𝟑𝟔 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐠

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Heyyo! 😂 I know y'all are like "she has gotten to one thousand reads now she doesn't want to update now" 😂😂😂 I'm sorry for not updating for a really long time. I'm so sorry!! I've been really busy and I'm preparing for my exams...

I just decided to drop a triple update and not update till early May. Let's see Sha 😂

So! We are going to see The Art of Fake dating characters here...yeah all of em... including our dear own Nathaniel (note the sarcasm?)😂

I hope you enjoy this!!✨


"Are you driving?"

I casted a look to the gorgeous girl beside me. She was frowning, but that didn't reduce the her beauty.

"Yeah? Is that an issue?" I replied with a smirk, almost certain of what she'll say next.

"How old are you? A seventeen year old boy driving? Abeg I don't want to die young oo! Just call your driver or something" she hissed.  It took all in me not to laugh at her face expression right now. This girl was hilarious without even trying..

"I went to driving school baby.." I smirked, adding the name to irritate her further. Her eyes widened and her cheeks went pale pink.

Blood of Jesus...

Was she...

Was she blushing?!

The idea that Simi could blush made me burst into laughter. The hard girl was finally blushing, all because a pretty hot guy called her baby..


"Don't call me that! And so? What if you went to driving school? Does that guarantee you being a good driver?" She retorted.

"Well I'm about to drive now. We've spent two minutes here and I'm sure we are late already. So shall we?"

"Whatever guy" she huffed rolling her eyes. "But if you want to die, tell me yeah?" I scoffed in response, started the engine and began to drive out.



The party was in full swing by the time we got there. To say that this place was expensive was an understatement, it literally reeked of class and wealth! For the first time in my life I felt intimidated by these teenagers around me.

You need to see girls and boys (some even older than me sef) dressed expensively like it was nothing. These SLC students were classy no doubt. I wondered how Nana was comfortable amongst them.

Because he's an old money...

He's way richer than you, he just attends the same school with you...

"Come. He's waiting for us inside." Nana said and grasped my hand. He half dragged me among the sweaty, dancing and hormonal teenagers who were half drunk already. What kind of party serves alcohol to minors?!

"Dayo!" Nana shouted with a big grin on his face. I squinted my eyes to look at the guy Nana was calling.

And oh my god!

He was fucking hot!!!

"Nnanna my guy" he replied. Bouncing confidently towards Nana and doing their funny handshake. He was fair skinned and oozed coolness. He was dressed in a white expensive looking shirt and blue jeans...Omo...guy legit had a gold chain round his neck. The girls in his school were very lucky.

"How far nau? I hope say I no late too much? " Nana asked, raising an eyebrow. Butterflies assailed my stomach... don't blame me cause that action is goddamn sexy!

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