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What is going on? What have I done now? Y'all are not commenting, even voting is getting slower and y'all are not sharing. I've been begging you to do these for me, but you all are not helping.

We are already in chapter 20 but yet we are still in three hundred reads and one hundred and seventy four votes, what is it naw? Is it bad to write a book?

I'm not angry, I'm just disoriented and hurt. I don't even have the morale to write this book again. I mean, I have so many ideas for you all to enjoy but you are not making it easy for me.

I ask questions at the end of a chapter and I get ignored, nobody even replied to what I said in the last chapter, that hurt me a lot! I felt that right to my soul..

Please, I myself I don't want to stop this book, please vote, share and comment... It won't cost you shi shi, and if there's anything I am doing that's stopping you from Voting, sharing or commenting, bring it to the table, let's tackle it.

Because after this book, I want to write another one. Do you think I should bring THE ART OF FAKE DATING back? Please let me hear your view

Please guys, let's get to one thousand reads, please make me happy... That'll will be the best gift y'all will ever give me.

Let's get to one thousand reads before February next year hm? Please, I know we can do it, share this book to your friends and fam and to everyone around you.

please I want to see changes before I update so I can have morale again...


Thank you for listening..

For those who can't remember the story of the Art of Fake dating, it's that story I write earlier before Wattpad took it down. Yunno, the story that featured Arisona, Desire, Efua, Ada, Tunji and Ezekiel.

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