𝟐𝟎• 𝐓𝐡𝐞 '𝐃' 𝐝𝐚𝐲! (𝟐)⛹️‍♀️

353 77 20

Heyyo! I know y'all are surprised to see an update. Funny thing is, I wrote this draft since Sunday, network no let me publish 😂

Oh, our baby boy Nana is gonna have his first pov!! A round of applause for him jare, it's not eazy, after we've been in Simi's head since, it's time we move to another residence.

Is it just me or did Simi actually acknowledge Nana's voice is selzy? 😂 And is that Nana agreeing and telling her that she's beautiful? Haew, my eyes have seen😂😂😂

We haven't seen our baby, Melinda, In a while. I know I know, I'm preparing her for drama that will shock you.🌚

And as for Daniel? 😂 Who is that one goofy boy or boys in your class? Funny fact, I actually named Daniel after a former classmate of mine who was a goofy RASCAL then. See as I put the rascal in block letters 🌚🌝😂😂

Who's ready? I left y'all on a mountain hanger, sorry😂



"He-Hello Nana" she said nervously. She couldn't look at me in the eyes, her eyes wandered everywhere but my face. I guess she was shy which sounded really odd, the girl that could confidently blast anyone with insults was afraid to look at me in the eye.


"You look pretty" I said. Her eyes widened, as if she was surprised I said that. I didn't blame her though, we weren't the best of friends and I could say this was the first time I was speaking to her nicely.

"Thanks. You don't look bad either." She replied, staring at her nails. I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't look bad? Gawd Sims, you can't even say I look extremely sexy?" I replied with some arrogance in my voice. She finally looked at me, twisting her mouth in that funny way to sneer at me.

"Sorry oo! Mr Sexy!" She mocked. I chuckled softly and stared at her again. I didn't know why, but I found her very beautiful and I couldn't take my eyes off. But I didn't understand why I couldn't stop staring at her, I mean, she wasn't the only beautiful girl right? Success, Alice and other girls including my girlfriend Katherine looked gorgeous. So why was she an exception?

"Enough sexual discussions, the whistle has been blown. Everyone to your various Houses!" My thoughts were cut short by Israel's voice. I scoffed, sexual discussions? This boy was just...

"Come with me" I commanded softly. Simi followed me without complaining and we gathered our house members together. As much as I tried not to fret, I was scared, Yellow house was always the leading house from the rear end( you get what I mean?), Red house was the winning house because it was owned by the school. So here, we don't acknowledge Red house as the winner, we normally acknowledge the second position as the first. Like last two years, Green house took second, so they were applauded and seen to be the winner of that time.

"Now listen to me guys, we must not lose this time around. Most people are already expecting our house to lose but don't give them that assurance okay?" I said to my housemates.

"Yes senior!"

"Let's show them shege! Let's show them that we are not going to lose this year! We can do it!" Simi shouted, I smirked, knowing her to be very wild.

"Now y'all should relax okay? The races start soon" I said and they all left to rest. My phone vibrated In my pocket, I took it out, seeing the ID caller, I smiled and picked it up.

"Mama" I greeted.

"Karlson? I'm at your school oo! Where are you na?"

"Mum I'm inside, just ask for directions to our school field."

" So you cannot come and pick me ba? That sport is more important than me ehn Karl?" I smiled. I could almost see her pouting.

" Mummy na, just come inside. I have work here, the races are already starting"

" Okay oo, I even thought it was a girl that was keeping you there sef. "

" Mum honestly?" I laughed. She laughed too. Then we both stopped and there was a brief silence.

" Nana" she called gently.  I knew she wanted to say something serious. My mum always called me Karl or Karlson on other occasions except she wanted to get serious with me.

"Yes mum?"

"Should he-"

"No" I said flatly. I knew what she was going to ask. I didn't get why she wanted to drag him back to our lives when he clearly didn't want us anymore. I heard her sigh deeply.

"Okay dearie, I'm coming" she said and hung up. I sighed too and placed the phone back in my pocket and looked around only to see Simi staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing" she replied and looked away. I huffed under my breath and looked away too.

"Who's starting first?" I asked her. She looked at me with a confused look on her face.


"I said who's starting first? Who's running the junior races?"

"Oh! It's Martha, Damilola in Jss1, Sofia, Ash, Confidence, Jericho..." She started listing off names of juniors I'm not sure I've heard of. Rather, I was focused on her lips as she was talking. They were the pouty kind of lips, not too dark, not too pink and it fitted her complexion. Suddenly a stupid idea came to my brain and all I started thinking of was how soft her lips would be.

"Heyyo! Sexy boy!" She shouted, snapping her fingers in my face, I blinked rapidly, coming back to reality and raised my gaze up to her eyes.

"Sorry, I blanked out. Anyways, are they ready?"

"Yeah." She said and adjusted her shorts. My eyes caught the movement and I found myself looking at her waist and hips.

Damn it Nana stop ogling her like a pervert!

Slowly, I dragged my eyes up to the track field. The referees came out to the center and blew the whistle.

It was time.

"Junior race!  Female Junior students two hundred meters!" He yelled. A young girl came out. I held her hand and stared at her.

"Do me proud okay? Don't look back and run fast. Focus and run till the finish line you hear?"

"Yes senior"

"Go now...we are cheering for you" she ran to the field with the other junior representatives from other houses. I didn't know when I and Simi when standing so close together.

"God please let us win" I heard her whisper.

I desperately prayed so too....


It is here! The interhouse sports is here! Omorrr, who's ready?!!!🌚

Hm, this one Nana is staring at Simi like zis, I hope all is well Sha🌝

We also get to see a glimpse of Nana's mum, whats your thoughts about her?

Also, it seems Nana has a bit of a background story concerning his family, anyways Sha... we'll see to that later won't we?😗🌝🌚

If you have any questions concerning this book, feel free to ask. Maybe, just maybe, if y'all cooperate, we might have a question and answer section just for us.

Big question: who do you think will win the interhouse sports? If you answer correctly, I'll do two updates...

Spam me babies!!!😗✌🏽✌🏽😝😝 Vote vote vote and comment!!!!!!


Peace ✌🏽🕊️

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