Ch. 29: A Nice Surprise

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"Haymitch!" I yell bursting through the door. To my surprise it doesn't smell like vomit and fermented fruit. The house smells like lemon and the wooden floors sparkle. "Um, Haymitch?" I say with confusion hinted in my tone of voice. I hear snickers coming from the living room. I walk down the hallway and see Haymitch actually smiling? I turn and see the familiar face I've come to know and love. "Katniss!" The squeaky voice says. "Effie, what are you doing here?" My face lights up. I almost didn't recognize her. Her straight blonde hair and blue eyes make her look younger. She's traded in the outrageous capitol fashions for a blue and gold flowy dress that is reminiscent of the ocean. She hugs me with a tight grip. "I came to see my boyfriend...  How are you?" She asks. Boyfriend? "I'm okay, Effie." I sigh. "What about you?" I ask. "I'm good now that I'm here with Haymitch. He's been sober for almost a month now! What a victory!" She smiles. 

"Well, since you're both here, I have something to say. Please don't overreact because I don't know how I feel about it exactly. I just- I- Um..." I stumble. "Well, Get it out." Effie says. "I'm pregnant." I say. I feel like I'm going to throw up. Effie's face turns into that of a child who got a puppy for Christmas. "Katniss, you should be happy."  Haymitch says. "If you ever need anything, we'll be here." He says kindly. It's weird seeing them both so happy, but it's a nice surprise. 

"Grandpa Haymitch and Grandma Effie! It'll be so cute!" Effie says. Woah I did not think this through. Maybe it won't be that bad after all. Peeta is great with kids and if I'm not good enough they have all this support from everyone else. 

Peeta is going to be thrilled when I tell him that I can do this. That we are going to be okay. I give Effie and Haymitch hugs and decide to walk to the bakery to tell Peeta. Being pregnant must've made my senses stronger because the air is very fragrant of the flowers on the side of the road. 

I walk into the bakery and to my surprise Peeta isn't out taking orders. I hear noises coming from the back. I look to see Peeta gripping the back of a chair. A flashback? I thought those had gone away? 

I decide to talk to him. "Peeta, it- it's Katniss." I say. His eyes are shut tightly and his jaw is clenched so hard I think he might break his teeth. "Go." He says. "No, I'm not going to leave you. I'm not going to do that. I'm here and our baby is here. Our baby." I say. As soon as I mention the baby his muscles relax and his eyes open. They have tears in them. "I love you so much and our baby." He says before kissing me with a passion like no other. Maybe things will be okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2016 ⏰

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