𝟐𝟗- 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐞 .𝟏.

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Hey there!!

So I've decided to do a double update. I still have one more draft but I want y'all to feel the suspense yunno🌝

This chapter is dedicated to MiniAmbivert....thank you soooo much darling for the wonderful support you've been giving me. I'm more than grateful🥺😩😗😗😍

Now, let's enjoy


Nana was steaming hot when he walked out of the field. He kept mute all through out the school period till it was closing time. After several minutes, he asked me to follow him outside the school gate. His driver was waiting beside his car.

"Can I ask you for a favour?" He asked.

"Uhm yeah sure"

"Stay over at my house today. Please" he said. My eyes widened at his suggestion. Stay over at his house today? Where did he come up with such?

Nana must have seen the surprise on my face because he face palmed himself and groaned.

God he should stop doing that!

"Sorry never mind, that was dumb. I wasn't thinking" he said and was about to walk away. The way his shoulders were hunched and the way his face was taunt with stress got to me, it made me pity him a lot. Being dumped by your girlfriend and battling with family issues is not a good stress to deal with, especially when you have WAEC, NECO and JAMB to worry about.


He turned back and looked at me.

"I'll stay over. I'll call my mum and Alice and stuff." I said. He swallowed and I saw the hope flash in his eyes.

"You'll stay?"

"Yes. Yes I will" I replied. He smiled and opened the door for me to get in. He stayed in front with the driver and soon we were on the road on the way to his house. I picked up my phone and called Funmi, who I know will cover me up.

"Yo witch what's up?"

I rolled my eyes at the name she called me.

"Can you help me with something? I'm going to stay over at Nana's house for today because he has issues and needs my help. Can you help me tell mum I'm at Alice's house?"

"Oshey! Liar in the making! You have joined bad gang abi? You want to do olosho at his house ehn?"

"Yeye girl. I'm not in any bad gang. I just want to help him. Tomorrow I'll tell you everything"

" Really? Okay then. Don't carry nine months oo! If you guys do anything bad I'll know oo, you hear?! "

Who gave me this sister abeg?

"Alright then. Byeee!"

"Bye! Call Alice oo, I don't want wahala oo!"

"Sure thing bae" I said and hung up. I met Nana's smoky blue eyes from the rear view mirror. I gasped when they met mine, and I wondered how long he had been staring at me.

"She agree?" He asked.

"Yes. I'll just go home to get some clothes and all."

"Never mind about that, I have some spare clothes in my house that used to belong to my elder sis. I'm sure they'll fit you" he said, not breaking eye contact.

"Oh okay then." I replied. I couldn't trust myself to look into his eyes again. With the way my heart was beating so fast and hard, I feared that he'll hear it from the front seat. 

Soon we got to his house which still looked as beautiful as always. Even though this was my second time of coming here, I was still awed at the beauty of the compound and mansion. Money was really good in this life.

He led me into the huge house, upstairs to a long corridor with rooms on every side. He opened the door to one and showed me a navy-blue coloured room with glittering silver on them. The room was breath-taking to be honest. A large king-sized bed was in the center with various wonderful gadgets in it.

"Wow" I breathed "Is this your room?" I asked.

"Yeah. Let me show you yours." He said and led to a room opposite his. It was painted lemon green and black. It also had a king-sized bed in it with cool Air conditioner like in Nana's room.

"Aye, it's lovely! I'm in love with this room already" I replied and smiled at him. He smiled back at me.

"The bathroom already has all you need. So I guess it'll be okay for you to have your bath. The wardrobe also has clothes so you can choose anyone you want okay? If you need anything, call me." He said and I nodded. He left and I took my time to bath, keeping it in mind that I was to call Alice just in case.

After bathing, I cleaned myself up and checked out the clothes in the wardrobe. Nana was right as there were female clothes in there. I took out a pink T-shirt and black jean short and wore it. It was a bit small though, it barely covered the whole of my thighs. I guess Nana's sister was really slim when she was younger.

I picked up my phone and dialed Alice's number, hoping she was with her phone.

"Hello? Sims?"

Thank God!

"Alice hey! I need your help abeg"

"What happened? Is anything wrong?"

"Not really. I just need you to do something for me. I told my mum I was staying over at your place. So please in case she calls, tell her I'm there"

" Okay na. But where are you?"

" Nana's. He asked me to stay over and...and I agreed to."

" Really? I really wanna ask why but my mum is calling me, you owe me full gist tomorrow oo!"

I laughed softly.

"Sure thing na" I replied and hung up. I dropped the phone and opened the door to go out. Nana too was about coming out. He was wearing a white shirt and black joggers.

"Hey! Have you settled everything?" He asked.

"Yeah I have. You've had your bath abi?"

"Nooo, I'll be waiting for you. Or do you want to bath with me? I can always bath again you know" He asked and smirked. No one had to tell me that Nana was flirting with me, and it made my cheeks heat up.

"Eeww! Why would I want to bath with you? Only couples do that" I replied.

"Hmm, I see" he said. Silence took over as we both stood awkwardly in the corridor.

"Do you wanna come into my room? We could gist and stuff" he asked. I could tell he was nervous because he continually rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

"Sure no problem. I even want to see the Play Station all you boys are so crazy about" I replied and walked into his room. I had the feeling I was walking into trouble but I ignored.

After all, what could actually go wrong?

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