𝟑𝟏- 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐞 .𝟑.

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I would give anything to make this boy happy right now!

Looking at his pain stricken face, I felt like wiping the sadness off his face and replacing with a smile.

"Is that all?"

"Yeah I guess" he replied and swallowed. I came closer to him, so close that I could easily sit on his laps if I wanted to. But I didn't sit on them, rather I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly.

He smelt nice, of male freshness and vanilla. His arms wrapped themselves around my waist, my bare waist. Bare because the shirt I wore shifted up when I bent to hug him. Butterflies swirled in my stomach and I could barely hear myself breath because my heart was beating so hard and fast.

To make the torment worse, his hot breath tickled my neck. I was the kind of girl who was really really sensitive around the neck. And Nana's hot breath on my neck did a lot of things to me. I tried to steer my thoughts away from the naughty side to the good side. I tired to tell myself that our hug meant nothing, just to make him feel better. And that he wasn't really feeling my breasts that were squashed against his chest.

"Thanks Diana" he whispered. I swallowed twice and let go of him slowly. He looked a bit better, except for his light eyes that had gone a bit darker.

Maybe it was fluorescent?

"Uhm, do you...do you need anything else?" I questioned. It was dark now. I reckoned it was around seven pm.

"Something like?"

"I don't know, I'm asking you" I replied with a small laugh.

"Well...I don't know for now. But I'll tell you when the time comes. Right now, let's go eat cause I'm starving" he said. We both got down from the bed. Due to the never ending power supply in their house, it still felt like it was daylight.

Even though his mum wasn't around, there was a pot of piping hot fried rice in the kitchen with a big bowl of all sorts of meat. I salivated at the sight of the delicacy and my stomach started to preach.

"Are you that hungry?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Heat rise to my cheeks when my stomach grumbled louder this time.

"I'm starving bro. Abeg dish food fast fast" I replied so as to quell the awkward air around us.

"Okay okay, no bite me na" he replied with a chuckle. I felt glad and began to help by setting up cups and cutleries. I tried to remove the serviettes but they seem to be stuck. I struggled with it, hoping Nana won't notice.

"Need help with that?" He asked from behind me. He sounded very close. And I could scent his rich perfume around me. I stilled, not wanting to move backwards or else...

"The serviettes..I can't get them out" I replied.

"Oh, let me show you how you get them out" he said and held my hands. Then he helped me get the serviettes out. I didn't even care about the serviettes but about the fact that he was right behind me.

"Thanks" I mumbled and turned to face him. I couldn't meet his eyes so I contented myself with staring at my slippers. He used his thumb to raise my head to meet his eyes. His eyes were staring so deep into mine.

"Do you hate me?" He asked softly.


How could I hate him?

"No I don't" I replied honestly. His gaze flickered from my eyes to my lips. He licked his lips as he started at mine.

"Then why do you avoid staring at my face? Or am I ugly?"

Ugly Kwa?

Please you ain't ugly bro, don't even think of that...

"What? No! You are not ugly" I replied.

"Then why do you avoid staring at me?"

"I-I-I don't know. I'm not just used to it" I stammered slightly. He swallowed and leaned in slowly, every second felt like a thousand years.

He was finally going to kiss me!

I felt his hot, minty breath on my face and felt scared, I have never been kissed before and I didn't have any idea of what to do.

I closed my eyes tightly and felt his lips at the corner of my lips.

Gawd they were so soft!!!!

He stayed there for some time, before he removed his lips from the corner of my mouth. I was frozen, unable to move. His eyes were glazed.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that" he said softly.

"I-I...uh... nevermind" I stammered and shifted to my other foot. He moved away from me. The tensed air above us was still very much thick and as much as I wanted to quell it, I couldn't help but bask in the moment.

Nnanna Karl James just freaking kissed me!

Okay okay, so it wasn't a normal kiss. Just pressed his lips on the corner of mine that's all, but then, it still counted as a kiss right? And I saw the way he stared at me.

Could it be...maybe..that he likes me?

Simi calm down...you are just jumping to conclusions. What if he was just feeling the aftereffects of his breakup...

But still...

There was a forty percent chance he might like me right?

Right..there was.

"....Hey!" I heard him call, I snapped out of my daydream and blinked.


"You zoned out. I was asking if the food was enough"

"Oh, uhm yeah" I replied and awkwardly took my food and left the kitchen to the dining. He sat far away from me and for some mundane reason, it hurt a lot.

I trained my eyes on my food, silently eating. Once I glanced at him and I saw him staring at me. I looked away and continued eating, feeling his gaze on me.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"No, why?"

"You are quiet. Too quiet if you ask me. You can speak if you want, there's no one to eavesdrop" he said. I dropped my spoon and stared straight at him.

"What happened back there?"

He hesitated before replying.

"Uhm, nothing"

"Nothing? You trying to kiss me was nothing?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Look, uhm...I don't really want to talk about this."

For another mundane reason, I was angry.

"You know what? You don't want to talk about anything. I'm trying to help but you aren't letting me. I can't help you if you won't let me. I don't really feel like eating anymore, thanks for the food and please excuse me" I said and stood up to go. He stood up and followed after me.

"Simi" he whispered.

"Please. Please don't... leave. I'm trying to hold myself together now but it isn't easy. Just wait a little okay?"

I looked at him for a while. He looked stressed...too stressed  for my liking. I sighed.

"I'm not leaving you. I'm just trying to help you get better, but you are being...stubborn about it."  I replied. He held my hand and covered it with his.

"I'll tell you. I promise, just not now" he replied. The bell rang and I went to open it. When I did, I gasped.

Three very handsome guys were staring right at me.

Sorry for late update. Been veryyyy busy.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter? Vote, comment and share!!!

Also, there's a second one, please swipe up.. thanks 😗🤝🏻.

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