𝟒𝟒- 𝐅𝐮𝐧

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So this wasn't supposed to come now but I couldn't help myself😩 I really want to see my babies discover themselves and their feelings.

And to kiss too... 😂 Some of you are waiting for that day. See you😂😂😂

Let's see what this chapter has for us. 🌝😗


"..... And if you break her heart again eh, to God I will leave this your fine face and castrate you!" Funmi threatened. Nana swallowed and nodded with a bit of fear evident on his face.

"Good. You are lucky you are fine because if not eh.. what I planned on doing to you." She continued. I tried hard to restrain my smile but it wasn't working.

"Funmi it's okay. Before he pees on his body" I said and smirked. Nana raised an eyebrow at me and smiled.

"Pee on my body? Never! But you see, I need my stuff to reproduce later in life. I don't wanna be childless you know!" He replied with a small smile.

" Yes! Or else your future wife will abandon you!" I said and burst into laughter.

"Be laughing. My future wife will enjoy me especially in bed" he whispered in my ear. My cheeks turned pink as a dozen dirty thoughts flashed in my head.

"Dirty minded girl" he teased and draped his hands on my shoulder.

So you see, Nana actually came to my house to seek for Funmi's forgiveness and permission to go out with him. Funmi warned and threatened him for some time before giving us permission.

I had to admit, he looked too good. His curly hair was neat and some strands escaped and curled on his forehead. His blue eyes was shining with excitement and his lips looked attractive as ever! He was dressed in a normal white long sleeved shirt and black joggers with a pair of cool white sneakers. He also wore a hold chain and wristwatch, all which made him look elegant.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"ShopRite" he replied. I frowned a little.

"ShopRite? What are we going to do there?"

"It's a surprise" he said in a teasing manner. He led me out of the compound and we started walking.

" Come are we trekking?" I asked, frowning a bit.

"Yes na, it's not far from here!" He replied. I bit my lip as we continued walking. Even without doing anything, Nana caught the attention of a lot of people, majority from the female gender and to be honest it got me a teeny bit jealous.

Calm down mama, he likes you!

What if he unlikes me?

Ode...my subconscious mocked.

"Simi?" He called, looking at me.

" Hmm?"

"Can I ask for a favour? Promise you won't turn me down!" He pleaded and gave me the puppy eyes. Oh how could I resist it?

"Okay! I promise!"

"Can I hold your hand?" He asked, smiling shyly. I blushed and nodded unable to speak. He held my hand and some electric currents ran up my spine.

"I want to have a daughter as my first child!" He blurted out.


"So I can drive her suitors away with my German shepherd!"

I looked at him for a while before bursting out into laughter.

Shey this one is mad ni?

"Are you alright Nnanna?" I asked still laughing.

"Yes I am. And I want to spoil her! I'll call her muffin" he said and grinned.

"No na, you should have called her agege bread join sef" I teased and laughed. He pouted but not before smiling.

"Why are you like this? You are laughing at me instead of you to be commending my hot brain!" He said.

"Hot brain? Where? Because I see nothing" I laughed. He hissed and left my hand. I laughed so hard, tears began to fall from my eyes.

"Nana nah, are you vexing?" I asked when I caught up to him.

"Lemme joor" he pouted. I held his arm and turned him around to face me.

"I'm sorry for laughing. You can call your daughter muffin or even groundnut sef as long as your wife is okay"

"She will be!"

"How do you know that?" I asked curiously.

"Because she's standing in front of me!" I blinked at him and blushed so hard, I thought my cheeks would burn. Suddenly, he burst out laughing.

"Oh Simi you should have seen your face! It was so funny!" He laughed. I eyed him and stuck my tongue at him.

"And you are almost seventeen" he teased making me roll my eyes.

" Says the boy that wants his future daughter to marry German shepherd!" I shot back. He hissed at me and continued walking. Soon enough, we got to our destination.

"So what's the surprise?" I asked him. He didn't answer, instead he held my hand and dragged me in like I was his child.

We went into the KFC section and my nose began to tingle at the aroma of sweet food.

Ah food my luff!

"Two big bowls of ice cream please!" Nana told the waitress.

"Flavour sir?"

"One vanilla and chocolate while the other strawberry and vanilla" I stared at him wide eyed.

"How did you know?" I asked him.

"Know what?"

"That strawberry and vanilla is my favourite flavour of ice cream?" He shrugged and handed his card to the lady.

"I just guessed? You see? I'm a genius! I guessed your ice cream correctly!" He boasted and grinned. I rolled my eyes at him and smirked.

"Oh please, it was only because I pitied you. My favourite flavour is Amala and ewedu flavour"

The look he gave me was priceless.

"What the hell Simi? What kind of made up flavour is that?" He asked. I laughed at his wide eyed expression and sat down to devour my ice cream.

"That's why I'm smarter than you. I know all flavour but you know limited. How did I even fall for you sef?" I asked. He smirked and winked at me.

" That's because I'm gorgeous darling. You fell for me right at my feet"

" Oh puhleesse! Gimme a break! You fell for me right after you saw me in sports wear" I shot back and smiled at his expression.

" Whatever." He mumbled and continued eating his ice cream.

" What? Is the almighty Nana really going down without a fight? What is happening?" I asked dramatically. He smiled at me and I saw his gaze flickered lower when I licked my lips.

" That's because the almighty Nana wants something badly" he said hoarsely.

" What?"

" He wants to kiss you"

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