𝟐𝟒- 𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧.

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Heyy! Here's another sweet update for youuu!!

I want to dedicate this chapter to a lot of people @Empieluv 1507ANN and Desi0725, I owe you guys so much!😗😩😩😩😩😩

And because I'm feeling so happy, I'm dropping this chapter 😌


After the Interhouse Sports, we had a three day holiday, that is from Friday to Monday. Since we left the school, mum hasn't stopped questioning me about Simi. She teased me endlessly about me liking her and stuffs like that. To my surprise, I didn't vehemently deny that, just denied with with a laugh.

The doorbell rang. I dropped the book I was reading and went downstairs. Normally opening the door for visitors was Kam's job, but since he left for school, I've been the only one home.

The doorbell rang again, this time with impatience. Wondering who it would be because no one in my class (except Simi of course) knew my house. I opened the door wide.

And nearly fell.

No....no it can't be.


The anger, the hot anger that rose to my chest when I saw his face. The demon that ruined my family! The man that nearly destroyed my mum. Seeing his face after four years made me so angry, I nearly exploded with it!

He hadn't changed. He looked even cruel than before. And as much as I hated it, I looked like him a lot. I knew it hurt my mum, the fact that she saw him in me every day was excruciating for her. I wondered how she would react if she saw him.

"Hello son" he said calmly

"Don't you dare call me that! What the fuck are you doing here? Your hoes aren't good enough for you anymore?" I spat in anger.

"And who are you to speak to me like that? I'm your father!" He yelled. Oh, the old hot temper was still there, I thought bitterly.

"Father my foot. You ran away with your mistresses for four years, FOUR YEARS DAD! And you still have the audacity to come here? What, to kill my mum with heart break abi?" I shouted.

"Karl what's going on? Who are you shouting at? Who's at the door?" I heard my mum ask from upstairs.

"Get out" I told him with dangerous calmness.

"Nnanna pl-"


"Will you just let me explain?!" He yelled back, looking at me with pleading in his eyes. Four years ago, I was him. Pleading, begging, crying my eyes out for him not to leave because I loved him, I loved us. But now four years after, all my love for him has vanished.

Suddenly my mum came behind me.

"Nana I've been hearing your voice from upstairs, what is going-"

She froze when she saw him.

We all froze.

Her mouth was slightly opened and I could see the shock, fear, surprise and pain in her eyes when she saw him. Her breathing came out is short pants and I began to fear and moved closer to her in case of anything.

"Jayden" she whispered and fainted.

"Keira" he said softly and tried to touch her but the glare I sent at him was enough to get him away from her.

"Don't touch her. You don't deserve that"

"But she's my wife" He said weakly.

"Wife my foot" I hissed and carried her inside.

"Janet! Janet!!" I screamed the maid's name and placed my mum on the couch. Janet ran in with surprise and fear in her eyes.

"Yes sir?"

"Get me a bowl of water and a face towel. And tell Musa to get that fucking asshole out of my house." I said. She stood there, frozen to the spot, not moving.

"Are you deaf? C'mon get out of here and do what I asked you to do!" I shouted angrily at her. The girl ran and did my bidding. I understood why she was surprised. I've never lost my temper like this and it was obviously surprising to her.

All because my father had to show up.

I will deal with him later, for now I have to concentrate on reviving my mum.

Janet brought the bowl of water and face towel and handed them to me with trembling hands. I took them from her and started reviving my mum to conciousness. I dipped the face towel in the cold water and pressed it against her face.

Come on mum, wake up!


Mummy please!

Slowly she opened her eyes and stared at me. She stared at him unblinking.

Then one tear rolled down her cheek.

Another one.

And another one.

"Nnanna" she said hoarsely.

"Yes mum I'm here" I replied.

"You father is back? Was I dreaming or was it real? Did I really see him?"

Oh the pain I felt.

"Yes it was real." I said with pain in my voice. Seeing her in so much pain made me want to go kill that man. I wished I could transfer all of her pain to me so I could help her bear it.

But I couldn't.

I couldn't!

Tears blurred my vision but I blinked them away.

"Where is he?"


"Where is he?!"

"Mum I told him to leave. We don't need him anymore."

"Please call him back. Please. I-I..." She stammered.

"I need to him"

I stepped away from her and shook my head vehemently.

"No. NO! You can't see him, after what he did? Mum please, think about what you are doing. This man left us four years ago!" I pleaded with her.

"Nana please" she sobbed softly. "I need to see him"

I felt helpless and useless. I hated him and myself for not being able to do anything. My chest felt like heavy lead. I watched her as she cradled her face as she cried. I just stood there like a moron, staring at her with tears in my own eyes.

Father why?

Why did you come back?


In silence filled with pain, I slowly walked upstairs to my room.

And then....

I cried.

For the first time in four years.

Oh my God! I really feel for Nana here. Our baby boy is going through issues and he needs someone to talk to.😭😭😭😔

Who else is wondering what Nana's father did?

How many siblings do you think Nana has?

See you next time, hold tight for Nana's sake and offer him words of comfort. Trust me, he will see it.


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