Chapter 28

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Mk pov
We brought macaque to flower fruit mountain and laid him down on the bed in wukongs room. "Sandy, we quickly need some bandages" I said quickly and Sandy saluted before taking out some bandages out of nowhere. "How did you-never mind" I said grabbing the bandages and with meis help we bandages all of macaques wounds. "How exactly did this even happen" tang asked hearing the worry in his confusion. I sighed "I don't know tang, monkey king was sooner there then us we should ask him" I said as I bandaged with Mei together macaques wounds. I couldn't bear the sight of his damaged self, he was all bloody, full of cuts and broken bones. I'm surprised he managed to stay stable with all this damage.

After Mei and I finally managed to bandage him, wukong came back with bloody hands. "Monkey king what happened" I asked worried and quickly got over to him surprised at the sight of blood on his hands. "It's nothing kid the mayor won't bother us again" he said with a smile "now where's macaque" I said looking around worried. I sighed and stepped aside showing him the bandage covered macaque still laying  unconscious in wukongs bed. I could see the worry in his face grow as he saw macaque and went towards the bed. I couldn't help but be curious about the blood on wukongs hands. I took a deep breath before asking him "Monkey king why is there blood on your hands?" "Don't worry about it bud, I just took care of the mayor so he won't bother us again" he said and smiled. I couldn't help but have a weird feeling at the way he said "took care" as if he did something horrible. I was about to ask him what exactly he did when tang placed his hand on my shoulder. "Let's go I think they need some time for themselves" he said and I sighed reluctantly turning away and leaving with the others.

As soon as we got out I couldn't hold my questions back anymore. "Cmon guys what do you think happened to the mayor?" I said turning back around to the others. They all kept quiet and I could see their uncomfortableness as they tried to avoid eye contact. "Kid I think you know, what we all are thinking what wukong did" pigsy said carefully and kept trying to avoid eye contact. "Wait don't tell me you all are thinking that monkey king killed the mayor" I said disbelieve. "Cmon mk we all know that he would have all the reason to do so" mei said rubbing her face.

Wukong pov
I softly held macaques hand looking at his bandaged body in worry. "Please don't keep me waiting for long" I whispered and looked down after my bloody hands. I sighed as the blood covered macaques hand and slowly let go. I got up and went over to the bathroom to wash my hands keeping an eye out for him at the corner of my eye. I turned on the faucet and washed my hands as I couldn't keep my eyes away from him being too worried for his well being. Stupid mayor, how dare he hurt my mango. I clenched the sink in anger at the mayor as I heard it crack and I came back to reality quickly letting go. Seeing the crack in the sink of where my hands were. "I gotta take care of that later" I mumbled before getting back over to macaque who was still laying in my bed. I watched over his limp body making sure he was still breathing. I didn't wanted to leave his side ever again. I hesitated before laying down on the bed next to him pulling him in my arms and holding him desperately. "Please mango wake up soon don't keep me waiting for too long" I whispered pleadingly. I could feel macaques heartbeat as it was very slow and weak. I sighed and intertwined my tail with his holding onto him desperately as I slowly fell asleep to his heartbeat.

As days passed by he kept being unconscious and all I could do is change his bandages and beg the gods to help him and bring him back to me. I couldn't continue my normal routines in worry for him. I couldn't concentrate while training and couldn't leave macaques side for too long. Mk soon noticed my worries and wanted to keep our training on pause until macaque woke up and I shouldn't have to worry anymore. I couldn't eat in worry for macaque and only sleep when I hold him tightly in my arms and feel his heartbeat. Today is no different the the others, I held him tightly in my arms listening to his heartbeat. This day was no other, I held him in my arms listening to his heartbeat. When I suddenly heard him grumbled and my ears peaked up at the sound. I lifted my head looking hopefully at him as he grumbled and slowly woke up from his unconsciousness. He slowly opened his eyes , blinking a few times as he tried to adjust to the light. "Mango you're awake" I said relieved seeing him awake again and I sat up. He took a breath before slowly looking over at me. "Wukong.." he said a bit raspy as he rubbed his eye. "Hey are you feeling.." I said softly with worry as I stroke his head carefully. "I'm..fine.." he said but as he tried to sit up he winced in pain. "Easy there, you're still healing" I said quickly and wrapped my arm around him, supporting his weight. He sighed leaning against me as he looked down at himself, examining his bandages. "That ass of a mayor did this didn't he" he said annoyed at the memory. I nodded as my anger boiled up inside me at the memory of what he did. "Don't worry I took care of him, he won't do anything anymore" Macaque clenched his fists. "I couldn't do anything against him" he said and I could hear the anger and frustration in his voice. "You fought back" I said trying to comfort him. "No, I mostly just stayed awake, trying not to pass out. I was a damn punching bag for him" he said enraged. "Well it's over now and he got what he deserved" I said wanting to calm him down. Macaque sighed as he unclenched his fists "you killed him didn't you" "w-well yeah it's what he deserved" I said scratching the back of my head. "So you seriously killed someone to save and avenge me" he said raising an eyebrow at me. I nodded and he chuckled "hey whatcha laughing about" I said confused. "Seems like that old monk didn't tame you completely" he said amused. "He didn't tame me, we were friends" I said offended. Macaque shrugged "sure whatever, still doesn't change the fact you killed someone for me"

I'm late as hell but I ain't dead

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