𝟐𝟏• 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐬🙆🏽

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Hmm, I did see some improvement...to those who personally dm me to tell me how great my work is, thank you...

Special thanks and love to my new love Talodabioluwa22 , girl was the one that encouraged me in Christ and also to continue writing...Girl, thank you😩🥺

Now, let's move on shall we?😁

Oh, and, updates will be very fast now, so get ready cause you'll be seeing some shocking things...

Ok, less move.


The junior races were.... Okay. The two hundred meters for females was not too bad, we came second, while in the four hundred meters we cane first. For the boys, we came third in the two hundred meters and that was because of the Red house representative pushed him down, but he caught up anyways. We came second in the four hundred meters. Nana and Daniel were busy running around with glucose, water or chewing gum around to rejuvenate the tired runners. They encouraged them and shook their hands, telling them how well they did. Nana was even joking and smiling with them.

The whistle blew for the senior girls and boys to get ready for the senior race, which was like the most important race of the whole sport event. Nancy, Majiri and Tola our representatives, were ready and I was ready to cheer them on.

"Guys are you ready?" Nana asked them, a worries look on his face.

"Ehn na, just leave the race to us. We will carry first you'll see" Tola boasted.

"Don't boast too much oo, so that God will not allow us to fail" Daniel replied, I wanted to laugh at his childish statement but deep down I knew it was true.

The race blew for the two hundred meters race and Nancy went first.

"Do well oo!! We are here for you!" I shouted. Nana came to stand beside me, arms akimbo.

The representatives came out and I was surprised to see Kathy as the representative for Red house. From the shock on Nana's face, I'm sure he was shocked too which was weird because she was his girlfriend.

Oh well.

After the start, at the sound of the gun, the racers took off like panthers. Kathy was leading, God of mercy you had to see this girl, she was fast! But hopefully, Nancy was catching up closely to her.

They were almost at the finishing line. I heard Nana shout Nancy's name.

God they were so close....


Nobody saw it. It was a surprise to everyone. One second Nancy was side by side with Kathy, another second she was on the ground rolling on the floor.

I, Nana, Daniel, Majiri and the emergency committee ran up to her and gently picked her from the floor into the emergency room. She was crying and moaning with pain.

"My leg! My leg oo!"

"Sorry! God of mercy see her leg" Nana said. Majiri and Daniel said something but I didn't hear them. Instead my gaze shifted to her leg which was twisted badly. The emergency team asked us to go out so they could twist the leg back, we left. I didn't want to see that anyway.

"Jesus what do we do now? She was our fastest racer" Daniel said. From where I was, I could hear the screaming of Nancy and I winced.

"Nana, I saw when Kathy pushed Nancy on the ground. That wasn't a fair race oo!" Majiri said heatedly. Nana looked confused and worried.

"I think we should give someone else her position. I mean, the sports won't stop because of one person. We have to think fast" I said.

"God I hope she's okay" Daniel mumbled.

When our other housemates saw us, they rushed towards us with worry on their faces.

"How's she?" A junior asked.

"She's fine but she twisted her leg. They are fixing the leg now" Nana said, another scream rented the air.

"So who'll run for us now? You know she's also running the one thousand five hundred meters race" Tola said.

"Can't you do it?" Nana asked

"Ehn? Do wetin? I don't have stamina oo, tell Majiri to do it"she retorted.

"I can't do it, I'm doing eight hundred already"

" So what should we do now? Who will run the race now? It's endurance and its meds are the highest, we can't afford to lose that race!" Daniel shouted.

"What about Simi? Why can't she do it?" Tola said. I glared at her. What the hell was she saying, did I say I can run?

"Do what? I can't run. Have you ever seen me run?"

Nana looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Simi please. You are our only chance. You don't even need to run sef, it's endurance race, just jog"

"Nana I can't. I don't have stamina for endurance. Ask the other senior girls to do it"

"They were not prepared for this-"

"So it is I that is prepared abi?"

"Simi" he called my name softly and held my hands, I raised an eyebrow at him. But to be completely honest his hands felt nice on mine. 

"Please. I know we are not friends and that we dislike each other. But please, we are in the same house, we have to put our differences aside and work together for the good of this house"

"Girl if it's to kneel down for you and beg, I will do it. Just ask me to do anything and I'll do it. Please , just run that race for us"

"Please" Daniel said softly. Everyone was staring at me with pleading eyes and hope.

"Senior Simi pleaseee!!" The juniors pleaded. I looked at all of their faces to Nana's pleading own and sighed.

"Fine, but if we lose don't blame me oo"  Nana smiled widely while Daniel shouted with joy.

"Don't worry, we won't" Majiri said and smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Thank you Simi, I owe you" Nana said and patted my back.

"I'm keeping it in mind " I replied him

I just hope I don't regret this.


Is just starting

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