Chapter 20 (smut)

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Wukong pov
When we arrived back at the city we had to bring redson home first. Macaque was of course bringing him to the door and had a small chat with pif. I stayed at the ship since I somehow never liked that woman and I think she doesn't like me either so its better that I stay here. 

"Bye monkey king it was fun" mk said with smile and waved at me. "Bye bud don't forget your training tomorrow" I said and waved back from my cloud. "Can we just go now" macaque said a bit annoyed holding onto me on the cloud. "Sure don't need to act so annoyed" I said he scuffed as an answer and we made our way to flower fruit mountain.Macaque jumped off immidently after we arrived and scretched himself first. "Finally back" he said and some monkey seem to notice our arrival and jumped onto me and macaque. "Hey its nice to see you guys too" I said with laughter. Macaque also laughed at the monkeys that were jumping all around him. I couldn't help but smile at him, I really missed his laugh and his smile. "Wukong you're starring" macaque said with a smirk. I could feel my face heat up "no I'm not I don't know what you're talking about" I said quickly and turned away.

It was starting to getting late and we were getting ready for bed. I was in the bathroom taking a shower, macaque was propably already in bed. I started to have some weird shower thoughts, like you normally do when you're in the showers. What if I'm gonna try to be bottom today? WHAT WHAT AM I THINKING?? But really I'm somehow curious now how it would be, maybe we could try it? Anyways enough of this now, I got out of the shower and made my way to the bedroom. Macaque was already laying in bed "took you long enough" he said with a smile. I was a bit nervous of asking him. He seem to notice and sat up "whats wrong wukong?" He asked worried "oh its nothing" I said with a chuckle. "Wukong I know there is something on your mind" she said. I sighed "w-well what if I'm...gonna try be bottom for today" I said a bit nervous. I could see a smirk on his face appear. He stood up and came closer to me I backed up a bit until I hit the wall. "So you wanna be bottom today" he said with a smirk. "Uh-well I just wanna it is" I said nervously. "Then I'll make it so good you'll start seeing stars~" he said and started kissing me. I was surprised but started mellting into the kiss. He suddenly bit my lip asking for an entrance, I oppened my mouth allowing his tongue to slide into my mouth. He twirled his tongue around, licking every part of it. I gave some small moans into the kiss and he seem to enjoy them. He separated the kiss and we gasped for air. "Why don't we move that to the bed" he said and I just nodded. I was to nervous to say anything. We made our way to the bed and started to undress ourself. He took off my hoodie and started to kiss my neck and give me love bites. I moaned quietly at the pleasure, trying to not make to many sounds. Until he bite down on a spot that made me gasp. He continued to bite down and kiss on it. I moaned every time he bite down on it. He started to pull down my pant. "Now lets prepare you a little~" he said teasing and put a finger in my entrance. I gasped a little then he started to add another finger. I started moaning quietly until he put in a third finger. He stretched out my insides until he was sure it was stretched enough. He undressed himself and started to line up against my entrance. I was holding onto the sheets a bit nervous. "I'll make you feel good~" he said and slammed into me. I gasped at that sudden fullness. He stood still making sure I got used to the length. I started to calm down a little and gave him a signal to continue. He started moving first slowly but then started speeding up. I moaned every time he hit my inner walls. He leaned forward and started to give love bites around me neck. "Ahh~ m-macaque~" I moaned at the bite. He continued bitting down and licking the area. He speeded up until he hit a certain spot and I ached my back, my eyes rolling to the back of my head. "Looks like I found something there~" he said with a smirk and continued to hit the spot over and over again, sending me pure bliss. "Ahh~ m-macaque~ s-slow down~" I moaned out. "Nh~ hell no look at how adorable you are now~" he said and continued his speed. "P-please~ ahh~ s-slow...down~" I moaned out but he ignore me. He hit that spot over and over again causing me to lose my mind. My eyes started to roll back and I couldn't think of anything else anymore. I started to moan uncontrollably. "Look at you~ nh~ moaning there like a mess~" I heard him say. "Ahh~ you r-really ah~ enjoy...being top t-today~" I said under my moans. "You don't know how long I wanted to try it~" he said into my ear bringing shivers down my spine. He started speeding up it seems like he was getting close but I didn't come yet. He reached out to my dick and stared jerking it off at a fast speed. I was in pure bliss, feeling myself starting to get closer until macaque came inside and filled me up with his warm liquid and I came immediately after him. He pulled out and lay down next to me. We both caught our breath. I looked down on us and noticed that we were covered in come. "Aww and I just took a shower" I said "who cares we can do that tomorrow" he said and cuddled up to me. "Lets just sleep now" he said and started to fall asleep. I sighed just a second ago he was all dominant and how long he wanted to do that now he's just small and cute again. I pulled him closer to me cuddling him and started to fall asleep.

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