𝟐𝟓- 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜

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Heyyo guys! How are you?

Are you ready for another update?

I really really appreciate all those who voted and commented on the chapters. You guys are the best and I love y'all so much!😭😩💜❤️💓🔥

That's why I'm updating two chapters today🌚🌝 can I get a yay?

Okay, let's dive in.



When I got to school, I met all of my classmates there. Well, except Nana. His seat was empty so maybe he was going to come a bit late today. But that was unusual because Nana never came late.

Alice came to greet me with a grin on her face. She looked extremely hotter today. So hot I felt almost plain next to her.

"Hey babe! What's up now? How was the little break?" She asked excitedly.

"My body nearly died. But I'm surviving by the Grace of God. I'll never run a race like that again." I said tiredly. She laughed loudly and sat beside me.

"And how is my best friend's future boyfriend?" She asked smirking. I glared at her and felt the heat rise up to my cheeks.

Oh my God!

Was I blushing??

I was blushing!

But why?

"If it's Nana, he's not my future boyfriend oo. I don't understand why you are calling me that." I replied.

"Sorry oo! Later we will see that romance you guys were displaying on the field." She smirked.


"Ehen na! Oh you thought I was blind? I saw the way you guys were staring at each other. The sexual tension was very visible" she rapped.

"Sexual tension?" I questioned, what was Alice talking about?

"C'mon Sims, you might be blind but I'm not. Nana was staring at you like he wanted you. He had that look a guy gives to a girl he wants. It got to a point I thought he would kiss you right there at the arena" Sha said. My heart started beating fast and hard. So Nana stared at me like that? I mean, yeah we exchanged a few intense looks but I didn't know it was like the way Alice described.

Oh my.

Does that mean that....?

"Girl I actually think he likes you. Might not be that much Sha, but he might like you."

"Alice now, what you are saying doesn't make sense. We are talking about the same Nana who called me flat and ugly" I replied.

"People change Simi. The way he stared at you? Well damn, any guy stare at me like that and I'll melt. I don't think he has stared at Katherine that way sef" She said, looking at her nails.

I swallowed the saliva in my mouth. I wondered if what Simi was saying was true. If it was....

Simi don't hope for the impossible. The guy you are thinking of here has a girlfriend.

" As for that witch Kathy, I saw when she pushed you oo. It was self control that made me not go there and break her oblong head." I heard Alice say.

"Can I help you?" A familiar but annoying voice said. Speak of the devil and she shall appear.

"No Kathy. We don't need your help at all. You can go now." Alice snapped. Kathy eyed her and stared at me with disgust and anger. I returned the stare. If she thought she could scare me, she must be a fool.

"Do you really think my boyfriend will be interested in you? In a girl like you?" She said, turning to me.

"Did I say anything like that?" I retorted.

"Oh please spare me the pretense. I saw the way you were trying to seduce him with your flimsy self. Why I didn't even bother myself because you are not his type. He's just using you for fun"

That stung

That stung badly.

"Are you angry he was staring at her and not at you? Madam please if you don't have any work, get out" Alice spat.

"Hey hey! Mouth of the gods, shut up. I'm talking to her not you. Am I like you that is disgracing herself just to attract Damilola's attention?" Kathy said and smirked.

"Will you keep quiet?! Are you out of your mind Kathy? What is all these?" I said angrily. Alice looked like she wanted to murder someone.

But Kathy was smiling.

And it was so....so creepy.

"Maybe I'm crazy I don't care. But let me warn you, stay away from my boyfriend or else you'll face shit from me. That day, I'll show you how crazy I really am." She said. Then she turned to Alice.

"And as for you, find a life and get yourself some respect because Dami is never going to fall for a bitch like you" She barely got the words out of her mouth before Alice lunged at her.  The whole class turned to a state of chaos as the guys tried separating them. Charles held Kathy and Dami wrapped his arms around Alice's waist and dragged her away from Kathy.

"No! Leave me alone! That bitch! That stupid bitch! Damilola let go of me!" She shouted as she struggled with him. He held her tight to himself and pulled her farther away.

"Shh, please don't fight. Please, she's not worth it" he said to her. To my surprise and distress, Alice burst out crying.

"Leave me alone Dami. Stop pretending you care when you don't. She's right. I always liked you but you never liked me back. No matter what you do, I'm always feeling love for you and I hate it!"

Okay, there was more to this fight obviously.

But seeing Alice cry was tearing me apart.

"Alice.." I called. She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you Simi. That time I told you I wanted to confess to Dami? He rejected me. And it hurt, oh it hurt so bad! I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to do anything to him." She cried.



"I like him so much Simi! I like him so damn much and he doesn't even like me back!" She sobbed, her body crumbling against him. Damilola's face was shock personified. He looked at Alice like she grew two heads.

"But-But... Alice...I..like like you too" he stammered. She laughed. A kind of bitter laughter that contained no humour.

"You don't have to lie Dami, it's not your fault. It's mine actually. I shouldn't have forced my feelings on you. I'm really sorry for that" she said and smiled at him.

"No Alice. No" He whispered. She let herself away from his grip and left the class.

I turned to Kathy who had a devilish smile on her face and that moment, I wanted to kill her.

Wow 😲 now that was intense.

Our baby Alice is hurt, she has finally let known her true feelings. Anyone want to beat up Damilola for her?

God! What is going on with Kathy? I know y'all want to sacrifice her to sango now abi?😂

Sims heart was beating faster🌚 we go love oo😂

This is update one, please just scroll up for update two.

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