𝟐𝟐• 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐞

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Gosh longest time guyss!

Before I start rambling, I just wanna apologize for not updating for a really long time. The thing is, I just lacked the will and morale to write. I'm really sorry 😔😐

I'll try to be more regular in updates, I can't promise I'll be very regular, but I'll finish this book soon without too much delay....

Happy New year in arrears! By July this year, Seatmates is going to be one year old!😁

Now, who's ready for another update?


The boys ran. I was both excited and scared. Excited because Nana, Daniel and some other senior boys helped us in getting golds and silver even in the 1500m race, I was scared because it was the girl's turn to run the final race of the day.

The 1500m race.

I won't say I wasn't chilled by the cold glares Kathy gave me from afar. But I didn't let Nana know anyways. He was cheering me up and getting my morale high.

I have to admit, it was kinda working.


"Simi you can do this. Just stick to the rules and you'll be fine. Whatever you do, don't listen to your body when it tells you to stop, don't look back, don't open your mouth and don't give up. Even though you fall, rise up. We'll be here cheering for you okay?" He rapped as he led me to the starting line.

I nodded at his words.

He turned me around and stared at me intensely and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"I.Believe. In. You" he said softly and smiled.

I smiled back.

"Thank you" I whispered. A strange thing happened to, I felt my heart beat....twice.

He touched my cheek and stared at me for a while. For a split second, I thought he wanted to kiss me. Hell, I wanted him to kiss me!

What is wrong with me?

Why am I suddenly feeling like this?

He sighed and dropped his hand. He gave me a thumbs up and ran to the audience area.

I looked around and met Kathy's eyes. Her eyes wore an evil look, worse of all, she was smiling.

It wasn't a nice smile, it was a I'll-kill-you smile. And it got me freaked out. I gulped and looked away and took my position as number three among the eight girls.

"On your mark?!"

You can do this Simi....
"Get set!"

They believe in you....


Immediately we all took off. Some ran fast and we're way ahead. Kathy was among them and God was she fast. I maintained a small pace and tightly shut my mouth.

One ...

I continued running, fully concentrating on finishing the race first or second or even third. I passed the seventh girl and then the sixth thereby finding myself in the fifth position.


By the third lap I was getting tired, feeling my strength dissipate. But I continued. I didn't give up and I could hear Nana and the house mates cheer me on.

"Senior Simi! We believe in you!!! Go! Go! Go! You are our champion!"

I felt encouraged..


By this time I was already third position. Kathy was first and a blue house member was second. My body was crying and my muscles were weak but I held on.


I was second now. Kathy was so near to me. By this time, I was pushing all I had. The chants became louder...


I pushed my body forward and was side by side with Kathy. The finish line was so close, so close I could smell it.

Then I fell down.

My legs gave way when Kathy pushed me to the ground. My knees scraped the ground and I was nearly unconscious. Nana and the rest rushed to me with worried expressions on their faces.

"Are you okay? Sims can you hear me?" I heard him say. He wanted to take me away, but I held my ground.

I didn't want to be taken away, I had to finish this race. Even though I didn't win, I will finish the race and that's all that matters

"Race. Help me stand" I manage to gasp.


"Help me stand! I must finish the race!"

"But...but you are weak!"


He looked at me and shook his head with a smile. Then he helped me stand up.

"Go finish that race bae" he whispered.

I nodded my head and ran to finish the race.

Then I fell again.

This time, my teammates caught me and carried me high. They were happy even though I didn't get first but second position. They chanted my name and sang winning songs in my honour. I felt proud of myself.

"Give her water! Wey glucose dey na?!" I heard Daniel shout. Nana splashed water on my head before pouring some in my mouth. I felt his disappointment though I didn't look at his face.

"Simi" he called gently.

Here we go...

"Thank you"

I had to look at his face. He was smiling, no he was grinning. He looked happy and proud. Proud of me.

"You are not sad?" I said.

"What? The hell no. I'm glad you did something out of your comfort zone. Though it was cheating but I'm happy we came second. I'm really proud of you"

I blushed and looked away, unable to look at him in the eye.

"Come, let's go meet my mum" He said, holding out his hand to me. I took it and helped myself up and followed him.

Wow...now that was something....

Simi finally came out of her comfort zone and ran🌚

Who else noticed Nana's behavior?💀

Hmm, Kathy, hmm. *Crosses my arms and stares*

I hope I did well for you guys sha. Please don't be annoyed with me🥺🤲

Plix vote, share and comment oo...

Or I'll HUNT you! 🔪

Playing playing 😂 but plix vote and comment ehn🤲😩 don't forget to share my book.

Adios! Till next time

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