Chapter 8

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Sandy pov

As I packed my bag, to get ready for an adventure I heard mo meow at me. "No I'm sorry buddy but you have to stay here" I said and picked him up into my arms. He rubbed his face against mine and meowed again. "Sorry mo but that adventure is nothing for small little therapy cats like you" I said and put him back down "you have to stay here and take care of our home, can you do that?" He meowed and gave me a salut. "You're a good cat" and patted his head again "bye mo" I said and left to find the flower.

I arrived on an island full of trees and animals. I left my boat, stepping on the island. "Alright, here we go" I said to myself and went into the forest. I walked all around, enjoying the nature. I took a break and got some food out of my bag. Some animals came out and looked at my food. "Oh you want some" I said and gave them some. "Here take it, I have enough" they took the food gladly and ate all of it. I sat there for sometime but I had to get going to get that flower for macaque. And with that I stood up and said goodbye to the animals. I continue walking through the forest until I saw I field full of flowers. Oh wow tang hasn't said anything about that, alright let's get my flower knowledge out. I pulled out a book that had a picture in it from the flower I needed. Thankfully tang has let me have it. I walked into the flower field and checked every flower that's there. 
After some time I finally found the flower. It's petal looked a bit fire like, I picked it and was ready to go back.

I came back in to the noodle shop. "Hey guys I got the flower you needed" I said and hold the flower up. "Great job sandy, but how do we make it that macaque can eat it?" Mk questioned. "For sure I'm not eating that thing raw" I heard macaque from the end of the room. "Of course you won't, I'll just make some tea out of it" I said and was ready to make some tea. "Hold up sandy you can only use one petal" tang said. "Note it, well I'll go of to make some tea out of it then" I said and that's what I did. I handed macaque the tea and he dank it short after. "It's kinda sweet" he said and handed me back the empty cup. "Really?! Now I wanna try it too" mk said "it's not good for you, you dummy" Mei said and hit his head. "Ow alright, alright didn't have to hit me" he said and rubbed hit head. "Well now that that is finished, would you mind telling us what kind of business you have to do" wukong said and crossed his arms. "Do I have to tell you" he said "you sure do" wukong said. He sighed "fine, I was getting the artefact to get a new lantern since mine was taken from lbd" "and you wanted to go alone" wukong said. "Yeah, why not" he said shrugging . "Oh what if we come along and make an adventure out of it" mk said out of no where. "Mk I don't know if that's fine with macaque" I said. "Yeah adventure" Mei said cheering. "Alright it's settled we go with you macaque and have an adventure" wukong said confident. Macaque sighed in defeat "alright pack your bags then, we'll be off tomorrow morning". Mk and Mei cheered in the back and pigsy got annoyed. "I'm not going on that adventure, I had enough already from the last time" he said. "Aww cmon pigsy" "yeah pls pigsy" mk and Mei begged him with puppy eyes. "No, I can't leave my poor noodle shop here alone" he said unfazed by the eyes. "Aww my dear lovely pigsy would you go on that adventure with me then" tang said teasingly. Pigsys face became red and hung his head down "alright fine,let's go on that dumb adventure then" and everyone cheered happily. "I'll go get the ship ready" I said and left the noodle shop.

N/A: yeah that was kinda short didn't really had any ideas for that chapter 🤷

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