𝟒𝟔- 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲

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Seatmates is gradually coming to an end and oh my gosh I'm so scared! 😩 My babies story will soon be over and I'm like what?

We still have like seven to eight more chapters before this book is officially over. Maybe I'll extend it to ten😂😗✨ or twenty more sef depending on the Spirit😂😗

Here we go.


WAEC started officially ten days ago.

Everything was going smoothly. Simi was always with me making me laugh with her actions or teases, the guys lured me into the Play Station which I played with all joy without caring that I was writing an exam that would make or mar my life. Katherine shot me glares but that was all she could do. My brothers were busy with their own lives while my mum was my mum.

But I still felt something was missing.



My father.

God knows how much I detested that man for leaving us for another woman, for hurting my mother so bad she became depressed for almost a year. But deep down in my heart, I knew I missed him.

My brothers said nothing about him. He wasn't spoken about in the house. They didn't want him back and so do I.

I think.

"What are you thinking of?" Simi whispered in my ear. Everyone was done with the English paper and some had begun to go home to rest while the remaining stayed to make noise and gist.

"Nothing really" I replied.

"Come on, I know you better than that. You are thinking of something difficult. Don't lie to me" she replied, a frown marring her pretty face. I looked at Similola and smiled. Four months ago I still hated and disliked this girl, but now I so much liked her.

"Now you are smiling. Nana you are acting creepy" she said and chuckled softly. I smiled and held her hand.

"I want to tell you something but not here. Follow me" I whispered and led her to the garden that was off limits. I sat down on the bench and watched her sit down.

"So? What is going on?" She asked.

"Remember my father?" I asked, her brows drew together in a frown as she nodded.

"Let me tell you the whole story"

"My father and mum loved each other very much. He loved us as well. Every day when he came back from work, he made out time to play children games with us no matter how childish the games were. My dad was my hero"

" But when I was thirteen, I noticed something. They always argued. I mean they argue normally as couples but I saw it was getting too much. He started staying at work and coming late in the night. It grew worse when he won't come to the house till morning reeking of alcohol"

I saw her flinch.

" One day I wanted to use his phone for my assignment because mine was dead. As I was using it, I saw a message from a contact saved as 'The barber'. At first I ignored it because I'm not the type to be snooping into someone's chat as it's highly mannerless. But when I saw the message, I grew curious and opened it. It became my undoing" I said softly as I remembered everything over again.

" Nnanna-"

" No, let me finish. He was receiving love texts from that contact. I knew it wasn't a barber but a lady. I confronted my dad about it and he...he hit me that day. He beat me so bad I got injured. I would show you but I would have to take my shirt off" I said, trying to smirk to cover the pain I was feeling. I raised my eyes to look at Simi's beautiful face.

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