his best" the mayor said mockingly and chuckling sinisterly. "Just you wait before I wipe that smile off you face" I said annoyed getting back up to my feet. "Shut up already youre too weak to even land a hit on me" the mayor said before kicking me into the stomach causing me to curl up on the ground holding my stomach in pain. "Now come m'lady is waiting for you" he said and grabbed my hair dragging me across the ground and along the hallways. He threw me in front of him on the ground as we arrived at a thrown hall. "Here he is again m'lady" the mayor said and bowed down to his knees in front of a thrown. I lifted my head wanting to get back up on my knees but the mayor quickly slammed my head back down to the ground causing me to bow to the ground. "You bow down to m'lady you ape" the mayor said threatening. "you asshole dont slam my head like that" I said irritated and tried lifting my head back up but quickly got slammed back into the ground causing my to hiss in pain. "Why dont we show m'lady just how much fun we had before" the mayor said with a sinister smile.

After some time I was covered in blood and bruises again probably even some broken bones. I could hardly keep my eyes open as blood rolled down my forehead and down my face. "Look at that not having such a big mouth anymore huh" the mayor mocked me and grabbed my throat lifting me off the floor and holding me in the air. When suddenly the wall was kicked in and wukong flew in quickly with his cloud. "LET GO OF HIM" Wukong yelled and punched the ground between me causing the mayor to let go of me. I fell back down but wukong caught me right before I hit the ground. "Finally found you" wukong said relieved and sighed holding me close to him and feeling his hand wiping some of the blood off my face. I was too exhausted from all the beating to even say anything as wukong just stood up and placed me down in his cloud. "Rest now I'll take care of everything" I heard him say before I relaxed into his cloud and passed out.

Wukong pov
I was relieved seeing macaque again but furious seeing what the mayor did to him. I clenched my fists tightly seeing the blood on macaques face his body full of bruises and cuts, its the worst state I've ever seen him. He didnt even looked this badly when I killed him. "WHERE HERE LET MACAQUE GO MAYOR" Mk yelled as him and the others quickly came running into the hole I broke into the wall. "YEAH LET HIM GO YOU BIG meany..." Mei joined Mk yell but stopped herself when she saw macaques state. The others pigsy, tang and  sandy came thru the hole and froze as they saw macaques state. "Mk take macaque and bring him somewhere save" I said as calmy as I could. "No monkey king we came here to help you" Mk protested "why talk so much you're boring me" the mayor said and charged at mk but I quickly blocked his attack. "Kid take macaque and go now" I said stern and mk quickly nodded and Sandy picked up the unconscious macaque from my cloud and carried him out followed by the everyone else. "Now mayor it's just us two" I said and punched him into the wall. "How dare you touch my mango and think you can get away with it" I said furiously walking closer to the mayor. The mayor groaned and held his side as he stood back up. "That ape got what he deserved after betraying m'lady" he said with a smirk. I gritted with my teeth and clenched my fists "YOU ALMOST KILLED HIM WHEN I JUST GOT HIM BACK" I yelled and charged at him wanting to hit his head but he dodged and I hit the wall making it crackle. "I'll make you feel more pain than you could've imagine" I said furiously as my glamour wears off and my red eyes were seen making him have chills at the sight. "You're not scaring me" he said as brave as he could and went for an attack but I just dodged and grabbed him by the throat throwing him against the wall. He gasped and groaned as his back hit the wall falling down to the ground before slowly getting back up. I wasted no time and just punched him back down, hitting his head into the ground making the ground crackle. "I'll kill you" I said coldly with a cold stare and red eyes making him have chills down his spine at the sight. I grabbed him by the hair and lifted him off the ground before slamming him back down making his head hit the ground and bleed. I kept him on the ground and punched into him mercilessly. Blood covering my hands as his head bleed from my punches covering the ground. He tried to fight back and get away but I held him down firmly keeping him from moving away. I kept hitting into him and after some time he stopped moving but I didn't stop and kept on punching. After a while I sighed having my hands covered in his blood and the ground covered and crackled. His face was unrecognisable all covered in blood and destroyed. You could see the marks from the punches, his face being flat as a pancake. His head deep in the ground with jaw deep in his face and nose completely destroyed. His eyes out of the sockets and just hanging out at the sides. He just laid there limp not breathing anymore being dead after the punches. I got up and sighed before walking away, not payed him anymore attention.

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