𝟐𝟕- 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞?

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Hey guys, I want to recommend a very wonderful book to you.

"The girl in me"  by Empieluv Honestly the book is fantabulous! Interesting and funny.



I was so fucking stupid!!

How could I have betrayed myself like that??

I kicked the chair aside as I walked in the school field. My heart was beating so fast I thought it would burst!

In all my years, in all of my seventeen years, I never knew that I would be attracted to Simi. Simi! Simi!!!

I mean, that's the girl that was practically my arch enemy, my sole rival, the only person I loved making angry in the whole of my life! Making her miserable made me happy! But it didn't.

At least not anymore.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I immediately picked it up thinking it was my mum, but it's an unknown number. I picked it up anyway and placed it in my ear.

"Nana" I said boredly


My eyes widened as I brought the phone to see the caller. It was an unknown number but yet...

"Who is this?"

"You know me Jordan. I'm the only one that calls you that name"

I was still confused. My mum sometimes called me Jordan but it was on very rare occasions. The only person that loved calling me Jordan was my dad and he was....


My dad.

My dad?

How the fuck did he get my number??

Anger began to sleep into me as oil into water. I wanted to cut the call and block the number, but curiosity made me place it back in my ear. At least let me give the asshole a listening ear.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"Please, I'm begging you to forgive me. I'm pleading with you. I know I made a dumb mistake then but I've learned my lesson now. Please"

I laughed bitterly, the man was lucky my brothers weren't home. If not, they would make sure he leaves with one of his body parts missing.


"Please Jordan, show me mercy. I'm begging you. I miss your mum, I miss us. Please"

"I am showing you mercy father, by not telling Kam, Nonso and the rest. You know what they can do abi? I'm sure Amanda doesn't even want to see your shadow."

I heard the man gulp.

"C-can't you convince them?"

"You are joking right? What the fuck are you asking me to do, defend you? I'm certainly not doing that. And please stop calling me Jordan, you've lost that right."

" But Jo-"

In anger, I cut the call. The sun was burning hot so I sat down under the shade and relaxed my head on the wall. For years I always wished my father would come back and make our family happy and complete again, I prayed for it every night. But now that he was back, I didn't have the joy to take him again.

I shut my eyes and thought of those times we used to have fun. How we had water fights almost every night. My dad used to ambush us all the time and had water guns in his wardrobe. He'd attack us and leave us gasping for revenge. I remember how my mum would complain about the wet floors and how we were going to mop it. But then, dad would give her a Charming smile and she'll calm down. Those times brought tears to my eyes.

It made me realize that I really missed him. And no matter what he did, I didn't have the strength to hate him bitterly like I used to. But I wasn't going to forgive him again. I'm not sure I could do that.


I opened my eyes to see Simi looking down at me with a concerned expression in her face. Her loosed hair was packed into a bun with little strands over her face. I fought the sudden urge to stand up and touch them.


"Are you fine? What are you doing here all alone? Why aren't you in class?"

"Ah ah, Which one do you want me to answer first na?"

"Sorry" she said and blushed. "But are you alright?"

Was I alright? No! But I didn't want her to worry or show me pity or something.

"Yes. I'm fine" I lied. The eyebrow she raised told me she didn't believe what I said but she didn't push it anyway. She sat down beside me and looked at the field. The silence around us was not awkward, but the kind of silence that says everything but yet speaks nothing.



"Who are you?"

I stared at her in confusion. What did she mean by that question?

"I don't understand"

"Who are you Nana? Who's the real you?"

I kept quiet. I didn't know the answer myself. I didn't know who I was. To some I was snobbish and arrogant, to some I was a hero, to some I was a villain. People's perspective of me have blinded my own perspective.

"I don't know. Honestly I wish I knew but I don't" I replied genuinely.

She sighed.

"What are we then?"

What's with this girl and her questions?

"Like, what are we, friends? Or something else?"


She looked at me, something flashed in her eyes but in a second it was gone.

"Oh, yeah that's right." She mumbled and looked away again. She looked almost sad, I felt like I had failed the most important test in my life.

"About your dad, do you want to tell me about it?" She asked.

"I will. I'm not ready yet."

"But you can talk to me oo, I won't blabber of that's what you're afraid of."

I chuckled and shook my head. She was so wrong about that. I didn't want to tell her because she was a blabber mouth or whatever. I just don't want the pitying look, I hated that.

"I know Sims. I know. I'll tell you when I'm ready I promise" I said and smiled at her. She smiled back and I felt something churn in my stomach. God I so wanted to kiss her badly.

"I even want to tell you something sef, it's about Kathy."

I frowned


"Yes. I want you to warn her Nana. She's getting on my nerves and I won't hesitate to show her pepper. I'm only giving her a chance because of you, so please warn her" she said. My frown increased. What exactly had Katherine done to Simi to make her angry like this?

Idiot, you are supposed to be defending your girlfriend!

"What did she do?" I asked. She opened her mouth to talk but got interrupted by someone's voice.

"Oh Nana!!! Where are you?!"

Speak of the devil....

Nana, Simi..... y'all should get ship names for these guys oo😗

Who else is fed up of Kathy abeg?😑🙄 I am.

Do you think Nana will confide in Simi? And do you think maybe what they feel is just friendship?

Please don't forget to try out my friend's book "The girl in Me" by Empieluv Honestly the book is Wonderful. I've tried it myself.

Vote, comment and share!!!!😗🤎💜💜

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