Chapter 6

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Macaque pov

I woke up and looked around the bed, it was empty so wukong already left. I tried to sit up when a sharp pain came in my bottom part. He really went at it and chuckled at that thought. I should probable leave I don't really want to face wukong right now. But the second I stood up my legs gave up on me and I fell to the ground. Damit why did he had to go so rough and hit the floor out of anger. When I heard someone coming closer. I tried to stand up which was kinda hard, when the door suddenly opened, it was wukong. "What are you doing on the floor" he asked standing at the door. "Uh I really like the floor. Cmon I fell down isn't that obvious" I said and tried to avoid any eyecontact with him. "Sheesh don't have to be so hard on that" he said I tired to stand up again but failed miserably. "You might need some help there" he said and walked up to me. He helped me sitting on the bed and I couldn't look at him the entire time, I was to embarrassed. I could feel my face heating up out of embarrassment but calmed down quickly. It hurts to sit a bit but it wasn't that bad as standing. "Well are you gonna tell me why you can't get up yourself again" he questioned standing in front of the bed and waiting for an answer. I was schocked at that question since what happen the night before. "Wha-you don't remember" I questioned in confusion "what do you mean remember? What happened?" he looked so confused. Oh great now that's embarrassing, he doesn't remeber what happened. I looked away since it's to big on an embarrassment to look at him, hiding my blushing face. Wait could it have something to do with the curse? Since he only started things when the curse activated. So does that mean he doesn't really feel anything? Or was it not the curse and he just acted out of action? Wukong cleared his throat which brought me back from my thoughts. "Could I get my answer maybe?" he asked. I turned back to him "Oh yeah right. Well my bottom part hurts so it kinda hard to walk" I answered "and what am I suppose to do with that?" he asked. He can't be serious, does he really not know what to do? Do I really have to explain him that he needs to get some meds? I looked at him and he looked really confused as if he really has no idea. Oh great I have to, I sighed "I need some meds so that it won't hurt that much when I walk" I told him. "Ooh yeah right but then I would have to leave. I'll get some and you better stay here" he threatened me "Wukong I literally just fell to the floor" I said. He just turned away not saying another word and left me alone. This could be my chance to leave this place and with that I tried to stand up. I walked with shaky legs to my clothes and changed.

After I finished changing I tried using my shadow protal it worked but was still weak but good enough to teleport out. As I got out I looked at my surroundings and noticed that I sadly wasn't that far from wukongs waterfall cave. Welp lets try to at least get somewhere and with that I started to walk with shaky legs to get out of here.

Wukong pov

I summoned my cloud to quickly get to the city for some meds since I can't leave macaque for long. I got to the city, 'borrowed' some meds and that's when I saw mk from afar. "HEY MK YOU GOT A MINUTE" I shouted. He seem to notice me and ran toward me. "heya mokey king what are you doing here?" he asked. "Well macaque got hurt and he told me to get some meds for him" I just said casually "but thats not why I called you". He looked surprised "then why did you call me?" he asked. "Well you know your tang right. Seems like he knows a lot, does he also know anything about curses?" I said. His eyes widen "Oooh yeah right, he does know a lot so he must know something about curses" he said "I'll go talk to him right now you come later to the noddle shop, alright bye" and with that he was gone. Wow that kid has some energy couldn't even say bye. Welp I guess I have to go back then to give macaque his meds. I summoned my cloud and flew back to flower fruit mountain.

When I got in the bedroom, where I left macaque, I noticed that he was gone. Oh that cheeky black monkey. He can't even stay at one place when you tell him to. I flew out of the gave through the waterfall. I gotta find him quick who knows what could happen especially with that curse. Wait am I worried for him? No I can't be, I can't forgive him for what he did in the past but he's still somehow so cute and the way his ears were so red. It was so god damn cute. NO, SNAP OUT OF IT WUKONG. I have to find macaque now, so that we can go to tang and find out about this curse.

I flew above the forest to then see a small figure being surrounded by monkeys. I flew down to only notice that it was macaque. He was leaning against a tree and petted a monkey, who was laying on his lab. "Macaque, there you are. Cmon we have to get to pigsy's noddles shop to get some more information about that curse" I said. He just stayed there and looked at me, he wasn't moving at all. "Hey uh..macaque are you okay?" I asked kinda worried and came closer to him. "Yeah...I'm fine don't worry" he said. He seems so calm, I hadn't seen him so calm before we got separated. I sat next to him, leaning against the tree and putting my hands behind my head. It was surprisingly peaceful, we hadn't had that kind of peaceful moment in a long time. We stayed like that for some time but I sadly had to break it since we still had to get to the noodle shop. "Cmon now mango, we have to go" and stood up, until then I realised what I said. I haven't used that name in hundreds of years. I looked at macaque to see his reaction. He looks shocked but also had a small blush on his face and tried to hide it. I couldn't help but smile at that reaction of his. "Here I'll help you to get on my cloud" I said and turned around kneeling down, so I could piggyback ride him. He didn't said anything but I could feel him crawling on my back. When he was fully on my back, he gave me a nod of approval and I started to stand up. Sadly I can't see his face, but I bet he was blushing out of embarrassment or something. I summoned my cloud and we flew to the noodle shop.

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