Chapter 9

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Mk pov

As we were on the ship I had an amazing idea. What if we take redson with us? So I went to mei and told her about my idea. "Mk that's an amazing idea, lets go tell everyone else." said mei and ran to get everyone. "So would you tell us now why we had to get outside" pigsy said impatient. "I had an amazing idea, what if we bring redson with us" I said and everyone went quiet. "Kid I don't think that's a great idea" pigsy said. "Why? He did help us with lbd, that does make him some kind of hero" mei complained. "Well-...uh" pigsy stuttered having no words "he's still a bad guy" "are you serious pigsy" I said. He didn't had any words left. "So that means we can get him. Lets go sandy lead the ship to the dbk kingdom." I said excited and he ran to the cockpit.

We arrived at the kingdom flying above the palace. "Alright imma go get him" I said but macaque stopped me. "Hold on kid I don't think they would let you take redson since you're monkie kid and all" "oh yeah forgot about that part. Then what should we do about it?" I asked "I'll come along, I have been friends with them in the past" he said and with that we went down and knocked on the door. A bull robot opened that door. He bowed to macaque and let him in but stopped me from entering. "It's fine he's with me" he said and the bull robot let me in. We walked for a while until we arrived at the throne hall where dbk and pif sat. "Good day pif" said macaque and did a little bow. "Hello liu'er long time no see. What do you need from us and why is he here?" She asked. She looked at me like she was throwing knifes at me. I got a bit scared and wanted to say something but macaque stopped me. "You better shut up I'll do the talking" he whispered. "Well pif I was going to get a new lantern and he and his friends decided it would be fun to tag along" "and what does that have to do with us?" She asked. "This kiddo here decided it would be great to bring redson along with us" he answered. "Who do you think you are asking for my son to have such nonsense with these people" said dbk angrily. "I'm an old friend of pif if you really wanna know and I would say that your son would love to have an adventure rather then sitting here doing nothing" macaque said trying to stay calm. "WHAT NONSENSE" he yelled. "Father, is everything alright?" Suddenly redson was there in the corner of the doorway. "Yes everything is fine, now would you go back to your room" said pif and waved her hand signalling him to leave. "But I heard father yelling from my building room" redson said sounding worried.  What is even happening here? Are my friends really that bad for redson? "Hey um daddy-I mean demon daddy-I mean dbk..uh" great now I fucked that up. Macaque sighed in disbelief. I have gave nervous smile and said "uh why wouldn't you let us take redson with us? We won't bring him into any trouble, if you think that's the reason" "what why would you want to take me with you?" Redson asked. "Well I had this amazing idea to bring you with us in finding a new lantern for macaque" I answered. "Mother, father why wouldn't you let me go with them? I have pretty much nothing to do here" he asked and I could see macaque gave dbk a smirk of satisfaction. "BECAUSE I SAID SO" yelled dbk and redson twitched from it and macaque held his ears shut. "Now now calm down my dear" pif said calming dbk down from yelling. I've had enough of this "WHAT IS THAT KIND OF REASON? IF REDSON WANTS TO GO WITH US THEN JUST LET HIM GO, HES NOT A LITTLE BOY ANYMORE AND YOU GUYS PRACTICALLY ALREADY LEAVE HIM DO HIS OWN THINGS" I yelled. Everyone was quiet and stared at me from my outburst. "He does have a point" said macaque "you guys let him do your work mostly and you often get the credit for it" "oh shut up, what do you know? You're just the shadow of a king" said dbk. "Alright dear I think that was a bit to far. He's my friend although I hate to admit it but the monkie kid does have a point there" pif said and everyone was shocked even redson. Dbk scoffed "alright fine take him with you" "REALLY?" Redsons eyes sparkled "oh thank you father and mother I will be successful" he said and ran upstairs. YES, so that means he's gonna come with us. "You better wait outside so we can still discuss some things with redson in private" pif said and just as told we went outside. "You did a good job there kid, never though you would have such an outburst" macaque said and ruffled my hair. "Hey not my hair...yk, I just really wanted redson to be with us. This group isn't full without him" I said. Just as I finished my sentence the front door opened and it was redson with a bag in his hand. "Alright let's go then" said macaque "oh! No wait" said redson and ran back inside. He came back after some time, there was something between his arms but I couldn't really make sure what it was. "Now you're ready?" Macaque asked "yes now I'm ready" he said and with that we went back to the ship. After we arrived everyone was happy to see us again and Mei gave me a hug. "Hey you got him kid" said wukong "great job" and patted my head. "Of course I did a great job I'm the monkie kid" I said proud. "Yeah you are and I'm your great mentor" wukong said. "Alright you two shut up and let mk lead redson to his room" said macaque interrupting our proud talking. "Oh yeah right, cmon redboy I show you you're room" I said and took his hand leading him to his room.

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