𝟑𝟎- 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐞 .𝟐.

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This was dangerous.

I knew this plan was stupid the moment I asked her to stay over. Honestly speaking, I said it out of impulse. I thought she would disagree, I mean, which cautious girl would want to stay over at a guy who is not her boyfriend, best friend or brother's house without giving thought to it? But when she said yes, I felt glad.

Now here she was sitting at the edge of my bed, clothed in a T-shirt and shorts that barely covered her thighs. Thighs I had to literally drag my eyes from so I wouldn't look creepy. Trust me, if you saw those legs, you'll understand what I'm talking about.

Most times I had to tell myself Simi wasn't beautiful. I tried to picture her as an ugly, annoying girl who I loved fighting with right from forever. But now I couldn't, because I began to notice small, cute things about her. The way she smiled a lot when talking to the people she liked, the extent she'd go to help someone, her caring personality.... All these were masked up in the hard girl facade.

Let's not even go to the way she bite her lips sometimes...

"... Are you listening Nans? Anything wrong?" I heard her ask. I mentally face palmed myself. I had been so lost in thought, I forgot she was speaking.

"I'm fine. Please go on" I replied. She looked at me with concern. Her hair was wet so it plastered on her forehead. The way her doe eyes looked at me made my heart beat a bit too fast.

"Do... Do you want to confide in me now?" She asked softly.

"No" I replied, my tone coming out too sharp. She flinched and looked away. I mentally killed myself. Here was someone that wanted to help me and I was being a dick.

"Simi please don't be angry" I said again., hoping she'll forgive me.

"Never mind, it's alright actually. You are not comfortable with sharing it so I won't bother again" she said. I felt like a prick for hurting her feelings, but I didn't want, after the story, the look of pity I always detested.

"Simi" I whispered, wanting to hold her so tight but restraining myself.

"I'm fine, honestly speaking. It's your choice to talk or not." She replied and flashed me a smile. I felt it. I felt my stomach churn as I felt an army of butterflies swarm in. I distracted myself by looking outside the window, the day was dark as it threatened to rain. The wind began to blow too and I bet the room will get colder.

"Is your mum home?" She asked.

"Nah, she went out to get some things." I replied. She relaxed on the bed board and stretched her legs on the bed.

Nana, don't look....

Please don't look.

I didn't listen to my subconscious, I looked at her long legs and felt myself harden. She had long and sexy legs. Soon, my mind became filled with dirty thoughts of what those legs could do.

"... Hey!" She snapped her fingers in my face. I wondered when she got so close to me. Obviously she had been calling my attention to.

"Why do you keep zoning out? Anyways, what's on my legs? Why are staring at them like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like there's an insect there" she replied.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I was just thinking" I replied.

"You should stop thinking though. You are too young for that." She said, her voice laced with worry.

"I'll try to stop you know" I replied with a small smile. I so wanted to drag her to my laps and hug her close. I felt so close, so empty that I thought I would float. I needed human warmth to assure me that I was still human.

The rain started falling and my mind drifted to what we used to do then on rainy days. My dad would drag us all outside and play in the rain. Yes he was an adult, but he was like a child when he was with us. Whatever game we wanted to play, he would play it with us regardless of its childishness. My mum would watch us with a big smile and when my dad would asked her to come, she would grin and shake her head, claiming her hair was too expensive to waste. Dad would still drag her into rain anyway and we'll go inside the house soaking wet. Then he'll carry I, my three brothers and my sister on his back and 'fly' us to our bedrooms for our shower. Those were good times.

Good times lost.

All because of one mistake.

I didn't even realize I was crying till Simi was in front of me, calling my name, her face worried.



"Yeah?" I replied numbly.

"Why are you crying? Please stop crying or else I'll cry too. I can't stand watching you cry. Please" she said, wiping her tears with my thumb.

Where can you ever see a friend like this?

It made the tears rush out faster. The fact that my archenemy was the one supporting me and my ex was no where to be found made me cry harder.

"Please stop" she whimpered softly. From her face expression, I saw she was about to cry. And I didn't want her to cry. Not on my account. So I cleaned my tears and wiped hers.

"Please stop crying" she said softly, wiping her tears and wiping mine.

"Simi?" I croaked.

"Yes Nnanna? What do you want? Ask me anything"

"Can you.... Can you please..." I stammered, unable to finish.

"Go on" she prodded me.

"Can you please hug me?"

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