𝟏𝟗• 𝐓𝐡𝐞 '𝐃' 𝐃𝐚𝐲! ⛹️

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How are you all? I don't want to burden you more with my excuses, please pardon me though, I've been real busy.😩

I dropped a chap here for y'all... See it as apology gift. 🥺🥺


Read on...


I woke up with an excited feeling. Yes, today was the 'D' day! I felt happy and I could barely contain it. After bathing and cleaning myself up, I packed my hair. Because of the interhouse sports, I didn't see any reason to weave it knowing that another hairstyle would be called for the following week.

I didn't even bother wearing my sports wear, I just folded it and kept it in my bag. My parents would kill me if they saw it. So I just wore a simple joggers and baggy tee shirt with white sneakers and came downstairs , clutching the bag.

"Good morning sir, Good morning ma" I greeted happily. Funmi raised an eyebrow at me, wondering why I was such in a good mood this morning.

"Good morning my child. How was your night?" My dad replied, drifting his attention from the newspaper to my face.

"I'm fine daddy. Guess what today is.."

"Today?" He asked, frowning a bit "I don't know, tell me"

"Today is my interhouse sports day!"

"Wow! That's nice" he replied and smiled. "I hope you are doing something for your house?"

"Running around and screaming" Funmi mumbled but I heard her. I gave her a look of contempt and turned back to my dad.

"Yes, maybe. Anyways, daddy I need money"

"Money for what?" My mum demanded hotly from the kitchen. I blinked at her, she had been there the whole time listening to me? And when it came to money, she felt that was the right time to react?

African mothers.

"Good morning mum" I greeted calmly.

"Good morning" she replied in a sour tone. I guess she didn't wake up on the right side of the bed this morning.

"How much?" My dad asked me.

"One thousand five hundred naira" he frowned.

"Ahn ahn, is it not to just buy snacks that will hold your tummy? Do you want to buy a restaurant?" He said.

"Daddy na, I'm not coming home for lunch, I'm not even sure I'm coming home for dinner sef. I'm going to be in school for a while day!"

"Okay then, get me my wallet. I should have two thousand there. Just take the whole two thousand naira"

That was when my mum became alert.

"Ehn? Two thousand ke? Why are you giving her two thousand? Shey she wants to buy cloth? Is it not snacks she's buying?"

"Giwa calm down naw. She's going to be in school for the whole day. Won't you pity her?" My dad said, addressing my mum.

"Pity who? Can't she cook and take to school?"

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