𝟒𝟓- 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬

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" What? Is the almighty Nana really going down without a fight? What is happening?" I asked dramatically. He smiled at me and I saw his gaze flickered lower when I licked my lips.

" That's because the almighty Nana wants something badly" he said hoarsely.

" What?"

" He wants to kiss you"

I blinked at him, my lips parting in surprise. His blue eyes had gone darker and for a moment I was oblivious of everything around me. Without thinking, I sank my teeth into my lower lip and chewed it. I saw his Adam apple bob up and down as he watched that moment.

"Diana" he whispered. I instantly released the lip and I could see he was trying to control himself badly.

"Excuse me!"

We blinked, snapping out of our moment and turning our attention to the intruder.

A girl.

She was pretty, too pretty if I must add. She had this light skin and long hair. Her boobs were big and she had curvy hips. I began to feel intimidated.

"Hi! How can we help you?" I replied.

Guess what she did...

She ignored me and smiled at Nana.

"Do you mind if you help me with my zip? It's kind of stuck and I don't know what to do" she said and pouted. I just sat there, shocked at the way she snubbed me. Nana must have noticed because he looked conflicted.

"I...I am not a clothes person. Ask her" he said. She casted a bored look to me, the purse still in her hands and she dumped it in front of me.

"Can you fix it?" She asked coldly, unlike the warm tone she gave Nana earlier.

"No" I shot back. I decided that I didn't like this girl. She was rude and she was after my man.

Hollup! Hollup!

Your man now?

She scoffed under her breath and gave Nana that charming smile of earlier.

"She can't. Anyways, I'm Keisha. Keisha Korede" she drawled. I noticed how she bent so Nana could have a good view of her breasts.

Oh no...

"I'm Nnanna James. This is my very close friend, Simi" he introduced us. She glanced at me for only two seconds and smiled back at him again.

"Nice to meet you handsome. I'm the Head girl of Saint Lucas College, you know the school right?" She asked softly, batting her eyelashes at him. I had to swallow an insult that jumped up in my throat that moment.

"Oh yeah I know the school. I have friends there" he replied, looking at me with a worried expression. I avoided his gaze and focused on staring at the crowd.

"Really?" She asked, trying to look surprised but she failed miserably. "Who?"

"Amir, Zayne, Rihanna....their clique Sha" he responded. I felt him look at me again.

"Ohh I know Amir. He's a...let's say a very close friend of mine" she drawled, this time she trailed her finger down his chest.

Okay that's it.

"Excuse me miss Keisha, but I think it's time you leave. As you saw, we were in a conversation before you came in" I said bluntly. Keisha gave me a once over and stared at me in disgust.

" Who are you to talk to me? I don't entertain trash from ugly girls" she retorted.

"That's enough Keisha. Get out. You calling Simi ugly is the highest insult I can take" Nana growled. She stared surprisingly at him, obviously surprised her charm didn't work on him.

" You... You guys are dating?" She stammered.

" Not yet darling but we will. Not get your olosho ass from here abeg. Girls like you make me ashamed of my gender" I snapped. Her eyes glowed with anger and I could see she was trying to restrain herself.

"Who are you calling a prostitute?" She asked with anger in her voice.

"You na! Abi was I talking to your ancestors?" I smirked.

"Take that back! Take it back!" She cried with anger.

"Nope. You barely know somebody and you just came to be touching him. Nna ehn, see it's because we are in ShopRite because if not, I for wipe you shoe" I threatened.

"You'll hit me?" She asked incredulously. I stared at her in disdain.

"Are you slow in hearing abi are you dumb?" I asked with scorn. Nana was just chuckling and smiling at the whole event.

"You are lucky, I don't even want to exchange words with a worthless human like you" she said and stood up to go. I stood up as well and grabbed her arm.

"Who's worthless? Is it me you are calling worthless? Because that should be your middle name. Who came here to start toasting my very good friend? Is it not Olosho that does that?" I shouted, a lot of people were watching us now but I didn't care. Keisha stood there looking embarrassed because some people were taking pictures.

" A while Head girl of a prestigious school, can you imagine? I wonder who made you head girl Sha, all the prostitutes I know are always brainless. Please can you fix my zip?" I mimicked. A lot of people were laughing now including Nana.

" You are laughing?" She asked, turning to him with anger on her face.

" I should cry? I didn't tell you to come near me nau." He laughed. In embarrassment, she ran out. I with all confidence, sat down on my seat.

" Damn Simi, where the hell did you get your sassiness from?" Nana asked still smiling.

" Heaven!" I replied and we laughed.

"About what you said about us dating soon, did you mean it?" He asked, looking at me in the eye. I didn't have a true answer to that so I kept quiet.

"I don't know. I just said to put her off" I muttered. He kept quiet for a while.

" That was the hottest thing I've seen you do though. I wanted to step in but I felt your mouth could take care of it all"

" And it did?"

" Yeah babe. It really did" he said and smiled. Then he stood up and grinned.

" Come let me give you a piggy back!"

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