𝟒𝟑- 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡

342 67 24

Wanted to leave y'all on a cliff but my sister wanted to kill me with a broom 😂

Let's see what happens here🌚

"What?" I asked dryly. He looked very nervous. He kept scratching the back of his neck often.

"Do you... May I... Can we.. talk?" He stammered.

"No" I snapped and went back to reading.

Stop forming joor. My subconscious mocked.

Shut up!

"Simi please. I... I know I hurt you. God I know I'm a jerk but please hear me out." He pleaded.

"I'm not interested in hearing anything Biko. I need to read, Waec starts in a week."

"Simi" he pleaded. Every part of me wanted to listen to him, but pride will not allow me.

"Ten minutes" I said coldly. He muttered some words of appreciation and led me to a garden that was off limits. It was beautiful as I could see the Lagoon and the third Mainland bridge from here.

"So?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh... How are you?" He asked, looking more nervous.

"Is that what you called me here for? To ask how I am?" I asked with scorn in my tone.

"I want to apologize. For acting as a jerk towards you. Thing is I never knew you liked me"

"It changes nothing. I'm working on getting rid of them. I'm sorry for even liking you because it felt like I committed a crime" I said bluntly. I watched as he flinched.

I felt.... Bad.


"Please, Simi I'm so sorry. I have no excuse for how I behaved and I get you are mad at me right now but please, I can't have peace with you hating me like this" he said, coming closer to me.

"I forgive you. What's the need of holding grudges?"

"Thank you. So... Uh... Are we still friends?"


"What? Wh-Why?"

"Because you hurt me! How can we still be friends after that?! You treated me badly as a friend, got angry over little things I did, snubbed me, went back to Katherine... Like that was the greatest insult ever!!!" I yelled. He stared at me with shock on his face.

"I... I didn't mean to hurt you Simi, I swear" he said softly.

"Wow, maybe your definition of friendship is twisted. Wo, if you have nothing to say I would like to go back to class" I said harshly and turned around.

"Simi wait!" He shouted.

"What na? What do you want to say again? Have I not told you my mind? Have I not forgiven you? What else do you want? My blood?" I exclaimed angrily.

"I like you goddamit!"



I stared at him with surprise. He looked hurt and nervous.

"Are you joking? Is this another prank?" I asked with venom in my voice.

"No it's not a prank. I do like you Simi. A lot. And I did all I did because I was jealous" he murmured.

"Jealous?" I asked with confusion. "Of what?"

"You and Jidenna. I was angry he rescued you and not me, I didn't like when you were being extra nice to him and yet you've never been that nice to me. I didn't even know I was falling bad for you till Zayne opened my eyes. He asked to tell you earlier but I was just being stupid. I snubbed you because you were all over Jidenna and you forgot all about me. I'm sorry Simi. I don't like Katherine anymore, I just went to her to get back at you and.... " He paused and bit his lower lip. "Fuck, it backfired" he whispered.

I didn't say anything. Heck, I was speechless.

"Maybe it's because I've never really liked someone like this before. I made stupid decisions in my anger and jealousy. I never meant to hurt you Simi I swear."

"How-When did you st-start liking me?" I asked hoarsely.

"Since interhouse sports. You looked so beautiful, breathtakingly sexy that all I was thinking of was to kiss you. I really wanted to kiss you. I tried so hard to not like you because I didn't want it to end like I and Katherine. But unfortunately, I fell deeper."

"I know you hate me now, but please, even if you don't like me anymore, just don't unfriend me. Please" he pleaded. I swallowed when I looked into his eyes. He was telling the truth, I could see it in his eyes.

Oh my Gosh...

Nana liked me too?

Nnanna Jordan K. James liked me?!

"I'm sorry for those words I said earlier" I whispered since he was close to me now. "I was hurt, angry and-"

"Shhhh, don't apologize. It was my fault anyway. So we good?" He asked with hope in his eyes.

"We good." I replied with a smile. He grinned and swept me off my feet in a hug. I laughed with delight as he tossed me in the air.

It felt like a dream. The boy I once hated liked me.

And I liked him back.

Somebody scream hallelujah!!!! 🔥🔥🔥😂😂😂

Our babies have finally settled their wahala. Seatmates is gradually coming to an end Sha😂😥 I'm so excited but hurt at the same time.

Hope y'all like this chapter. Boya I should have broken them up😂😂

Don't kill me Biko, I was just playing😂😂😂😂🤲🏼

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