Chapter 10

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Wukong pov

I woke up in a dark place and looked around. Where am I? Only then I noticed that my arms and legs were chained up. I tried to break free but the chains were to strong. "Ah, looks like my champion has awoken" a voice said. "Who are you, show yourself coward" I said angily. "My, my, you don't have to be so angry" the voice said "don't you remember me?" "What do you mean?" I asked "how sad, you don't remember me" and lbd appeared infront of me. "How are you here, we defeated you" I said confused. "Well looks to me that I'm still alive but I wouldn't worry about that right now" she said. "WHAT DID YOU DO?" I questioned. "What did I do, more like what you did" she said, I was so confused. "See for yourself" she said and now I know what she meant. There were bodys all around me, I took a closer look and I could recognise mk and macaque. Oh god was that me? Did I do that? "This was all your fault" she whispered into my ear. "No stop, shut up" I said frustrated. When I suddenly could see that macque was still moving a bit. I've never been so relieved "oh looks like hes still alive" she said "lets change that~" having a creepy smile at that thought. "NO STOP DONT TOUCH HIM" I yelled. I tried to break free when I could feel my body moving. No, no stop moving but my body would listen. I was walking closer to the nearly dead body. When I was holding him up by his neck. He looked at me weakly, spitting out blood. "Shall we recreate that scene from the first time" she said sounding quit amused by that. "No stop it, please" I was begging her close to tears. " Fine" she said, I was relieved, "just kidding" and smashed his head to the ground, making him bleed all over the floor. "NOOO"

I woke up in the middle of the night being all sweaty. I sighed "another nightmare" and got out of the bed. For sure I won't be able to sleep now, not after that, maybe I should get some fresh air. I went outside and saw macaque sitting there looking at the moon. "So, what brings you here?" I asked. "Oh you know just looking at the moon" he said and I sat next to him. "What's wrong?" I asked he looked at me surprised. "Nothings wrong, what makes you think that?" He said seeming surprised by that question. I sighed "you always look at the moon when somethings bothering you" "you still remember that?" he asked sounding shocked. "Of course I do, I still remember everything we did together" I said smiling. "So would you tell me what wrong" he signed "guess I can't hide it from you." And took a deep breath "I just have a lot of nightmares lately and can't really sleep cuz of that" seems like I'm not the only one having nightmares. "Of lbd right?" I asked "yeah how do you know?" He asked "well I have them too, I have them sometimes and can't really sleep then" I said. "And how often do you have yours?" He asked sounding a bit concerned. I put my hand around my neck rubbing and fiddling with my fur "well you know just 3 times a week at least" "wukong that's way to much, do you even get enough sleep?" He said concerned. "Yeah it's fine I don't get them after each other, I got breaks sometimes" I said and he calmed down a bit "but what about you?" I asked and he looked a bit shocked by that question. Seems like he wasn't ready to be asked that. "Nothing much really" he said and looked away not marking eye contact. "Macaque tell me, it can't be that bad" I said trying to make it sound like it's not a big deal but I was genuinely concerned for him. "Heh you know just every night" he muffled the last part so I couldn't hear it. "Just when?" I asked he sighed and looks like he's trying to collect his thoughts. "Every night wukong, I have these nightmares every night and it's making me go crazy." He said being close to tears "I haven't slept in days and I feel like she's still here somewhere. Still watching over every little step I make" he said panicked, starting to cry and hide his face in his scarf. I came closer and hugged him trying to calm him down. "I know what that's like but she's gone now. For good and I'm here to protect you from whatever is going to happen" I said and he just hugged me back and cried into my chest saying nothing. There's just crying. I patted his head and said "I won't leave you, not again never again. You won't be alone anymore, you don't have to face everything on your own anymore. I'm here for you and you can complain, yell or everything you still have against me, you can put it all out on me. I won't let you feel lonely ever again." He became quiet, did he stop crying? I looked down at him and he feel asleep with watery eyes. I smiled at that sight. I picked him up and went to my room. I placed him on my bed and lay next to him, still having a bit of space between us. I put a blanket above us and was ready to fall back asleep when I felt him reach out for something. When he found me he came closer and nuzzled into my back. I turned round so he could lay in my chest and cuddled him. I blushed a bit at the cute smaller black monkey, sleeping in my arms. Why is he so adorable? I hugged him closer to me and was slowly falling asleep.

Next day

Macaque pov
I woke up feeling arm wrapped around me. I looked up and saw it was wukong. I could feel my face heating up. Why is he here with me? Did I fell asleep in his arms? I tried to calm down and looked back at him, he was still asleep. Of course he is, he usually is a long sleeper. Maybe I should try to get up, I tried to get up but he pulled me closer to him. Well looks like I'm stuck here. I stayed there for a while when I could hear the door opening. "Hey guys wake up- oh am I interrupting something~" said mei with a cheeky smile. I blushed out of embarrassment and panicked "GET OUT" I yelled "aww how mean anyways I just wanted to say that breakfast is ready" and she shut the door. I put my face under the blanket and tried to calm down, when I could feel wukong moving. He growled, seems like he woke up. "Good morning" he said ynawing and I pulled the blanket down. "Morning" I said not really making eye contact. "How did you sleep?" He asked "pretty good" I said. To be honest I haven't had such a good night sleep in a long time. "Mei came in and she said that breakfast is ready" I said "looks like we have to get up then" he said and chuckled. He got up and went to the closet, he threw me some of his clothes and said "here have some of mine" it was a dark orange oversized hoodie with blank pants. I blushed a bit but didn't say anything and changed. My thought were to focusted on what he said yesterday night. Did he really mean what he said or was he just saying it to calm me down from the crying? I was still in thought when I could hear wukong calling out to me and we went to breakfast.

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