Chapter 3

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Macaque pov

I woke up, still being half asleep finding myself being in a warm place. Wait, warm I sat up looking down on me and noticed that I only had my pants on, I was covered in bandages and had a blanket on top of me. I looked around, seeing that I was in a very familia room. I should better leave now so I don't get into any trouble, as I was about to stand up I immediately fell down to the floor. "Wow now that's just great" I said to myself and tried to stand up again leaning against the couch when someone suddenly went through the door. It was wukong, why him out of everyone in the universe. He walked up to me and just looking down on me, oh budda how I hate him. "Well might tell me what happend?" wukong asked me in a serious tone, I was confused about that question. "What do you mean?" "Are you serious? Do you really have no idea where you got those scars and bruises?" wukong said sounding a bit annoyed. Then I understood what he ment, "Well why do you care?" is he really that dumb in thinking that I would tell him what happend. "Buddha damn it macaque can't you just for once cooperate and tell me what happend" he sounded quit annoyed I wonder why but let's mess with him a bit longer. "Oh wow monkey king the great sage equal to heaven wants to cooperate with me. I am so honoured" I said in a teasing tone. Now he even looks more annoyed and I can tell he was about to burst out raging at me but mk came in before wukong could do anything. Oh great why did the kid have to come now "hey monkey king how's it going. Oh macaque you're awake, wow your six ears look so good. Is that why they call you six ears macaque? Oh and how are you?" I was shocked at that question cuz you know I like stole his power and I somehow didn't notice my six ears being out. "I'm fine and yes that's why they call me six ears macaque" I just said and tried standing up again. I managed to stand but had to lean up against the couch for a little help. I don't know why my cuts and bruises didn't heal I usually heal pretty fast. I noticed that mk still looked at me a bit worried I turned to him and told him that he should stop worrying about me. He apologiesed and I went to find my clothes to leave but wukong stopped me and grapped my arm. "Where do you think you're going" he said and dragged me back to the couch. "You're going to tell us what happend" he crosses his arms to look more intimidating although that didn't really work on me. I huffed and crossed my arms "why should I tell you? What's in there for me?" "Not a punch in your face" wukong said holding his fist up to my face. "As if I'm afraid of that" before he could even land a hit mk jumped in "Monkey king I don't think that's necessary" mk quickly said and held wukongs fist down. Sheesh that kid really is to nice. He turned to me "please macaque we really want to know what happend. We saw you alone in that cave with cuts and bruises. Looks like you even had a fever and you even were asleep for a whole day, I don't know what would've happen if we didn't found you" he sounded so worried as if he really wants to know what happend. Heh might aswell, it was fun teasing wukong and I don't really have anything to lose. "Alright kid, I'll tell you" "WHAT ARE YOU SERIOUS" wukong yelled. I held my ears due to the sudden loud yell. "Sheesh wukong can't you just stfu or yell at least a bit quieter" He huffend and mubbled something that sounded like a sorry, I was kinda shocked but didn't really care. I told them what happened but left the part with the wizard out. I don't really find it necessary to mention as far as I know nothing really happend from that spell he hit me with. "There told you everything now would you let me leave or at least eat something" I said with an annoying tone looking at wukong. "Fine I'll get you something to eat" he said and left. Now I'm alone in the living room with mk, he still looked a bit worried and thoughtful. I just ignored him and laid back down "hey um macaque-" he stopped mid sentence and that made me cerious. "What mk continue what you wanted to say" "Oh no it's fine don't worry" and with that he left. That was weird he's not the smartest kid, so why would he suddenly just stop his sentence mid way. I just shrug it off and laid back down.

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