Chapter 19

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Mk pov
I was just chilling in my room on my phone when I started to think about the relationship with monkey king and macaque. I guess they're together now but first of all why so fast and second have they even talked with eachother about their feelings or am I missing something. Maybe I should tell the others about this. So I texted mei and redson to meet in my room to tell them something important. Not soon after mei bursted thru my door. "Mk I got your message whats so importand you gotta tell me" she said quickly bursting out her words. Then redson came thru the door. "Whats so important that I have to come walking to your room?" He asked annoyed "well guys you know that wukong and macaque are like dating right?" I said unsure "wait what" redson and mei said at the same time. "HAH I knew it" she said excited and jumped. "W-wait noodle boy how do you know?!" Redson asked confused "well I dont exactly know but they do look closer now sooo they should probably" I said nervous. "You idiot that doesn't mean they're together" he said angrily "but it still can" mei said happily. Redson started to get angry at her again and started to just throw in random words to defend himself. It was rather cute seeing him like that, I should go back to what I originally wanted. I cleared my throat to get their attention. "So can I say now why I called you guys?" I asked and they immediently sat down and listened.

After I told them eveything they just looked at me, not saying anything for a while. "Are you serious, thats the impotant thing you have to tell us?!" redson said annoyed. "Well yeah, I just need to know alright" I said "but how is the question" mei said holding her face in a thinking position. "Are you seriously going along with this?" redson asked "yeah why not" mei said "but I think we should get sandy for this" "Oh yeah right" I said, completly forgetting he is the perfect kind of guy for it. I called him to get to my room and he came pretty fast without any questions.

"Listen guys I don't know if monkey king and mister macaque are ready for this" Sandy said after we explained him everything. "Aww but sandy please help us" I said with puppy eyes "yeah please" mei said and did the same as me. "Uh guys please" sandy said nervously trying not to give in. "Pst redson help us out here a bit" I whispered to him. He sighed giving in and doing the puppy eyes with us. As soon as sandy saw all the puppy eyes he gave in. "Alright fine but we can't go to far with it, you can't force people into revealing their feelings" he said. "For sure we won't but we have to make sure they tell the truth" I said "didn't you just heared him say to not push people, dont you have anything in your brain" redson said. "Hey we all know that they won't tell us the truth when we just talk to them" mei said protectivly. He stood quiet seems like he admit his defeat. "So any ideas?" I asked and we all started thinking for a while. "Maybe a truth circle" redson said "great idea but they shouldn't be able to see it" I said. "Oh I have a chalk that goes invisable after using it" mei said. "What, where did you even get that?!" I asked confused. "Don't worry about it" she said with a smile. I dont know what to think about this but at least we have a solution now. "Alright sandy you get the monkeys to the livingroom and the rest of us get everthing ready in the mean time" I said. "I'll serve them some tea to calm the nerves" he said with a warm smile and went out to get everthing ready.

