𝟑𝟒- 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

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Yesss! Heeyyy I wanna tag some of my readers that have been doing extraordinary well😩💓💓 Only God can reward them for real, finally my hard work is paying off.


I really appreciate you all for your support likeeee!!😭😩 We are this close to one thousand reads!! Keep up the good work darlins!! Only God can reward you immensely 🥺

Because I'm sooooo in a good mood, I made this chapter extra longgg😗😂 Enjoy!!


I can do this...

Boldness, confidence and poise.

Alice you are brave...

You are-


I jumped and screeched at the deep voice and rumbled in my ear. I turned to see the face of...

Ah.. one and only...

The future husband of Simi...

"Nana? What's up?!" I greeted him cheerfully. He smiled, dimples curving at his cheeks. Honestly Nana was the hottest boy I've seen. Most times I wondered why he and Simi never got along then.

"I'm fine. You look good though. Have you seen Simi? I've been searching for her but I can't find her" he asked me, looking worried.

Ah! Simi was so blinddd!!

" I just left her a while ago. Maybe she went for Government class along with the others" I replied.

"Oh. Aren't you going for Government class?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. An action which was completely hott!

"Uh.. not really. I have to see someone first. You better go fast oo! Before they take all of the seats in the biology lab" his eyes widened and he blinked rapidly.

"Shit oo! Bye Alice!" He shouted and ran out of the class, making me to laugh.  Who puts 'shit' and 'oo' side by side?

I turned around to leave the class when I bumped into someone.


"Sorry"  a familiar deep voice whispered. I opened by eyes to see the black orbs of Damilola looking at me worriedly.

My heart started beating very fast...

Butterflies assailed my stomach...

My sudden bravery and confidence melted away like wax...

I couldn't say a word. 

"O-Oh, it's f-fine." I stammered while I balanced myself on my feet. He looked heart achingly handsome just standing there in his uniform with his fair skin glowing brighter.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't looking at where I was going. Did I hit you hard?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No. You wouldn't hurt me even if you tried." I blurted. He cocked his head and I swore I saw a smile at the corner of his lips. Silence was thick around us, and all that I wanted to say suddenly flew into the air.

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