𝟑𝟗- 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬

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"What's going on here?" I asked as I stared at Simi and the strange guy.

Handsome guy too..

"Oh Nnanna! Thank goodness you are here! I want you to meet my saviour. This is Jidenna, Jay? Meet my friend Nnanna" Simi said with a grin.

She has never smiled like that around me.

"Yo" I greeted, eyeing the new guy. He was good-looking. Too good-looking if I must add. He eyed me too with those lifeless brown eyes of his.

"Sup" he greeted back with the same bored tone. Simi was obviously oblivious to the tension between us. Apparently, her attention was all on him.

"He rescued me from a to be rapist. Thank God he was there because if not ehn, only God knows what would have happened" she babbled on and on about how he saved her but the only thing my ears caught was the "to be rapist"

She was almost raped?

My Simi was almost raped?!

Holy anger bubbled up in me that instant

"Who the fuck is the asshole that tried to touch you?" I growled. She blinked at me, obviously surprised at my anger. Then that worried look flickered in her face.

"One stupid fool like this. But I'm fine now, Jay came to save me so all is well" she said. I bit my lip to keep my anger in check and one glance at the boy lazily leaning against the wall was enough for me to not like him.

"Thank you" I shot at him. It wasn't for his benefit but out of gratefulness that Simi wasn't hurt. He shrugged in response.

"T'was nothing. Couldn't let the pretty girl get hurt by an uncivilised animal" he said and smiled at Simi who smiled at him back.

Wow...I feel so..out of place right now.

"Hey do you want to dance?" She asked him. My eyes widened at what she's asked. Did she just....Did Simi just ask another guy to dance?

Does she owe you dance? My subconscious mocked.

Rest ......I shot back mentally

"Sure... anything for the pretty girl" he said and winked at her making her giggle. I swallowed the huge lump in my throat as she held his hand and led him to the dance floor. I've never felt like this in my life....not even with Kathy. Simi dancing with another guy and not caring about how I felt about it stung deeply.

"I know it hurts bro" Zayne's voice rang behind me. I turned back to see him standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, pretending to not know what he was talking about. He sighed and walked closer to me.

"You and Simi. You make it so obvious bro. You hate the fact she chose that guy over you" he explained.


How did he get that?!

"It was nothing really" I shrugged, masking the hurt. "It's normal. Besides, it's not like we are dating or I own her or something" I added. He chuckled and shook his head.

"What?" I asked, frowning.

"You are whipped"


"I said you are whipped bro. Badly whipped" he said again this time with a smirk. I turned to glare at him.

"The fuck dude? I am NOT whipped! I don't like her like that sef. I don't know what you are saying this evening" I seethed. Dude legit just laughed away my words and placed his arm around my shoulder.

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