Chapter 15

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Mk pov
We were searching for wukong and macaque when I saw wukong with macaque in his arms leaving a room. "Guys, there you are" I said excited and ran up to them. "Woaw bud calm down" macaque said, I stopped before them and redson was suddenly behind me. "YOU DISGUSTING APE, LET LUI'ER DOWN THIS INSTANT" he yelled "well kiddo if I do that, he'll just fall down" monkey king said. "And why is that?" Redson asked "that's what I wanna know too" I added. "Well we kinda-" he was cut off by macaque "got into a fight with the wizard and I got injured" monkey king chuckled "Yeah definitely what happened" and gave macaque a smirk. Well that was weird "mhm yeah totally nothing else" Mei said standing next to me. I jumped, seriously how did I not notice her being there. Macaque cleared his throat "anyways we got the lantern now" "yes let's go" I said excited. "Well yeah good news everyone but I think we should get going before this building crushes us" pigsy said and just after that the building starts to fall apart. "Welp I guess this is our cue to run" said monkey king "yeah no shit sherlock" said macaque and we all started running outside. Building parts started to fall down almost crushing us. We continued running until we saw the exit. We all made it out safely somehow. "Alright" I said out of breath "what now?" "We should probably head back to the ship" said tang. "Yeah good idea" I said and we went back to the ship.

"I should probably put you down somewhere to sit" monkey king said but before he could do that Mei came and said "no wait let me take a picture first" and before they could say anything she already took a picture. They went inside and only Mei and redson was with me still outside. "Well I guess this is the end of our journey" I said kinda disappointed. "It doesn't have to be the ending you know" Mei said "we can still have fun and hang out together" "the dragon girl is right" redson said "although with the hanging out together I would need to ask my parents but it should work" I smiled and hugged them. "Boy am I glad to have you as friends" I said and Mei hugged back "you betcha we're good friends" redson just stood there not hugging back but also didn't complain about it. Seems like he's just admiring the moment. He does look cute now that I have a closer look at him. We stood like that until the sun was starting to set. "It's getting late, we should go sleep now" redson said. "Oh I have a better idea" Mei said excited "what if we have a sleepover together" "Mei that sounds great" I said just as excited as her. Redson sighed "you idiots do know that our rooms are not that far apart" "what about it, we can still have a sleepover" Mei said. "YOU-" he tried to say anything but just ended up stuttering angrily. I don't know why but he's somehow cute when he's angry and tries his best to be scary.  He sighed "Alright sleepover it is" "great we'll do it in my room" I said excited "grab all your things you need and just come over"

Redson pov
I got all my stuff from my room that I would need for the sleepover and went to mks room. Everything was looking pretty comfortable and it's a little decorated with monkey king posters. Seems like the dragon girl it's there yet. "Oh redson you're here" mk said "just put you're stuff somewhere you like" I nodded and put them on the floor next to his stuff and sat down. "So what do you wanna do as long as we wait for Mei?" He asked "I don't know I usually would work on one of my projects" I said. He looked at me interested as if he never heard of that. "Really, I mean I knew you build stuff but I didn't know you have whole projects" he said excited, leaning closer to me. I started to blush a little, I do have to admit he is cute when he's excited. Just that moment the door opens and Mei stood in the doorway. "Ooh looks like you guys were doing something there~" she said teasing. My hair started to caught fire "THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK DRAGON GIRL" I yelled embarrassed. "Ooh yeah sure~" she continued "IM TELLING YOU STOP IT" I yelled at her. Mk just sitting there watching this whole thing. She continued teasing me and I just got angrier at her, when suddenly mk stopped us before anything could go wrong. "Guys I think we all should calm down and just have this sleepover alright" he said "yeah sure" Mei said and put her stuff that she brought with her down. "Alright now that we're all done we should play a game" mk said. "You can't be serious noodle boy" I said "of course I'm serious" he said. "Oh I know what we can play" Mei said excited "truth or dare" she had an evil grin on her face. Alright now this is making me worried. "Yeah sure who starts?" Mk asked "oh I do" Mei said "alright truth or dare redboy?" Why me first, could've just started with the noodle boy. I don't particularly like her grin so I should be careful with what I choose. "Truth" I said her grin just became bigger. Was that the wrong choice? "Do you have a crush on someone?" She asked "wha-why would you want to know that?" I asked. "Just answer the question" she said. I sighed and started to blush a little "yea I do" "ooh who is it?" Mk asked "you can only ask one question if I'm correct" I said quickly. "Oh yeah right" he said "but wait isn't it my turn now?" He asked, I was shocked why does it have to be like this. "Yeah it is" Mei said "yeah truth or dare redson" mk said. "Why am I the only one getting asked here?" I said "cuz it's fun" he said. "You-"I tried to say anything but I couldn't find the right words. I sighed "alright dare" "aww I wanted truth" he said in a sad tone "well to bad for you" I said. " on someone's door and run a way" he said, well that doesn't sound that bad. So I got outside and knock on lui'ers door and ran away immediately. The thrill was running thru me and I started to laugh to myself a little. I got back inside mks room and closed the door. They were watching the entire thing and falling to the floor laughing, I started to laugh with them a little until I also ended up on the floor. We calmed down after a while and it was my turn to ask truth or dare. "Truth or dare dragon girl" I said "truth" she said. This is gonna be more complicated then I thought. "Well what's the best thing that ever happened to you" "ooh redson going on deep~" she said "would you just shut it, I don't know what else to say" I said angrily. "Yeah I get it, let me think" she said, she thought for a moment and said "I would say it's the time I met mk" "aww Mai" he said and hugged her. "Okay okay my turn again" she said excited and there was this evil grin again. "Redboy truth or dare" alright let's get it over with and said "Dare" "sit on mks lab" she said. I was surprised and started blushing uncontrollably. "You want me to sit where?" I asked "on mks lab" she said in the most normal voice you could think of. "I'm not doing that" I said crossing my arms. "But it's a dare~" she said teasing "you don't wanna be a loser right~" for gods sake this girl is getting on my nerves. So I stood up and sat on his lab, I was blushing uncontrollably not daring to look at him. "So how long do I have to sit here?" I asked. She had this evil grin on her face again and said "for the rest of the game~" "ARE YOU KIDDING ME" I yelled and was ready to throw fire balls at her. "Redboy if you stand up now you're a loser" she threatens me. I gritted with my teeth and stood quiet. We played for a little longer until we went to bed. I'll never forgive the dragon girl for that move, it was way to embarrassing.

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