Chapter 13

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(So this is a bit longer then I thought it would be. Also warning this chapter contains some anxiety attacks and some other disturbing things if you can call it disturbing)

Redson pov
I was dragged around the city from the noodle boy and the dragon girl. Why am I always the one getting dragged around by those people? The others where far behind us but still in sight. The only person I could clearly see was the blue sandy guy. Mk caught my attention when he said "hey redson let's see what's over there" and pointed at a shop. He grabbed my hand "w-wait noodle boy" was all I could say before he started running towards it. My face started to head up a bit cuz of the sudden touch. Mei was already ahead of us and yelled "CMON DONT BE SO SLOW" and laughed. "YEAH WE'RE COMMING" he yelled back and all I could do was going along.

It was a small shop for masks. Mei was already looking at all the pretty masks that were there. Some masks looked like a white fox with red strips, some were red demons, some a red dragon with a little gold and some even looked like monkeys. Well that's surprising why would such a small shop have so many masks and why would they even sell monkey masks? "Hey look" mei said grabbing a dragon mask "this is just perfect for me, I'll take it" and paid for the mask. Well that was quick. "Here redson look" mk said, holding up a demon mask to my face "this would be perfect for you" I scoffed "as if I would wear that thing" and shoved the mask away. "Just because I'm a demon doesn't it mean that I'll wear a demon mask" I said "and if you think in that way" mei said "this would suit you perfect mk" holding up the monkey mask "you know with all the monkie kid stuff" "OH, this is perfect mei" he said cheereful holding up the mask. "Then lets take it" she said and paid for the maks. "Wait mei you don't have to pay for me" mk said "nah don't worry about it bro I'm rich remember" she said amused. "Oh yeah right forgot about that" he said "so redson what mask would you want then?" I looked at all the different masks until my eyes where locked on one mask particular. It was one of the fox mask but it was different then the others, it wasn't white with red strips no it was the other way around. It was a red mask with white strips and it looks like it was the only one left. I took it down and held it in my hands for some time. "Oh you like that one redson?" mk asked leaning into me"what no-maybe" I said "so you like foxs redson, good to know-" mei said leaning into my other side. "WOULD YOU TWO JUST QUIT IT" I yelled causing my hair to turn into flames and raising my arms, shoving them away from me. "Alright chill redboy-" mei said "it's redson" i said interupting her "yeah or that but here I'll buy it for you" "no wait-" I said wanting to stop her but I was to late, she already paid for it but that didn't really bother me. I actually really like this mask just don't really want them to know that.

Wukong pov
I had my hood on to avoid any eye contact since there were so many people around here. I tired to stay calm but it was a harder then I thought. Macauqe was beside me having his hands in his pockets. Seems like he doesn't really mind the amount of peolpe walking here. Lucky him, I'm suppose to not care about crowded places and not him. I'm the monkey king, a legends and he's just a theatre kid. I didn't notice that a was starting to stare at him until he said "what are you looking at?" I quickly looked away pulling my hood further down "nothing" was all I said and I felt my face heat up out of the embarrassment. He seem to shrug it off and continued walking. Thank Buddha I definetly don't wanna explain myself for that.

We continued walking for a while and I could feel my anxiety growing by every second I'm in these crowed places. Which seems like we're a lot in those since mk always runs off with redson and mei behind so we have to follow them and get them back so no one gets lost. It's strange citys are usually not that crowded as now. It seems like here's a fastival happening, every thing is pretty decorated and everyone was walking into different directions. I was still into my thought and admiring the decoration when I suddenly bumped into someone. "Watch where you're going" he said annoyed, I could only let out a quiet sorry and bowed down to apologise. "What was that I couldn't hear you" he said and came closer to me, holding his hand to his ear signalising me to speak up. Oh god please no, I felt everyones eyes looking at me and I couldn't get a single word out. I was frozen in fear, right there in front of that man. "You gotta speak up so I can hear you" he continued, I could feel I was close from a break down. My surroundings started to black out, I don't know where everyone else is from the group. Everything started to black out, I started shaking and the voice of the man even started to fade when I suddenly felt someone holding my hand and dragging me out of there into an alley. I was leaning against the wall and slowly started to catch my breath and calmed down when my vision started focusing again. I saw it was macaque standing in front of me looking worried. "Is it better now?" He asked, I took a deep breath and said "yeah better" still having shaky hands. Did he knew I was having a panic attack there? How would he know I never told him anything about that. "Sandy told me" he said answering my questions as if he could read my mind. "How would Sandy know?" I asked "I guess he has a thing for that" he said and shrugged. We stayed quiet for a while and I'm still trying to calm down a bit. When he suddenly came closer and gave me a hug out of no nowhere. I was shocked and hesitated before hugging back. We stayed like this until I had the courage to say "I...really am sorry mango" he said nothing and just stayed quiet. I can tell he was thinking about it and he started to let go of the hug. I held my head low not really expecting him accepting my apology. Why would he even? I killed him, I destroyed our friendship just cuz my anger got the best of me. I heard him taking a breath before starting to speak "I understand that you're sorry for what you did" I lifted my head out of curiosity and he continued "but I still can't really forgive you" "please what can I do so that you forgive me" I said desperately. I can't take it anymore, I wanna be back together with him. I missed him so much. "Take off your glamor" he said and crossed his arms. My heart sank, I was not prepared for that request. I stayed quiet for a long time not doing anything, being to scared of his reaction. He scoffed "of course you wouldn't do that" he said and was starting to leave. I didn't wanted him to leave but if I want him to stay I have to take my glamor off. Fuck it, this is my last chance of doing something right so I took off my glamor before macauqe could leave completly. He turned around and was shocked. Several scars are showing from past battles and the golden headband still on my head. He slowly came closer and held my head. He hesitated but said"they...didn't took it off?" "No they didn't...they said I was to dangerous" I said with a sad tone in my voice. "Oh I'm so sorry" he said I could tell by his voice he felt guilty for making me show it. "It's fine I deserve it" I said smiling "so do you forgive me now?" He sighed "yeah I forgive you" my tail wagged happily at that answer and I kissed him. He was surprised at first but kissed back. My arms moved around his waist and he layed his arms on my shoulder. It started to get heated after some time but a loud noise startled us and broke the kiss. We ran out of the alley and saw a big hole in one of the buildings. Whats happening here and where are the others? Just after that I saw the group being protected by sandy. I grabbed macauqes hand and we ran to them.

