𝟒𝟏- 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐲 𝐃𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐲

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Jidenna was a very interesting guy.

We became closer after I confessed my feelings about liking Nana to him. Alice noticed and asked me about it

"You and the new guy are close now?" She had asked.

"Yes. Since all my friends has abandoned me. You are ways with Damilola shoving saliva down your throats while Nana is just... Everywhere except around me."

"Babe come on, I thought you were cool with me and Dami? I'm sorry babe. Next time I'll ditch him for you" she apologized, giving me the puppy eyes.

"Nah it's cool. Enjoy relationship while it lasts. We singletons will keep cruising in the river of loneliness" I joked and we laughed.

Nana was still not talking to me. Infact, he was ignoring me. He spoke and laughed with every ither girl but me and it hurt a lot.

Just speak to him already..

I would but I was scared. Gone were the days when I would have walked up to him and tell off his shit. But it wasn't my enemy I was dealing with but my crush.

The boy I really like.

"Uhm.. Sims?" Success called. I turned to her with a smile on my face.


"Are you and Nnanna fighting?" She asked, looking worried. I was tongue tied as I didn't know the answer to give her.


"Because I saw him with Kathy earlier. They were talking and laughing and I was so confused. I thought he was done with her?"

I froze.

He went back to Kathy?

Oh how low could he stoop to get to me?

What have I even done?

I bit my lip as the hurt and anger cane rising up like steam from boiling liquid. Not only did Nana ignore me, he's going back to his ex? Was Kathy right? Did he only use me to cruise? Was that why he refused to confide in me of his issues? We're he and Kathy laughing.... behind my back?

"Wow" I said dryly.

"Kathy had been pestering him for a while now. I thought he told you Sha" She continued.

"I don't care what he does actually" I spat. I felt like a fool. He just wanted to use me for play. This was probably part of his revenge plot.

"Simi are you alright?" She asked, worry creasing her forehead.

"Nah I'm fine. I'm cool. Thanks for informing me Success." I replied. She smiled a little, squeezed my hand and left.

I bent my head and wiped off the salty liquid that ran slowly than my cheeks.

You may have hurt me now Nana, but you will never do it again.

I raised my head up and took in a deep breath. Then I stood up and went to where the guys where.

To accept Jidenna's proposal.


"Babe you sure? Have you talked to Nana about this?" Jidenna asked, scratching his neck.

"Yes, I'm one hundred and one percent sure I want to do this. But not for his sake, I'm not caring anymore" I said coldly.

"Fuck, he hurt you real bad" he muttered. I stared at him while he was thinking. Jidenna was very goodlooking, almost as goodlooking as Nana.

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