𝟐𝟖- 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭

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Hope y'all have tried the book I recommended? If you haven't please kindly do so. Don't worry, she's not slow in updating like me😂😗🤝🏻

This chapter is dedicated to _Mysterious....thank you darling for all of your support!!!😗😗😩😩😩🥺🥺😘

Anyways, what do you think about the heading? 😗😂

Let's read to find out...


Well damn.

The tension between the two girls was thick, like really really thick. Katherine glared at Simi while Simi gave a double dose. I had to cough to bring their attention back to earth.

"Girls what's up? What's with the death glares?" I asked. Simi turned to stare at me.

"I'm asking you to warn Kathy oo. She insulted Alice the other day because of Damilola. She insulted me too, just because I'm friends with you."



"Yes I did. And I'm warning you again, stay away from my boyfriend! Or else I'll do something nasty to you that day!" Kathy screamed. I stared at Kathy in shock. This was not the sweet, shy Katherine that asked me out at the beginning of this term. What was before me was an obsessed, most likely to murder kind of person.

It scared me.

"I'm not going after your boyfriend!" Simi shouted and stood up, face to face with her. "I just want to be friends with him and I have every right to be friends with him, you hear?"

Kathy laughed. And let me tell you it wasn't a nice kind of laugh, it was an evil laugh.

"You are stupid, do you know that? You think he'll choose someone like you over me? I'm the PERFECT girl for him. He's mine and mine forever!" She screamed.

"You guys should stop this please. Kathy what is wrong with you?" I asked. Kathy turned her glare to me.

"You better not ask me that dumb question. You are foolish too you know, hanging out with this worthless whore" she snapped. I became very angry. Angry at the fact that she had the guts to talk to I and Simi like that, angry that she was claiming to be the perfect girl for me whereas she was never there in my moment of trouble. She was only my girlfriend as a title but not as a real girlfriend.

Simi might have been my archenemy before, but she acted as a true friend to me. She might be annoying sometimes but she has a heart of gold and all this I was going to point to Kathy.

".....Who are you calling a whore ehn?" I heard Simi shout. Kathy wasn't even fazed, infact, she seemed to be enjoying Simi yelling at her.

"Simi stop" I said calmly. Simi turned to me. Her eyes were glassy, I guess she was on the verge of crying but was trying to push it back.

It made me angry.

"Did you hear what she said? She called me a whore! She insulted my family!" She shouted.

"Calm down. Just calm down let me handle this" I consoled her. She stared hard at Kathy for a moment before nodding.

"Let's talk Kathy" I said.

"Yes, let's talk here. I'm not going anywhere but here. Say what you have to say" Kathy replied.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you acting like this? This is not you Katherine, I know that. What suddenly came over you?" I said, trying to keep the anger from my voice but failing.

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