𝟒𝟖- 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐨

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The silence that visited the house after I said that was thick.

The boys were all glaring at me but I cared less. I had to do this. I had to make our family complete of nobody was willing to do it. Mum was staring at me with different expressions on her face, surprise, hurt, fear, happiness, sadness and the likes.

"We are not talking about this!" Jerry growled. On a normal day, I would have flinched and backed down.

But not today.

"We have to. We can't continue living in denial. I still see his pictures everywhere. We want him back, just we are hurt" I explained.

"I'm not with you on this bro. You saw what he did. Four years is a really long time" Kam said in a cold voice.

This is going to be difficult.

I felt Simi hold my hand to reassure me. That did more than a thousand words.

"We need to let go"

"Let go? LET GO?!! Fuck you Jordan for saying this! You saw how he left us, you saw how he chose his mistress over us. You hated him and so did we, why the change of mind?!" Jerry shouted.

"I understand the pain, trust me I've fared no better. But we need him back. I miss having him around. Four years is enough time for him to come back to his senses" I said with hope.

"I'm not entertaining this. I'm out" Jayden muttered and stood up.

" Nonso please." I saw him flinch as I called him that. "I know you hate being called Chinonso because dad always called you that. But don't you sometimes feel a part of you is missing? We can't function properly as a family without dad-"

"HE LEFT US!" Mandy cried out. Her eyes were red and there were tears in her eyes. Tears filled my eyes too but I retrained them so as to be in control.

"I know but-"

"Drop this RIGHT NOW!" Jerry shouted. My control snapped and I glared at him.

"NO!" I shouted back.

"We are not having dad back. We don't need him" Kam said calmly but I knew he was angry as well.

"Why is nobody LISTENING TO ME?!" I yelled in frustration.

"Because we don't want to! Now drop it Nana or else!" Jayden threatened.

"Or else what?" Anger flashed in my eyes as I glared at him.

"Or else we'll-"


Everyone froze. Simi looked angry, livid, pissed. Years of annoying her knew how she was when she was angry. It never ended well.

She stood up, holding the table for support. I saw her hands were shaking, another sign to know how really angry she was. She glared at everyone, red flashing in her eyes.

"Can you all hear yourselves?! Bringing your father back has now become an issue for you right?" She said, her voice shaking. I was beginning to get worried. I tried to hold her but she shrugged off my touch.

I understood what she wanted immediately.

Let me handle this.

"This is not your fight Simi. I know you want to defend Nana because you like him and all but you have no right to interfere with this, it's a family discussion!" Jerry snarled.

"I understand. My apologies for interfering but I wil not watch you tear your family to pieces with your hands. I get you all are angry and frustrated. If I were in your shoes, I'll feel worse, even do worse sef. But you guys don't know what you would get yourself into if you don't bring your father back."

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