𝟐𝟔- 𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.

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That night after the fight, I went straight to Alice's house. We talked about everything. I let her know I was disappointed at the way she hid what happened between her and Damilola. We both apologized and made up, and vowed never to hide secrets from ourselves again.

The next day, I got to school in a bad mood. By the time I got to the class, I was ready to face that witch Kathy, but I saw Nana seated beside my seat instead.

The anger in me dissipated followed by excitement and relief. He looked tired and grim though, but seeing him there made me happy.

"Hi" I greeted politely. He raised up his face and saw me. His dull eyes brightened immediately and his soft pink like lips stretched into a smile.

"Hey Simi, what's up?" He greeted. I sat down beside him.

"I'm fine. And you?"

"Yeah I'm good."

There was silence. We just stared at each other, my heart was beating so fast, I feared he might hear it.
Maybe Alice was right, maybe there was some kind of tension between us.

Then I remembered what Kathy said yesterday.

He's just using you for fun.

"Are you alright? Your face fell a little" he asked softly.

"I'm fine. I just remembered something bad that's all. What happened yesterday? Why were you not in school? You never miss school" i asked. Immediately I did, a cloud of anger came over his face. That got me curious.

What really happened to him?

"I don't want to talk about it" he said coldly.

"Is it your-"

"I said I don't want to talk about it! Please mind your fucking business and leave me alone!" He yelled. I blinked at him. Even when we were still enemies, Nana have never yelled at me like this before. Seeing him angry made me hurt and scared. I swallowed his words and left to the garden beside the library.

It was isolated so it was a peaceful environment to read in. But even so, I couldn't focus on what I was reading. Nana's words resounded in my ears

I said I don't want to talk about it! Please mind your fucking business and leave me alone!

Whatever made him to yell like that at me wasn't nice. It showed he was really going through some issues and needed someone to talk to. But I won't, until he wants me to.

I heard footsteps and immediately looked up. It was him, looking at me with remorse in his eyes. I bit my lower lip and looked away from him.

"Simi I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. I am not myself for now" he said softly.

"It's okay. I've heard" I replied coldly and stood up to leave but he caught my arm and dragged me so close to him. My breath caught when he did so and my skin tingled when he held me.

"No, you are still angry. I'm so sorry, it's just that my head is overloaded and I'm stressed and going through a lot..."

"You need someone to help and talk to you. Why can't you just tell me what happened?" I said, trying to release my hand because being so close to him made me feel light headed. His lovely scent embraced me warmly.

He sighed and ran his hand through his curly hair.

"You won't understand. Besides I don't want to burden you with my wahala so.." he said, his grip tightened on my hand, he didn't want to let me go.

"Okay then. I understand. I won't force you till you want to. But you aren't burdening me, I want to help." I rambled. I looked to look at him only to meet his staring at me intensely.


"I don't know Simi. Everything is just hitting me at once. The return of my father, you, mum...it's all too much!"

The return of his father?


His mum?

This boy was legit confusing me.

"Your dad? He's the reason you are like this?"

"Yes. You might not understand now, but I'll explain later"

"And how am I in this?"

He kept quiet.

"Nana" I whined "Talk to me please!"

"Don't worry." He said. His gaze shifted from my eyes to my lip, which I was biting nervously.

"Please stop" he groaned softly. A sound that sounded really really sexy.

"Stop what?"

"Stop biting your lip like that. It's... driving me nuts" he whispered the last part. I just gawked at him like a moron. Did he just...did he just tell me that?

He came closer to me which made me move backwards. My back hit the walk in the enclosed area and the silence added to the sexual tension vibrating in the air.

He wanted to kiss me.

He wanted to kiss me

He should kiss me!

"Christ girl, what the fuck are you doing to me?" He whispered and cupped my head. I gulped softly, maintaining eye contact with him. He leaned in slowly, I could feel his sweet, minty breath on my face. My heart was like a loud drum, beating very hard and fast.

He was about to kiss me!

I could almost feel his lips on mine....

So close....

Then the loud bell rang, startling both of us.

He sighed and moved away from me. He jammed his hands in his pockets and his cheeks were stained red. I wanted to laugh so bad, the almighty Nana was blushing?

"Why are you smiling?" He asked.

"I'm smiling because you are blushing. I've never seen you blush before." I replied and giggled. He rolled his eyes but was smiling.

"Well consider yourself a very special girl because no one have made me blush like this before, well except my mum" he said. When he mentioned his mum, his smile faltered and my heart ached for him.

"Well, I feel very very special now. Do you want to go to class? Or should I leave you so you can concentrate?"

"Actually, I want you to stay with me here Simi. Please. I just want us to stay here together, you and I. Alone"


The way he said that word in that sexy voice of his made my skin get goosebumps. I bit my lower lip shyly and looked away.

"What did I say about lip biting? Hmm Simi? Do you want to drive me crazy?" He whispered in my ear. My skin became hot and butterflies assaulted my stomach.

"May-Maybe?" I said back. He chuckled and moved closer to me.

"Well don't Simi, you don't wanna know how I am when I'm driven crazy"

*Fans myself*

Ah omo, that was some sexual tension right there😗😏😉

I was just feeling the heat, as in like Nana wanted to legit kiss Simi right there! Ha! 🙆🏽

Nana has revealed only a small part of the gist to Simi. I hope she'll find out in the next chapters. These two eh, I don't know Sha, I just don't know.

I remember when they used to fight, now they are feeling hot for each other. Na wa oo🌚😂

Update two


Till next time!

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