𝟑𝟐- 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝.

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I was so overwhelmed!

The hotness that was radiating from these guys, I could help but drool a little despite the fact that they looked older than me.

They were all light skinned, that was the only thing similar between them. Two of them had ash blue eyes like Nana's, while the other one had dark eyes. One had curly hair, the second one plaited his hair while the last one cut his hair, but slightly. He was the one that had the dark, scary eyes. In fact, they all looked scary with the way they were frowning.

"And who are you?" The one with the cut hair and the dark eyes asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uhm..Si-Si-Simi" I stammered. I didn't know what made me stammer, their beauty or their aura.

"Who's there Si-" Nana's voice faded when he saw them. Instantly his tired face stretched into a wide grin.

"Brossssssss!!" He shouted and started shaking hands with them.



The look their face changes completely, from frowning to smiling and oh gawd! You should see all their heart melting smiles right now!

No wonder Nana was so very hot!

"Jordan what's up?? You look cuter everytime I see you" The one with the scary eyes said.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. When did you guys get here? How come you didn't tell me of your arrival? Where's Empress?" Nana replied, smiling like a five year old that has just been given a candy.

"Chill out Jay, you've not even welcome your master sef" the one with the plaited hair said, rolling his eyes.

"What master? Just because you beat me in Call of Duty once? Baba rest abeg!" Nana sneered.

"I'm invisible now oo! Nana saw others but he's blind to me" the curly haired guy said. Nana laughed and hugged him tightly.

"Kam ahn ahn, how can I forget you? Where are your glasses sef?"

"In my pocket, omor Nigerian sun no dey pity person" he replied.

"Oh I forgot! Guys meet my very close friend Simi, Simi, meet my brothers. That's Kamsin or if you cannot pronounce it, just call him ." Nana said, pointing to the curly haired boy.

"Hey Simi, nice to meet you. Finally I'm going to be an uncle" Kam said, making others laugh and I to blush.

"Crazy fool" Nana muttered, smiling.

"This is Jayden." He said, pointing to the one with plaited hair.

"Hey!" He greeted with a small wave, I smiled and waved back.

"And this" Nana continued, pointing to the scary one with the eyes "is Jerry"

Jerry accessed me from head to toe before smiling. All I could think of was how less scary he looked when he smiled.

"How are you Simi? Sorry for our rudeness earlier" he said in a deep voice and extended his hand. I inspected his hand like it was some kind of UFO, hesitant to shake it.

I could hear the others chuckling.

"It's no Biggie. I would be rude too of I see a boy with my sister." I said and shook his hands. They were warm and soft like Nana's.

"How far Nnanna food dey house?" Kam asked, licking his lips. I chuckled at his expression which was funny.

"Fried rice is still there. I was just-"

"Say no more! Fried rice? Kam oya make we go destroy that pot" Jayden shouted and he and Kam raced to the house. Nana rolled his eyes but he had a smile on his face.

"Come in bro. Nice to meet y'all again. Though I wished Empie was here" He said, a note of sadness in his voice.

"You guys should not finish that rice oo!" Jerry shouted. Then he turned his attention to Nana.

"C'mon, we are here now. Half bread is better than none. Or should we go?" He asked, smirking.

"Do you want to die?" Nana replied with an eyebrow raised. Jerry burst into laughter. Jayden and Kam took that moment to walk in with huge plates of fried rice and enormous pieces of chicken.

Boys and food ehn...

" You guys are foodies honestly. Let me go and check if you even remain small food for me. See the way they are eating like goats" Jerry muttered and left. Kam snorted while Jayden was just contented with tearing the chicken lap.

Poor chicken...I can imagine how you are suffering right now....

"So Simi, we want to know more about you and who you are to our youngest bro" Jayden said, relaxing on the sofa.

"Jayden" Nana hissed softly, casting Jay a look.

"Kilode na? I cannot ask about your girlfriend again?"

My cheeks heated up when I heard the word " girlfriend". Nana extremely hot brothers thought I was his girlfriend?! Wonderful.

"She-She's not m-my girlfriend" Nana stammered, looking so red. I chuckled, the almighty Nana has blushed again, because of me.

"Ah, Nana dey blush. Jerry oo! Come see stuff!" Kam shouted. I burst into laughter when I saw Nana's face as red as a tomato.

"I dey come oo!" Jerry shouted from within

"What are your likes?" Kam asked.

"Honestly?" I asked.

"Yep" he nodded.

"I like looking for trouble. I like eating, sleeping, violence and other stuff." I said, relaxing on the couch.

"Omo this girl na my type of babe nau. Nana release her to me" Kam said. Jayden rolled his eyes while Nana threw a pillow at Kam. Jerry walked in and nearly got floored by another pillow.

"How far now? You didn't see the food I was carrying? Let this food pour, I swear all of you will go to heaven really fast" He threatened.

"Except for me Sha. Tell that to those two buffoons playing there" Jayden replied.

"What about Empress? Is she not coming?"

I wonder who Empress is...

" Who's she?" I asked.

"Our sister. Nana's immediate elder" Jerry replied.

"She's not coming today. Girl still has something to do over there sha" Jayden said.

"Oh...I miss her oo" Nana mumbled.

"Enough of this boring conversation. Let's go watch Twilight!!" Kam shouted and rushed to put on the television. I laughed and took my place on the floor while the boys argued on who was in charge of the remote today.

"I'm in charge of the remote!" I heard Jayden shout.

"Rest baba" Nana retorted. While I just sat there laughing.

Sorry for the long delay. I've been busy writing exams and reading. Please bear with me. 🙏🏽

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