Chapter 26

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pov wukong
We kept thinking on how to find macaque as soon as possible. I will personally kill the mayor if I find out he just touched a hair on macaque. "Hey guys what if we use that compass again to find macaque" mk said. "Wow mk this is a really go idea didn't know you can be smart for once" Mei mocked him a little playfully. "Hey I am a very smart guy" mk said playing offended. "Sure you are bud but you got any idea then how to use that compass to find macaque" I asked crossing my arms thoughtful. They all thought for a moment "oh what if we get redson again" mk said excited. "Oh~ you mean your boyfriend" Mei teased him playfully. "He's not my boyfriend" mk said blushing embarrassing. "oh yeah redsons a real game changer here" pigsy said rolling his eyes. "Cmon pigsy he actually does help us" mk said and pigsy rolled his eyes. I chuckled at that scene "alright bud let's get redson then" I said and summoned my cloud hoping on it right after and mk held onto me as he jumped on. "We'll be off then and bring redson here" I said before flying off towards dbks castle.

Mk knocked on the door after arriving at dbks castle and soon redson opened the door. "Noodle boy what are you doing here especially what is he doing here" redson said pointing at me. "HUH WHATS THAT-" I yelled but mk cut me off "well uhh we have a problem" mk started and redson sighed "what did you guys do this time" he said a bit annoyed. Mk let out a dramatic gasp "we didn't do anything it was rather the mayors fault he was the one that kidnapped macaque" "HES WHAT" redson yelled surprised. "Yeah it happened when macaque and I just enjoyed our time together and before I knew it I saw him getting thrown into a portal by the mayor" I explained. Redon sighed rubbing his eyes "and you guys need my help cuz you have an idea but don't exactly know how it should work" we both chuckled awkwardly and rubbed our heads knowing he was completely right. Redson sighed "alright then let me grab my jacket and then we'll go" he said before going back inside and coming back out wearing his jacket.

We soon went back to piggy's noodles and with redson holding onto mk. "Alright everyone we're back and we got redson" I said and let mk climb off the cloud with redson. "Amazing you got your boyfriend now redson will definettly help us" mei teased them a bit. mk and redson blushed embarressed at that "DRAGON GIRL WE'RE NOT BOYFRIENDS" redson yelled at her and she chuckled. "guys as much as I love the playfullness of this but we gotta get macaque from the mayor" I said worried. "Yeah right thats why we got redson" mk said. "And how am I suppose to help you out with this?" Readson said crossing his arms. "Oh yeah right so I thought we could use the compass again to find macaque and maybe you could help us out" Mk explained. Redson sighed "let me get this straight you want me to use the compass so we can find macaque like he used it to find the wizard" Mk nodded quickly. "Redson I know we both dont have the best relationship between us but I'm really worried over macaque" I said trying to not sound too worried and nervous. Redson kept quiet for a while, I think he was thinking it over and sighed "I dont know exactly if it would work on what I have in mind but it is worth a shot." I sighed relieved "alright what do you need" I said ready to start. "We need anything related to macaque, anything that was in his possession" redson explained and everyone started thinking. I thought back till I finally had something in mind "wait guys I have somthing let me get it" I said "wait monkey king since when do you have soemthing from macaque" mk said confused but before I could answer I already jumped on my cloud, flying back to my mountain.

After a while I came back with macaques armour belt that he used to wear when we were younger. "Uhh monkey king why do you have this?" Mk asked "oh well long story bud" I said rubbing the back of my head "but anyway not the time for that now." I didnt really wanted to tell him that macaque and I used to live together and I still have some of his stuff at my place. "Redson now that I got something from macaque what now" I said a bit more serious. "well we have to combine the armour with the compass but that's only possible with someones powers he's close to" redsom explained and suddenly everyone stared at me. "What?" I said confused "cmon monkey man we all know that you and macaque are a thing" Mei said with a smug smile. "What no we're not" I said panicked "I literally caught you guys being so close from kissing" mk said looking at me as if its the most obvious thing.  I blushed brightly embarrassed and my fur puffed up. "WHAT THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING YOU MUSTVE BEEN DREAMING" I said panicked. They all looked at me and redson sighed "doesn't matter anyway we need your powers to be able to find liu're" "yeah right" I said calming down. "So what should I do?" "You have to combine the object in this situation macaques old amour with the compass with your powers" redson explained. I nodded and sighed placing the compass and macaques old amour down on the ground lifting my arm and using my powers to combine the two. Soon the compass and the old amour lifted up into the air as they started glowing when macaques old amour suddenly disappeared leaving only the compass behind as it fell back on the ground. "Huh what where's macaques amour?" I said confused picking up the compass. "It comes back..I think" redson said "but anyway now that the preparations are done we can start finding liu'er" "yeah let's go rescue mission" mk said excited and I smiled relieved looking down at the compass in my hand. Hold on mango I'll be with you soon.

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