𝟒𝟐- 𝐀𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭

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After Alice and Simi left the class, I felt my legs move to follow them. But Jidenna pushed me back with anger in his eyes.

"Don't even think about it. Don't let me see you around or else I'll kill you got that?" He threatened. I swallowed, unable to even shoot back a retort. The whole class was staring at me with different expressions on their face. Everyone was disappointed, even Melinda that hated Simi with all of her guts.

"Oh God! The way she cried. I live for that expression. It was so enjoyable" Katherine laughed.

"Shut up Katherine! You are a witch! Even I have not been wicked to Simi like that!" Melinda shouted. Soon the class started hurling insults at Katherine most especially Daniel, Israel and Success.

"Bro" I looked up to see the frowning face of Dami. Obviously he was disappointed in me too.

Ah My life.


"Let's go somewhere private so we can talk" he said flatly. I gulped and followed him. I found myself in a garden with him. I could actually see the lagoon from where we were. I've never been here before.

"I didn't know this place existed" I said in awe looking at the beautiful water.

"I know. It's off bounds but no one will know. I don't get what happened back there, Simi likes you? You showed her signs and all? What the fuck is going on? I've been trying Alice's number but she's not picking my call. I don't like seeing my sweetheart pissed..."he trailed off.

I sighed.

Then I told him everything.

And I mean everything.



Two days later...

"Babe... Are you not gonna eat?" Alice asked worriedly.

"Nah, today is Saturday. I don't eat much on Saturdays" I lied. The look she gave me told me she wasn't buying my lie.

"Similola, I can't stand you like this. You are hurting yourself even more!" She blurted.

"Alice I'll be fine okay? Besides, I'm not hurting anymore. He doesn't like me so there's no need to keep on trying" I said sadly. I swallowed the pain that rose in me.

"Aww babe. I can't believe Nana did this to you" she said and hugged me tightly.

Alice stayed for a while before she left for home. I was left in the house alone. Mum and dad attended a function while Funmi was out with her friends.

Jidenna wasn't online so there was no one to talk to. The only person I would have talked to was my enemy now. I didn't have too many contacts on my phone so there was practically nothing to do and no one to talk to.

As I closed my eyes, memories of I and him flashed in my head. His smile, his smirk, the way his eyes lit up when he laughed or the way he looked when he was doing something important.

Or the way he cared.

My heart started beating very fast and it hurt so bad that I felt liquid running down my cheeks. Before I knew it, I burst into tears and started sobbing bitter, hard sobs.

"Simi I'm home oo. Where is- Jesus! Simi!" I heard Funmi scream as she ran to me. I couldn't stop myself from crying. I felt pathetic and like a fool. Imagine crying for a boy that never liked you. It sounded weak.

But that was who I am, weak, soft hearted and emotional.

"Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying?" She asked with concern.

"Funmi.." I cried and hugged her tightly.

"Shhhh baby, just calm down and tell me what's wrong"

Then after taking in a deep breathe, I told her everything.



"You can do this Simi. Just go in there and pretend like nothing happened alright?" Jidenna said when I met him in front of the school. He greeted me warmly and apologized for not staying with me. I understood and forgave him.

"Alrighty, let's go" he said. And then we started walking in. When we got to class everyone was staring at us with surprise. Obviously they were surprised.

"Simi!" Success screamed and hugged me. I laughed in delight when Israel and Daniel bounced on me.

"We missed you!" They chorused.

"Aww I missed y'all too." I replied with a grin. My eyes were searching for him unconsciously but I didn't see him.

"He's not in school yet" Success said softly.

"Who said I was looking for him?" I asked dryly.

"Come on Simi, no matter how hard you might try to deny it, you might not want to associate with him anymore but you know deep down you still feel something for him" she said and smiled.

"I... don't...I'm working on getting rid of them" I stammered.

"Bad luck with doing that" she said and walked away. I swallowed and went to my seat. Luckily for me, that devil wasn't in school either.

"Simi!!!! You came!! My love I missed you!!" I heard Alice scream as she jumped on me. I laughed and hugged her tightly.

"Babeee, you saw me on Saturday nau. Am I now that important?" I teased.

"You are too important jawe. I'm glad you are in a good mood." She said with a bright grin.

"I'm glad too" I replied. Her phone rang and I saw My sweetie boo✨😍😘❤️💓🔥  as the ID caller. I immediately knew who it was.

"It's Dami, he has been calling since Thursday. I don't pick his calls though. His best friend hurt you" she pouted.

"Ah ahn come on, talk to him. It's not his fault. Besides he was clueless, it was written all over his face" I said to her. I didn't want anything to happen between Alice and Damilola because of my stupidity.

"Are you sure? Will you be okay with that?" She asked, looking at me worriedly.

"Yes na. Extend my greetings to him sef. Oya call him sharp sharp!" I shooed. She laughed and dialed his number. Immediately, lover boy picked the call. While she went away to talk with him, I brought out my note to read when a shadow fell over me.

"Simi?" I looked up to see Nana standing before me, looking nervous as ever. Butterflies filled my stomach and my heart started beating fast. I paste on the most bored look ever and stared blankly at him.


Na wa😥😒 things are not going too well between Nana and Simi. I hope they don't break up oo. Who agrees with me?



Simi: I don't think he likes me so what's the point?😥

Me: Please just hold on abeg😥🔥😘 everything will be fine.

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