Chapter 25

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[I have come back from the dead again I promise I update more now anyway having some warning with a little gore]

Macaque pov
I sat against the wall thinking how to get out. I looked around the room and tried to find any kind of escape maybe a little hole in the wall or a lose window but there was nothing. I sighed "I'm seriously stuck here like a little mouse in a trap" I mumbled to myself annoyed at being this helpless. Suddenly I felt really hot again and breathed heavily. No not now don't tell me it's the spell. I leaned further against the wall trying to calm myself down and control this spell but nothing worked. I started sweating heavily and couldn't even move properly. I held my knees close to me feeling even hotter then usual when I heard someone walking outside my door and suddenly stopped right before my door. Don't tell me that this scent is even able to be sniffed thru the door. I panicked backing even further against the wall when the door slowly opened. I tried to say something or even use my powers but nothing worked I was too weak. Curse this spell I couldn't do anything and I hated feeling this helpless and weak. The mayor came inside with a wicked smile "hey there macaque you don't look so well" I opened my mouth wanting to say something that would shut him up but nothing came out. "What cat got your tongue oh right you can't talk cuz of the liquid spell" he mocked me. How I wanted to just rip his tongue out with his mocking. "Anyway since m'lady is just waiting for the monkey king to arrive and doesn't really care what happens to you as long as you're still alive" he said and closed the door behind him "that means I can do whatever I want to you now" he said with a sinister smile walking closer to me. I tried using my shadow powers again or defend me but nothing worked. I sat against the wall helplessly. He smiled sinisterly as he kept walking closer till he grabbed my throat and lifted me above the ground. I gasped for air trying to get out of his grip but nothing worked my body won't react to me. I hung limp at his grip above the ground gasping for air. "What's wrong having trouble breathing" the mayor mocked me gripping my throat tighter. "Oh how much I missed this, you have no idea of all the things I want to do to you after you betrayed and defeated my previous lady bone demon with these monkey friends" he said angrily and threw me against the wall. A loud bang was heard as I hit the wall with my back and fell down to the ground. I breathed heavily laying there limp as the mayor came closer with a wicked smile. I wanted to stand up and fight, wanting to wipe that smile off his face but I couldn't move. I hate this spell my body won't react to me I hate laying here like a fucking useless doll. "What's wrong trouble moving" he mocked me looking down on me amused at my helpless state. He bend down and pulled my hair harshly lifting my head off the ground. "I have a new play thing now" he said amused "how I love it when you're this helpless and weak" he said and laughed sinisterly. "You're even more helpless then the time the lady bone demon had you under her control" he said and laughed pulling me up on my hair. He grabbed my face and smirked "you know I never really liked your face why don't I give you a make over" he said and smashed my head into the ground before pulling me back up. "Hmm no not quite" he said examining my face before smashing it back into the ground and pulling me back up. He kept doing that for a few times till my nose and head was bleeding. "Now isn't that much better" he said as he pulled my head back off the ground. "I feel like you theres something in the way" he said and smiled wickedly "maybe if I just pull out your other eye I'm sure then it's all better" he said and reached his hand out towards my eye as I tried to moved my head away he grabbed my eyes socket and squeezed it slowly starting to push my eye out. I screamed out in pain as I felt my eye getting pushed out. Being in such pain that is worse then getting killed. I could feel it all, his fingers pressing against my eyeball squeezing it out. He paused suddenly and my eyeball went back in my socket "looks like the time of the liquid spell it over and m'lady needs me" he said and threw me against the wall again. "I had my fun now I gotta go back to m'lady" he said and smiled wickedly at the sight of me before leaving the room and locking the door. I laid limp on the ground feeling dizzy from my bleeding head, feeling a massive headache from the wound and still the stinging pain in my eye. "How I fucking hate that guy if this disgusting spell wasn't there I would've ripped out his guts when he tried to push out my eye" I mumbled furiously. I kept laying there cursing at the mayor for a while till I felt my eyes slowly closing. "I wonder when the others will come" I mumbled softly "I can't believe they have to safe me again, I really am so useless to them, only causing them trouble...only causing wukong trouble" I sighed "I miss my peaches.." I mumbled softly before I lost consciousness.

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