Chapter 27: Scared

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Pregnant. Three Weeks. I can't do this. I can't take care of a kid. I- I'm not ready. I hurry up and throw the stick in the side of my boot and take off. I pass Johanna on the way out. "Hey, Brainless, what'd it say?" She jokes. I don't respond, instead I continue out the door. I'm feeling a rush of emotions and so many different thoughts race through my head. 

Johanna doesn't push it but I just keep running. I already know that I'm going to the lake in the woods. I run until I get there tears slipping out of my eyes and flowing with the wind. I make it to the cabin and go in. It smells of cedar wood and home. I lie down on the couch and cry until I eventually become numb. I'm scared. I couldn't even protect my sister and now a child? Peeta is going to be ecstatic but maybe I just need some time to let this all sink in before I tell him and he gets extremely happy. 

I don't know when I'm going to tell Peeta, but I don't think it'll be any time soon. What if I lose the baby? How will I feel? Eventually I sit up. I place my hand on my belly, "I'm sorry that I won't be able to protect you." 

I decide to head home because it's around the time Peeta gets off. Time to shrug it off and act like nothing happened. I go to the fire place that's filled with ashes and bury the pregnancy stick under there. 

On my way home, I stop and admire the primroses that Peeta planted. I walk in and to my surprise Peeta was already in the kitchen making soup and cheese buns. I won't lie it smells delightful. 

"Hey Kat, where did you go?" Peeta says. "Oh, um, nowhere really. I just went hunting. There wasn't much out today and what I did catch I gave to Greasy Sae." I lie. "Well, that's nice. I made you some dinner." He says then swings around and kisses me on the forehead. "Thank you." I say. 

We eat dinner and afterword I am physically and emotionally exhausted. I can only imagine the nightmares that will haunt me tonight considering there is a fetus inside of me. 

A/N Im so stressed out with school you guys, so sorry for the long wait and short update. I will try to write more. Don't forget to comment telling me what you guys think or are anticipating because that motivates me to update. Oh and Don't just view, like it too! Love and Pizza! 

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