Ch.6: Confrontation

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Peeta's laundry room has been a sanctuary for me. It's small, warm, and dark most of the time which helps. I don't know what came over me when I kissed him.. I just... God why am I such an idiot.

I run past the crowds of people into he victors' village. Not once do I glance over at Haymitch who is tending to his geese. I walk in, slam the door, and curl up in a ball in the laundry room.

I fiddle around with my back pocket until I find it, my pearl. I slowly place a kiss on it to slow my unsteady breathing. Then I realize it. I love him. I'm completely head over heels in love with the boy with the bread. I am totally in love with the bakers' son.

I'm on the verge of a panic attack when I begin to think of all the hell I've put him through. He loved me. He did. That Peeta is gone. The Peeta I took for granted to always be there and love me. How could I be so selfish and give him nothing in return. It's so idiotic to think he'd actually love me back. My breath starts to hitch and I begin to hiccup through the tears. I can't breathe. My lungs feel like someone has set them aflame. Not even the pearl can help me now. I gasp for the oxygen I know is around but still nothing comes. I begin to violently shake and all I can feel is the burning of my lungs and the warm tears stinging my face.

I barely notice that the front door opens and shuts. I hear muffled foot steps. "Katniss, where are you?" I hear Peeta say with concern in his voice. I try to speak but the only thing that comes out is a mangled squeal. "Katniss." he stops in the doorway and rushes to my side. "It's okay. You're okay. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you. Katniss," he places his forehead against mine, "you are going to be okay."

With that I began to breathe. Peeta's forehead still glued to mine. My lungs begin to fill with oxygen, but I only cry harder. Peeta places my head on his chest and begins to rub my back slowly. "Shh. Katniss, I'm here. I won't ever leave you. You don't ever have to talk about that kiss if you don't want to. I can pretend like it never happened." He says with a pang of hurt in his voice. I look him dead in the eyes with my own red puffy ones, "What if I don't want to forget."

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