Chapter 11

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Mk pov
We all sat at a table, me being between Mei and redson and pigsy being in the kitchen getting everyone's food ready. When wukong and macaque came out of wukongs room. Macaque had some of wukong clothes on, I could see he had a small blush and he looks quite happy with it. They sat down on two free chairs next to each other. "Alright everyone, here's your food" pigsy said and placed the plates down on the table. Everyone began eating when Mei said "so you guys how was the night for you" and looked directly at macaque and wukong. "It's fine nothing special" macaque said monotone, not really carrying about it. Wukong glanced at him but didn't say anything. That's weird why would she even ask that. I gave Mei a look that clearly wanted answers but she waved me a hand and whispered that she'll tell me after breakfast.

We all talked for a bit about the most random things you could talk at breakfast, when I saw that macaque wasn't really included in the talking. He just sat there staring at his half eaten bacon and eggs. I felt a little bad for him so I wanted to include him into the conversation. "So macaque when do we start finding you a new lantern?" I asked he lifted his head and seem a bit surprised, looks like he wasn't expecting to be talked to. "Oh I was actually planning on using the artefact after breakfast" he said. "Yes finally some adventure" Mei said excited. "Would you care to wait a bit then so I can change and refresh myself" redson said to macaque. "Of course, I didn't mean immediately after breakfast you sure can take your time and do whatever you have to do in the morning" he said. "Wow redson asked for permission, doesn't seem like you" Mei said "well dragon girl unlike you know, liu'er is a friend of my mother and with that I have to show him a bit of respect" redson explained. "Hold on, liu'er is that your name? I thought it was macaque" I said "kid my Chinese name is liu'er, actually full name liu'er mihou but I just get called macaque in different languages. Same goes to everyone else, of course except wukong since his name is already Chinese" macaque said. "Wait really, so your name isn't really redson" I said to him "it is it's just in different languages" he said. Now I'm completely lost. He sighed "if you would go the traditional way you would be called your Chinese name but since this timeline isn't very traditional as it was hundred years ago, you can be called the englisch and more timeline appropriate name" he explained. (Pls don't come at me I just wanted to use macaques Chinese name😭) "Ooh now I get it, so that's why I have two names" I said finally understanding it. "You're so good at explaining red" I said excited, his hair suddenly caught flames and said "yeah sure no worry's noodle boy"

After breakfast

Macaque pov
We all stood on the roof outside and I took out the artefact. "OMG IS THAT THE ARTEFACT" tang said excited "WAIT LET ME GET OUT MY NOTE BOOK" "IT'S SO PRETTY OMG, YOU GOTTA WRITE THAT DOWN TANG" mei said just as existed. "Can I start now" I said "oh yeah just continue, don't mind me" tang said. "Noodle boy your peasant friends are really something else" I could hear redson whisper to mk. "No they're not" he said back, not them too I sighed "would you guys pls just be quiet for a second" I said. "Oh right sorry" mk said I took a deep breath and activated the actefact. It started glowing a bright purple light and I could feel my magic being drained from it. I became weaker over time but I had to continue. The light from the artefact grew brighter and a location slowly started to be shown. Before the location was fully visible, my legs couldn't hold myself anymore and I fell to the side. Wukong cought me from falling and held me in place "are you alright macaque" he said worried "yeah I'm fine, just a bit tired" I said. "We should stop now, to much power is gonna get drained" tang said "HIS POWERS ARE GETTING DRAINED" everyone said confused. "YOU NEVER SAID ANYTHING FROM HIS POWERS ARE GETTING DRAINED" mk said. "Guys it's fine I just need a little bit more" I said "NO YOU DONT, YOU'LL JUST HURT YOURSELF" wukong said "we can still finish all of this tomorrow" "NO WE CANT" I yelled. Everyone was confused by that "what do you mean" wukong asked. I took a deep breath "the wizzard...I couldn't defeat him and since he's suppose to guard the artefact, he won't stop searching for it until he has found it" "wait lui're what do you mean wizzard" redson questioned confused. "We'll explain everything to you later" mei said "that's why I have to hurry, I don't wish to fight this wizzard again" I said and continued. "Let me atleast help you" wukong said and combined a little of his magic with mine. I could feel how weak I become by every second but it was a bit easier with wukongs help. Finally the artefact stopped glowing and a location was seen on the display. I fell to the ground but wukong held me the entire time. I felt so tired after all of this, it feels like I was ready to pass out. "Macaque are you alright" I could hear mk ask "yeah..I'm fine" I said tired. Wukong picked me up into his arms "I'll take him to his room, he needs some sleep" he said and with that he started walking. I was starting to slowly fall asleep in his arms, clenching the artefact close to me.

[Help I had no idea what I was doing here, does it even make any sense 😭]

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