Macaque pov
We arrived at the group wukong still holding my hand. I have a bad feeling about this whole thing. "Monkey king is everything okay?" Mk asked worried for his mentor "I'm fine bud, the question is are you guys fine?" wukong said. "We're fine but we don't know what's happening here" he said "dont worry bud we'll figure this out" wukong said putting his hand on mks shoulder. They were all still discussing on what could've happen here when I saw him. The wizard was there in the sky flying inside the next building. He must be after the lantern the artefact showed us. Without further thinking I let go of wukongs hand and started running to him. I could hear wukong yelling after me but I ignored it and continued running.

I arrived at where I saw the wizard landing but I couldn't see him anywhere. I continued walking getting ready for a battle when I felt a magic object close by. It must be the lantern I was looking for, the wizard might also be there. I walked closer to the feeling of the magic still being careful by my every move. I ended up into a room full of diffrent objects and weapons but I didn't really pay any attention to them until I saw the lantern in a glass box. I got excited of finally finding a new lantern for me so I let me guard down for a second and that was a mistake. Before I could break the glass box I got hit with something hard to my side. I flew a little to the side, when I looked up and saw it was the wizzard laughing at me. I'm so not having this shit, he's gonna see whos laughing in the end. I jumped into the shadow and appeared behind him again. I gave him a hit to the back which made him gasp. I was ready for another hit but he flew up and summoned a demon. Oh great now I have to deal with that too. I fought the demon for a while, hitting him countless times giving him bad injuries but he still didn't seem to back off. I tried not to lose focuse from the wizzard but it was hard when the demon attacks without a break to catch my breath but just a moment the demon was startled from one of my hits and I took this chance to attack the wizzard. I jumped into the shadows and attacked him from the shadows. My shadow arm grabbed him and dragged him down to the ground just as I appeared out of the shadows he hit me with a spell again. No not again, I just got this stupid spell off me. I began feeling weak and hot again.  I couldn't hold myself anymore and fell to the ground. I could see the demon walking over to me. "NO DON'T COME CLOSER" I yelled at it and crawled back trying to make enough space between us but he was faster then me and cought me in seconds. He pinned me to the ground holding my hands tight to the ground. Please not like that, no I don't wanna. "LET GO OF ME, DONT TOUCH ME" I yelled tears starting to build up in my eyes. I tried my best to get out of the grip but it was useless. He came close to my neck every second, the wizard just watched amused at that view. "PLEASE NO STOP" I yelled tears starting to fall down my face. Just before the demon was about to bite down my neck someone kicked him off of me. It was wukong, he stood above me protecting me and growling at them. How is he not affected by that scent from the spell? The wizard got angry at wukongs actions and ordered the demon to attack him. The demon ran at him with full speed but wukong was just as angry as the wizard. He just puched the demon with full strength and he got send against a wall, the wall broke down instantly. Oh damn he's really mad. The last time I saw him like that was when he killed me. His eyes glowed a dark red and he clunched his fist so hard it was close from bleeding. He walked up to the wizard and he backed away scared. The wizard tried to run away but wukong grabbed him before he could flee. "Dont you DARE touch my mango again. Only I'm allowed to do that" he said threatening. My heart fluttered at that name, I'd never thought he would use it again. I got taken back to reality when he smached the wizards head against the floor. Blood was everywhere, pretty sure he was dead already but wukong continued smashing his head until you chouldn't recognise him anymore.

He calmed down and walked up to me. "Are you alright?" he asked worried wipping the tears off my face "I'm fine now" I said. "That's good then" he said giving me a warm smile, I stayed quiet for some time until I said "you called" "oh yeah I guess I did, I didn't notice that" he said putting his hand behind his head. "Should I not do that?" He asked nervously "oh no you got it wrong, I like it I just didn't expect it" I said "then allow me to continue calling you mango" he said sweetly putting his hand on my cheek. "Of course I'll allow it only if you let me call you peaches again" I said with a cheeky smile "you sure can" he said. We stared deeply into each others eyes until we started kissing again, our tails intertwining.

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