We made everything ready and it was true what mei said. As soon as the chalk touched the floor the colour of it disappeared. "Alright is that all?" I asked redson "just a little bit more" he said and started drawing some symbols in the middle of the circle. "There now its done" he said and just shotly after sandy came in with monkey king and macaque. "You know that tea of yours really is great" I heard monkey king say. "Well thank you monkey king" Sandy said with a smile. "Alright would you guys tell us now why were here?" Macaque asked "uh..we wanted to play truth or dare" I said trying to get up with an idea. I could hear redson and mei sighed behind me. "And what's that?" Monkey king asked. I gasped "you don't know what truth or dare it?!" "No?" He said confused, me and mei gave each other a look. "Well you'll love it" she said excited and sat down the both monkeys in the circle. We sat down with them but a little further away. "So how does this work now?" Macaque asked "oh you just ask someone truth or dare and the one you asked has to pick one if they pick truth you can ask them a question and they have to answer it truthfully" mei explained "mhm yeah and if they pick dare you tell them to do something and they must do it no questions asked" I said continuing the explanation. "Alright sounds easy let's start" monkey king said eager. "Alright I'll start truth or dare monkey king?" I asked "dare" he said "kiss macaque" Mei said interrupting me. "WHAT" he said surprised "hey I was suppose to make the dare" I said playing angrily at her. "Aww no I'm sorry go make your dare then" she said playing along. "Yeah go make your dare" monkey king said nervously. I cleared my throat to make more tension "do what she said" "WHAT" monkey king bursted out "why do you want me to kiss him bud?!" He said confused "does that mean you don't want to kiss me?" Macaque said with fake tears in his eyes. "No wait I didn't mean that" he said overwhelmed with everything. "We haven't even kissed long ago so why now" macaque continued playing his game. "WHAT YOU TWO KISSED BEFORE??" Redson yelled confused. Monkey king just looked around confused, he's way to overwhelmed with everything going on. "Well since you kissed him already why not now" I said sceptical "alright fine" monkey king said and kissed him quickly. Mei squeaked happily at that, redson was still processing everything and I was just  staring at them happily. "Alright done me next" monkey king said "redboy truth or dare?" "It's redson for you and I go with truth" he said. I could see monkey kings eyes flame up, I guess that wasn't such a good idea. "You got a crush?" he asked with a smirk and macaque started to listen intensely. Redsons hair began to flame up and his face became red. "Why would you want to know that" he said quickly. "Just curious" he said "that's a good way to get the tea right there wukong" macaque said happily. "I know right now spill it" he said and they started to stare at redson waiting for his answer. "W-well yeah I do have a crush" he said giving in, his face fully red now. "Who is it" the both monkeys said at the same time. "You can ask one question only" he said quickly. "Oh right" said monkey king a little disappointed. Redson cleared his throat calming down "now liu'er truth or dare?" He asked " I go with truth" he said. "Do you have anything that is covered up with glamour?" Redson asked macaque became a little nervous but took a deep breath and said "yes I do" we were all a little surprised, we all already know about the ears and the scar on his eye but we didn't know that there's more about it. I could see macaque still being a little nervous and monkey king looked at him with a sad but also sweet face and it looked like he was thinking of something. Then he took a deep breath and said "I also have something hidden with glamour" we all looked at him in shook. "No wukong don't" macaque said to him "it's fine I hid it for to long now" he said. "Alright now what have you two been hiding this time" mei said being done with all this mystery thing. They stood quiet looking down on the floor. "I dare you both to take off your glamour now" she said angrily. "Mei isn't that a bit to much" Sandy stepped in. He was there the whole time to make sure we won't go to far. "Sandy please we have to know-" she was cut off by two bright lights. When we looked back at them I could see wukongs body being full of old scars and some part of his fur is missing he also has the golden circled crown on his head that was in his stories and macaque was also full if past scares, there were even more then on wukong. "Guys we didn't know" I tried to to say but was cut off by wukong "all of it mango" I was confused. Wasn't it already all of it or is there still more? I could see macaque really struggling with this one but after a while he took it off and white fur was shown. I was amazed I didn't know he had white fur. "That's the mango I know" monkey king said in a sweet tone and held his hand. He took a deep breath "it's time we stop hiding these things from you guys we'll tell you everything"

He told us everything about that his old master didn't took off the circled like it was written but kept it on since he was afraid that he would cause chaos again. Then it was macaques turn and told us why he kept his fur black rather then white. One reason was cuz of lbd and another was that he didn't want to remember the time with wukong together before he killed him. I was shocked and I think so were the others. "W-we didn't know" I tried to say something else but nothing came to my mind. That's when redson suddenly stormed at wukong. "YOU HEARTLESS BASTARD KILLED HIM AND NOW YOU JUST ACT AS IF NOTHING HAPPENED" he yelled at him pushing him down and started to hit him. "Wait redson let him explain" I said trying to calm him down. Monkey king didn't say anything, he didn't even defend himself. "Redson calm down" macaque said holding his ears shut. I pulled redson off of wukong and held him from behind. "EXPLAIN YOURSELF YOU APE" he yelled at him. Monkey king started to sit up "look kid I did a lot of mistakes in my past and I was just to angry at macaque that I lost control over my powers" "That's no excuse" redson said a bit calmer. "You're right it's no excuse and I still regret it all, you have no idea what I would do to go back to the past and prevent it from happening" he said tears starting to form in his eyes. "I have betrayed my lover in the past so many times and I even ended up killed him" he said tears starting to roll down his face. No one of us said a word, we were all just staring at him. I never saw him break down like this. "Do you have any idea how guilty I felt after I realised what I did, I didn't eat or drink for almost the rest of the journey I had. I just wanted to hold him back in my arm I felt so lonely being then back on my mountain for the next thousand years" he continued tears just rolling down uncontrollably. Macaque started to take him in his arms. "It's okay now I'm here and won't go anywhere" he said with a calm voice and stared to rub circles along his back. "I-I'm sorry I didn't know" redson said I can tell he felt terrible now and took him in my arms. Mei joined the hug with me and we were all just hugging there for a while still hearing wukong small sobs and sniffs. I never thought it would all turn out so bad.

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