Cp.23 Troublesome Womens...

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Naruto pushed shikamaru down to the battle field 'damn that naruto..' he thought of staying in bed was better but guess that won't happen the crowd start throwing trash at him that made y/n angry "HEY! DON'T THROW STUFF AT HIM!" she yelled throwing the trash on them while yuna hold her back "what? you're giving up too?" temari asked .

'That kid has had zero fighting spirit from the beginning...' asuma thought 

"C'mon what is he doing?! ..shikamaru get it together and do it!" naruto yelled at him temari can't wait anymore from his laziness "if you don't come i'll go" temari run full speed to him "oi i didn't say start.." the proctor said shikamaru sighed "man that girl is so gung ho.." he pulled two kunai's while temari strike with her fan to her surprise he no longer there but above his knifes "it doesn't really matter if i become a chunin or not but there's no reason why a man should lose to a women ..well let's do it" he smirked much not like temari who open her fan and waved it but he vanish again 'i thought his too lazy to even left a finger .. now fast' yuna hold some chips .

'Nor any reason why a man should rough up a women but i don't want to be roughed up either..' hiding behind tree , shikamaru don't want to mess with women or fight one like gentelman he is some time his annoyed but with y/n his much chill he sighed 'why do i have to fight women am i cursed?' .

"shikamaru! you get her with a torrent of 16 combination!" ino cheered kicken and pulled fist "mind if i sit here?" ino glance at  her teammate choji who's moshing chips "ah? your stomach okay?" he hummed as answer placing bag of snaks beside him "hm? wasn't sasuke's match next?" choji asked ino gasped and hushed him looking back to sakura in her deppresed mode " everything is fine! right sakura after all it's sasuke right?" trying to cheer her up but no use she's overly fangirl deppresed for sasuke "go! shikamaru!" .

'I envy a cloud being so free..i guess i pretty much am completely without desire ..even the reason why i became a ninja.. can't stop thinking about y/n..i thought i would have fun life ya know ugh focuse ' gazing at the h/c girl who wink at him, he stand up smirking " ninja art wind scythe jutsu!" temari said waving her fan when her attack stop she saw shadow crawling she moved away as much away from the shadow .

"i see shadow possession jutsu  i've seen that true identity evidently there's a limit to the streching and shortening, changing shape of the shadow no matter how much you change the shape of the shadow it can only span up to the size of your onw shadow, that's right?" temari stated shika only chuckles "your right" y/n smiled 'never let them know your next move' temari used her fan to meager the distance between her & shika who gazed at the sky then use his habit he do not hand sign he's working on strategy "looks like you've got some fighting spirit now.." temari said waving her fan again "it's pointless to hide how long are you gonna stay like this?" waving once again she didn't expect kunai thrown to her and also the other way so she shield her self from it using her weapon , almost got distracted when the shadow crawl to her 'no wait close call!' on time she jumped back got little close there shika .

"so you were dragging your feet to wait for the sun to set.. in order to make the surace of your own shadow larger by stretching the shadow line of the wall" shikamaru humphed at her " still he got more" y/n said naruto gazed at her counfsed "temari up!" kankuro called for her , the jacket floating holding kunai helpt shika to stratch his shadow more following temari .

'Once i notice the parachute from above i'll take my attention off from my feet that's sneaky trick to catch me off guard' temari thought sessfuly dodgeing his trick, she moved her fan in front using her plan of clone jutsu once his shadow is gone "alright ..clone ju- no way my body is.." y/n laughed "what's funny n/n-chan?" naruto asked "look close more naruto you will know" yuna replied naruto gazed again then nodded "i see!" 

"At last shadow possession jutsu is a success"  


Choji start eating chips rather obnoxious "i'll let you take a look behind you" turning his head showing her the hole naruto made in his last battle "he just dragged her where he want so he can use it" naruto mumbled "damn right you are naruto! all this trikes just to fall in the trap" y/n said .

 Shikamaru walked up so dose she 'my body is moving on it's own i can't resist it' now standing in front of each other everyone watching closely what is his next move "yes you did it!" naruto cheered while choji still eating fast , please slow down the food won't run away that what my ant say

 Shikamaru walked up so dose she 'my body is moving on it's own i can't resist it' now standing in front of each other everyone watching closely what is his next move "yes you did it!" naruto cheered while choji still eating fast , please slow dow...

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 resin both hands "good grief .. i give up" everyone dumfounded by this even naruto "say what?!" shisui yelled .


" See i told you he'd give up " choji sighed now that his belly is full " ino doesn't know anything about shikamaru" .

"W-what did you say?!" temari asked "i've used too much chakra from shadow possession jutsu in rapid succession i can't hold it another 10 seconds i thought of the next trick 200 times but i'm out of it this has become such a drag..why the womens are trublesome " leaving her stund .

'That guy is a strange one..'  he sighed "the winner is temari"

"Like i said never let them know your next move!" y/n crossed her arms naruto huffed at his friend giving up the battle "wired kid..but also smart " tobirama said .




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