𝟐𝟑• 𝐌𝐫𝐬 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬.

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Nana led me through the crowd of sweaty and excited students to the parents section. I was nervous because I've never seen his mother before nor his father.

"Mum" he said gently. A fair woman with the most beautiful face I've ever seen. She had grey-blue eyes like Nana and curly hair. She also had his lips.

They were sensual.

I had to swallow three times because I felt intimidated in her presence. She reeked of wealth and class- not just any wealth, I'm talking old money wealth here.

She smiled at Nana. When she did that, wonderful dimples curved at her cheeks. She was really an epitome of beauty.

"Karl, so you have finally come to me. I thought you were going to stay there till the end of the sports now" she said.

Nana rolled his eyes slightly.

"C'mon mum, I was participating. Didn't you see me run?"

"Oh I did. I did too well. You were like flash you know, that flash in all those movies you guys watch" she said, moving her wrist lazily.

"Meet my friend mum. She was the girl that took second in the endurance race" Nana said and moved so she could have a better view of me. I gulped as she focused her eyes on me. She gave me a once over and smiled


"Hello dear! So you are that girl that ran the race? I'm so proud of you! And you are in my son's house too!"

"Uhm, yes ma. Good afternoon ma."

"Please call me Keira. What's your name?"

"Simi m- Mrs Keira. Similola Adams"

"Adams? That name sounds very familiar" she replied with a thoughtful face.

"My mum is the one that designed your clothes Ma. Mrs Adams?"

"Oh you mean Helen? So you are even her daughter? I can see her in you. You look very beautiful. I'm glad you are Nana's friend and not that horrid Nigerian girl with the yeye British accent"

"Mum! That's my girlfriend!"

"So? Abegi! Find a better lady. Maybe Simi" she added with a smirk. Nana face palmed himself while I blushed at her compliment.

"We have to go mum. It's time to announce the winner of the competition and we must be there. See ya later!" He said that and took my hand so we could go to the arena. His hand felt warm and soft and I began imagining on how it will feel against my bare skin.

Brain stop!

"See you later darlings! And Simi, try to visit us one day. I would like to know more about you okay?" She said to me.

"Yes ma!" I replied and got dragged to the arena.

"My mum likes you" Nana mused. I shrugged and looked away.

"Maybe it's because my mum is her personal designer " I replied.

"No Simi, it's because you are likable. That's why. You might have mouth, but damn you are likable" He said in a low voice. I looked at him with surprise, shocked at the way his voice pitch turned tad lower.

"I-I...but you don't like me" I stammered.

"Who said?" He said and smirked.

He gave me an intense look that nearly cut my breath. His fingers entwined with mine and the noise in the field seemed to have disappeared. Then he sighed softly and looked away.

"They are waiting for us, let's go" he said. My heart was pounding fast. I didn't know why I was reacting like this to him or why he was acting the way he was. It was weird but yet it was exhilarating!

"Guys oya oo, they want to announce the winner. I hope we carry second or third this year" Daniel came to them and said.

"I hope so too oo" I replied.

"We are not going to waste time in announcing the results of the 2022/2023 Biannual Interhouse Sport of Golden Trinity Academy. The houses are going to be called in their order of position."

Nana held my hand tightly.

"The House in third place had a total score of 255. And that house is Green house!"

Green house members were happy and their captain went forward to collect their Bronze cup and medals. I smiled, there was hope for us. Even if we took second, it was still something.

"The House in second place had a total of 311. And that house isssssss.......!"




I could see them on everyone's face.

"Red House!"

Immediately we heard that, our faces became dissapointment personified. We didn't win this year. The only houses left was Blue house and ours and I was sure that Blue house would win. Nana sighed and squeezed my hands softly and let go.

I was dissapointed in myself. If only I won the endurance race, maybe we would have been second or third. I felt like I had let my house down, but I did.

"Now we want to announce the winner. The first position who had a total of 500 points! And this House is no other house but....!"

"Yellow house!!!!!"

There was silence. Silence so thick you could feel it. I felt like I was in another universe, probably opposite universe where everything that happens there is opposite as to here.

Then we screamed.

We won! Oh the joy! Daniel shouted like a maniac and jumped so high into the air, you would think he was trying to fly. I jumped too...I jumped on Nana and hugged him like he was my lifeline.

"We won! We won!" I shouted repeatedly. Nana shouted too, his deep voice echoing in the field.

I got down from Nana and followed him to collect our Cup. Our Golden Cup. For the first time in a very long time, we broke the curse of yellow house being the losing house.

As the Principal and other guests and dignitaries congratulated us and placed our medals on our necks, I felt on top of the world. I felt like I had achieved the greatest thing.

I felt proud of myself.

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