Ch. 13:I Don't Know

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I wake up discomforted with bags under my eyes. I slept wonderfully last night so I'm not sure why I'm in such a bad mood. Peeta sits up when he notices I'm awake. "What's wrong?" He asks concern in his eyes. "I don't know." I say because honestly, I don't. "What are you not telling me?" Peeta asks. "Peeta, I said I don't know." I say. I see Peeta getting agitated, "Kat, W-" He starts before I cut him off. "I don't know what's wrong with me, Peeta! Just leave me alone!" I yell. I see the hurt in his eyes, but he should've gotten off my case about it.

I jump up and throw on my jacket and some black boots. "Kat, where are you going in your pajamas?" he asks. "Nowhere." I say before grabbing my key to the house and walking downstairs and out the door.

It's early in the morning so there are no camera men outside. I still take off running. I like to run. Maybe I would even like to run away, but despite the fact I got mad at Peeta, I couldn't leave him.

After running for some time, I open the wooden door to the cabin. I close the door behind me and walk into the bedroom. I wrap myself in the sheets that still smell like my father. It's a comforting feeling, almost as if his arms are wrapping around me telling me it's going to be okay.

After shedding a few tears for the people I loved, I strip down to nothing. It's so freeing. I slowly step into the lake my skin glistening with the touch of water. Breathing in the crisp morning air as I further myself below the waters surface. I go under to release the stress from my face.

I hear footsteps as I turn around. "Katniss, I-" he says until he realizes that I'm naked and only the cool water covers me. My cheeks begin to burn. "You're so beautiful." he says. Tears burn in my eyes. Im not beautiful. I turn away until I hear someone breaking water. I snap around to see Peeta in the water too and can I just say that he looks absolutely gorgeous, but of course I can't see anything, like, private.

"Can you help me?" he asks. "Yeah." I say because I know his prosthetic leg. I guide him slowly to the water and after a while, he gets used to it. We do fun things like wrestle and splash each other. It's wonderful and feels like we are two people conjoined.

A/N HINT: she's not pregnant. If she was pregnant you guys would know. she just had a bad day LOVE YOU!

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