Ch. 26: Love Sick

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 I wake up from what feels like a never ending nightmare and go to the bathroom as quickly as I can. I feel like I'm spinning and as soon as I make it into the bathroom I'm throwing up. The acidic taste leaves my throat burning and I hear Peeta rush into the room. 

"Peeta, I don't want you to see me like this." I say leaning on the toilet. "You're beautiful no matter what Katniss. Here I'll lay you back in bed and make you some soup if you feel up for eating." He says picking me up bridal style. He lays me on the bed then heads downstairs to make some soup. He is amazing. 

I never throw up spontaneously. I decide to call Johanna. "Hey, Jo, it's Katniss." I say. "What's up brainless." She replies. "I think I'm sick. I just threw up and I've been dizzy." I sigh. "I bet you're pregnant." She laughs. I freeze. I can feel my heart stop then speed up. "No, that's impossible." I whisper.  "So you and lover boy haven't hooked up yet?" She asks. "I mean... we have, but..." I trail off. "How long has it been since the first time?" She asks genuinely concerned. "Three weeks." I say. "You might want to buy a pregnancy test then." she suggests. "Can you buy it and I come over to your house in the victor's village?" I whisper. "The things I do for you. You owe me." Jo says. 

After the conversation ends Peeta brings me soup and we eat it together. "Are you feeling any better?" Peeta asks. "Yeah, a lot better, thank you." I say. "Do I need to keep the bakery closed for today or are you okay?" He plays with my hair gently. "Yeah, I'm good. I think I'm going to go hunting anyway." I smile. Peeta kisses me on the cheek then gets ready for work. 

As soon as he leaves, I dress like I'm going hunting and throw on my game bag so that way if anyone sees me they won't question it. I rush out the door. Every step I take my heart beats a little faster. I feel my blood draining from my face. Johanna opens the door. "To the bathroom, my lady." She says pointing. I nod. 

I go in and lock the door behind me. I take a deep breath and pee on the stick after opening it. Then, I wait for what feels like forever. Then it beeps. My breath gets caught in my throat. I can't look. I don't want children. I can't protect them. I can't handle them. I decide to turn my gaze from my scared reflection in the mirror to the pregnancy test that now has two lines on it. Pregnant. 3 Weeks. 

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